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HI EVERYONE ❤️ SORRY FOR THE DELAYED POSTING (cause of that, we get two drops today 🥰) BUUUUUUT this movie was not what I was expecting at ALL - it had the same vibe as Robo-Cop and now I know why LOL this movie is a mix of campy, extremely gory, with a lot of cliché moments (on the surface...) but there is more to it and definitely sends a pretty clear message by the end LOL

This was not what I was expecting from this film and as upbeat and a fun watch as it is, it's kinda sad the more you think about the details 😭 EITHER WAY- it was an extremely fun watch and an insane movie with a really interesting concept that I enjoyed 🥰

I hope you all can enjoy it with me 😊


Inhuman Paradox

"I want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don't." - Paul Verehoeven There's literally people in this comment section failing to understand it still.


Rico didn't become a monster by the end he just accepted the fact that its us vs them. He fully integrated into the military life which is understandable since his family was killed.