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This episode really stood out to me in its message and honestly, visually. I feel like Avatar: The Last Airbender has such a kind, whimsical tone, yet has it's stern/moments rooted in realism and I feel like that really stood out in this one. 🥰 idk what it was about this episode, but it REALLY caught my eye 😊

I hope you guys enjoy~💖



This is a case of people jumping on bandwagons for the sake of being a blind follower to trends. Most people annoyingly do it because its "the norm" and to "fit in" Like hating on Nickelback, but if you ask most people why they dont like it, they cant give a convincing answer. Its a good episode, I enjoyed it like I did every episode so far. No complaints from me and ive seen this show 3 times now. People are just sheep and blindly follow the trend of hating things without actually thinking about it. Id ignore them. Different ≠ bad. More importantly, you enjoyed it.


I’m really not sure why so many fans consider this a bad episode, I always liked it. It’s a little silly but with a good message about putting aside differences to work together when necessary. I’m really happy you enjoyed it!


It's mostly because it's completely filler. It doesn't really progress the story and we never see these characters ever again. Plus the whole style of the episode is very childish, and feels more akin to something you'd see in a less mature episodic show. It's considered bad because it's being compared to the rest of an 11/10 series. In another show it would be a good episode.


its not that people hate it, its just that it was so overplayed on tv that its a running joke now.