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Mental olympics that are coming from this show, and how I imagine the REST of the show is going to be like is going to be mind blowing (I think, i mean it already is) and the amount of logic/reasoning used is incredibly interesting

Safe to say, I like this show a LOT so far 😊 (you guys really spoil me with the best things to watch LMAO YOURE RUINING ALL OTHER SHOWS FOR MEEE (just kidding hehe))

I hope you enjoy, thank you for watching with me 😊 let me know your thoughts or any critiques on how I can make the experience more enjoyable 🥺 thank you 💮❤️


Dale Diaz

Fun fact about the times associated with the deathnote Vicky! 40 seconds is 40/60 of a minute, 40/60 = 0.666 repeating 6 minutes 40 seconds is 6.66 minutes Also, in Japan, 4 is considered an unlucky number because phonetically it's pronounced very similar to the word "death". That's why in Japan you'll notice they have elevator numbers like this: 1 2 3 F 5 6 7 8 etc... similar to how we don't have a 13th floor in america


When the boys season 3? 😔


I usually dont watch any anime, I started this and ATLA with you and I have to say I'm shocked how good these shows are so far. I am really enjoying them! I still don't know if I'm on L' side or Light's side. Its really difficult to reason with Light. But let's see!!


I lost it when u said "Oh, he can see his gamertag" lmao


You have a point but like the guy in meeting said crime rate or whatever is super low

Daniel Almeida

Vee, you said in the last episode that you had just read a philosophy book. Which book? Which? Which? Tellll meeee! 😭😭😭 Again, I'm watching the anime for the first time with you! And it's been super cool! 🥳🥳🥳 You said you understood the symbolism of the apple. I have my interpretation. I linked to three initially dissociated things. I'm going to say one word: temptation. 🤔 Do you want to talk about the apple first?


LOVE this series and love rewatching it with you! I wish the episodes were longer lol they are over so fast! even though i've seen it a few times it's taking all my power to not binge the whole thing again >.<