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THINGS ARE UH..... getting TENSE to say the least 😭 seeing the dynamic shift into this... is crazy and I'm really worried to see what comes next.... 🥺

Thank you guys so much for watching - please let me know your thoughts and observations down below~! Thank youuu and I hope you have a wonderful day!! 😊


TJ Bigelow

What Jimmy said to Chuck when the cops came and got him, shook Chuck. That's why he changed his mind to offer the PPD instead of jail time. Chuck is too prideful but what Jimmy said made him think. You see how he almost broke when telling Hay that Jimmy has a good heart. He won't let it go but he thinks he thought of an alternative that will at least soften the punishment on Jimmy. Jimmy's best bet is to make Chuck think that Jimmy has no choice but to walk away from Chuck as his brother, forever. That Chuck is driving him away. Chuck thinks of himself as the good guy, the guy that deserves good things. If Chuck thinks for one minute that he made a massive mistake and he really is the bad guy, it would destroy Chuck. That's why Chuck is sick, I bet on it. Chuck didn't get sick until after he heard the Jimmy got his law degree online and went behind Jimmy's back to prevent him getting a job at HHM. Then Chuck got sick on a fake disease. A made up disease that only he, a brilliant problem solver and not in any way a medical professional, can manage. He subconsciously feels guilty for being the bad guy but his rational mind won't let him realize it. Subconscious guilt can manifest as pain. He knows his brother is right, but Chuck's pride refuses to let acknowledge it. Then Jimmy said he was going to die alone. And that reality sunk in. I've seen it before in addicts and in people having manic episodes, protecting their paranoia and pride, punishing others for imagined slights, giving ultimatums and pushing loved ones away, crossing the line on "tough love for their benefit" bs; then the solitude sets in, realizing they're alone now. No one will help them. No one will be by their side if they die. Chuck was cured for that brief moment him and his brother were working together on that case. Only after realizing what he just did (walk outside with zero pain), did he 'rationalize' it and that's when the imagined pain came back. Border patrol checks all commercial transport vehicles. Random checks are on civilian vehicles. All commercial vehicles have to be checked. That's federal regulations; FDA regs on consumables products, like Ice Cream from Mexico, lol. Its why we have weight stations all along the highways and interstates. All commercial vehicles hauling products must stop at least once in each state and be cleared. At the border, though, all commercial vehicles must stop and weight in before entering the country.

neez duts

I just had a thought this is season 3 episode 3. Chuck is trying to downplay the negative character of Jimmy by telling the authority that Jimmy has a good heart. In breaking bad season 3 episode 3 was I.F.T where after Skyler called the cops on Walt for "breaking in" she downplayed him saying that he hasn't done anything illegal even though he has!

Jim A

Chuck didn't want to take Jimmy's offer for Jimmy to stop practicing the law because Jimmy was offering to do so in exchange for something (I forget the specifics, but I think it had to do with Kim being stuck in document review). Under those circumstances, that could be considered a bribe, or something like that. Say what you will about Chuck, but he absolutely will not, under any circumstances, break the law. Now, he has Jimmy dead to rights, legally speaking. All he wants is for Jimmy to not be a lawyer. For Chuck, Jimmy being a lawyer is a perversion, something unholy, like having sex in church or something. He does love Jimmy, but he is also driven by jealousy, rage, pettiness, and a sense of vindictiveness. He'd be fine with Jimmy succeeding at anything else in the world, except the law.

Willow McPhie

I love glass brick walls. Such a vibe.


Chuck is a d bag. end of story. And that last shot, or any of the ones in the series like it, are poster-worthy imo. And a bunch of the wide shots too. Thnx V. Always enjoy your insights.