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STARTING SEASON 4 OF BETTER CALL SAUL AND UH./.…. I did not expect things to go this way.. I don’t know what to say but it’s definitely a crazy start to Season 4… 🥺😢💔

This really shocked me 😔

Please tell me what you guys thought when you watched this episode for the first time 🫠



Thanks 😊


It looks to me like Jimmy was trying to understand the entire time how Chuck could have done what he did especially after he seemed to be doing fine. Once Howard revealed the deal with the insurance, instead of Jimmy owning up to it, the "Saul" inside of him immediately deflected it back onto Howard. This second half of the show almost feels like the second phase with Chuck not around and things just continue to pop off from here.

Max Hassam

Even after multiple re-watches the post-intro opening to this episode always makes me well up. Chuck was clearly an incredible talent and it's such a shame how Jimmy becoming a lawyer + his divorce happening around the same time (which many tie to the onset of his condition) dragged him into a pattern of spiteful envy. Jimmy realises that his petty revenge is what started Chuck's final descent to suicide. But here's Howard, offering himself as the one at fault, and Jimmy opts to jump on it and suppress his guilt and grief. Jimmy McGill is a broken man at this point. I always assume Gus picked up on Nacho's scheme because who stops to pick up all the pills and put them neatly back in the container when their boss has just had a stroke? I think he deducted something was fishy from there, had him tailed & now knows what he did! Not good for Nacho! The Mike bits to this episode do give it some levity otherwise it might've been too much of a downer. Man is clearly not satisfied with just receiving a cheque for his own money haha. Looking forward to this season!


Prime Vicky tears and sniffles. Right there with you, Vee. ;_; tears won't stop... I'm not crying, it's the allergies. This was the episode I was most afraid to rewatch. I hadn't watched this episode since the house fire at my parents' place that took the lives of a few of my cats, and my dad passed away this year as well. Glad we could cry together at this.

Philip Isley

Buckle up, V. The ride only gets rougher. Thanks for continuing to post great content.


It's interesting, I never for a moment, after the season 3 finale, thought Chuck would be anything but dead. For me, it wasn't really a cliffhanger at all. From the whole episode as well as the three seasons of character development, it just made sense that he would die there and I never thought the show wanted to imply anything else. In some ways, Chuck had to die. It's necessary for Jimmy's transition into Saul. Also, small continuity tidbit, you remember when Chuck practiced that piece on the piano with his metronome? The sheet music showed that it was a piece called Sicilienne by Gabriel Fauré for cello and piano and it had Rebecca Bois written on it, implying Chuck and Rebecca used to play that together. That same piece was heard in this episode at Chuck's funeral.


Is it just me, or is it a little bit eerie we've ended mental health awareness month with the previous episode, and this episode? I've got some things I need to say about a certain scene in the next episode too; see you all then.


Here's my theories. Chuck didn't relapse until Jimmy came by to see him. Idk how long the time between when HHM kicked him out to when Jimmy showed up took but Chuck started feeling the pain again after he said that nasty line of not caring about Jimmy. I've had a theory that Chuck's condition is connected to his treatment of Jimmy and refusing to care more for him or let go of his resent of Jimmy. When he focused on himself, and not worrying about not giving Jimmy a lawyer position and not being taken cared of by someone he resented for years. He got better. It wasn't until after Jimmy left on that last visit that Chuck started feeling pain in his hands again. We weren't given any scenes of after leaving HHM and before Jimmy showed up of Chuck having any problems. Jimmy was disassociating hard this episode and once Howard took the blame, Jimmy felt relief but there is also the issue of that last line Chuck said to him. I think Jimmy is using these facts as a reason to let go of any guilt and any remorse for someone that never cared about him. Mike is too stand-up of a guy that he has to try to do 10grand worth of work as their new Security Consultant in order to not only legitimize the money laundering but also so he can feel like he earned it. Those are my guesses. lol


Ohh thought we had to wait for tuesday! Awesome


Holy shit yeah this is definitely one of the worst thing Jimmy did

Joe Lazarus

I think it's possible Jimmy realized what he did with the insurance wasn't what caused Chuck to go off the deep end. All Jimmy did was cost the firm more money, it was Howard who drove Chuck to full on depression. Some will say that Jimmy was responsible because of the insurance, but ultimately Chuck was responsible for his own life. And Howard was responsible for his reaction to the insurance scenario which lead to Chuck's decision. Chuck's illness didn't stop Howard from helping Chuck sabotage Jimmy in the beginning, so he could've continued backing Chuck instead of forcing him to retire. The show has been largely about both of them wanting Jimmy to live with the consequences of his actions; perhaps something clicked inside of him where now he wants them to be responsible for theirs. In many ways Jimmy was fulfilling Chuck's final request. Chuck wanted him to stop feeling regrets and just become who he really is. Jimmy can be regret free and eventually become Saul Goodman.

Donovan Sparks

Jimmy absolutely got closure from Chuck. Chuck's last words to Jimmy was "you never really mattered that much to me." How much more closure do you need than that?


Please watch Past Lives 🙂


God this show is so good.


I really believe jimmy feels so guilty about chuck, and him letting howard take the blame is his way of distancing himself from that guilt so he doesn't have to feel it.


The top part agree 100%, I though the same. The bottom part you beat me to it, maybe others did as well idk...


Christophe beat me to the funeral music point. I never thought Chuck would make it out of that. One, he really didn't want to, sadly. Two, this is BCS... Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould just don't DO dea-ex-machina-like stuff... I think the Mike scenes in this ep are a bit of relief from the heaviness of the A-story in this ep, and they were necessary. Mike is a hands-on guy whether he's calling out supervisors for sloppy work practices and security, or cleaning up the scene of a fatal drug overdose.... Did anyone else pick up that Mike was watching an Albuquerque Isotopes (minor league baseball) game, after the cabby in the Gene scenes had an Isotopes air-freshener on his mirror?

Kevin S

Any chance Mike told Gus about the pills? Mike knows about the pills. He knows how Gus feels about Hector. He told Nacho, "there are more people than just the Salamancas to worry about here." Doesn't seem like a Mike move to talk out of school but..... Just wondering.