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THE DYNAMIC BETWEEN CHUCK AND JIMMY KEEPS CHANGING (OR UNCOVERING TRUE INTENTIONS??) I am in disbelief of how certain things are going down and ALTHOUGH I am UNHAPPY with one of the characters - I hope they're okay. 🥲🥲


TJ Bigelow

I have not seen the show before so none of this spoilers, just reasoning. I'm thinking Mike goes to try to find that Good Samaritan's body to give it a proper burial and maybe so their family can know their fate. Maybe even cover the costs of the funeral as an anonymous donor or something. What gets me about the Mike situation is that his daughter-in-law is playing him. We saw Mike sit outside her house all night then the next morning she calls him saying there were shooting throughout the night. I'm wondering if Mike's son was pressured by the daughter-in-law to take dirty money too; and that's part of the reason he got killed. Idk how much she is playing him but I don't like it. You're fine thinking the way you do about Chuck. He is an abuser. He is controlling (refuses to let Jimmy succeed in any way that he doesn't approve of), narcissistic (he is upset about his reputation, mind you), arrogant (doesn't recognize Jimmy's law degree because of the pedigree of the school he went to), and a hypocrite (he tried to entrap that clerk after he didn't get the response he wanted, a Jimmy tactic). Since Chuck is okay bending the rules when it means throwing his brother into prison for being embarrassed in front of clients, it means he doesn't have a problem with Jimmy's tactics. He has a problem with Jimmy. There is so much trauma between these 2. Chuck wants Jimmy punished, for everything, but will settle for this. Chuck wants Jimmy to suffer consequences because Chuck believes that Jimmy always gets away with everything. But we know Jimmy's life. Does it look like he gets away with everything? Chuck is the kind of guy that refuses to believe that there are multiple ways to achieve the same thing. Jimmy has the gift of gab, the silver tongue. Its no different than someone being born with great genes and goes through life getting far more than others because of their good looks. Or being born into a wealthy family. But because Jimmy sacrificed his time to care for Chuck for how ever long, means that Jimmy isn't as bad as first impressions would lead you to believe. Jimmy did the only thing he could for Kim, for people. He doesn't care about his reputation that much. He cares about results and helping people that struggle helping themselves. So he's a weasel, so he's a conman. Those people have a purpose in a society, too. They grease the wheels and open doors of opportunity. They always say to have an exit plan/strategy. Jimmy is the exit plan. People like Jimmy create exits. Exits for people trapped in a rigged system. Everyone argues over the method. Jimmy isn't even a conman anymore (except when Kim wants to get kinky). He sabotaged his brother, yes. His brother needed to drop a peg or 2, eventually. Waving his credentials around in front of a copy store clerk as if it gives him some kind of legal authority over people. Chuck's condition is psychosomatic and he refuses to treat it. Meaning he is repressing something and lying to himself about it. What we do know is that he is repressing something about Jimmy. I believe it has exactly something to do with the things Kim said to Chuck. Chuck wants Jimmy punished but dances around his own desires, covering them up with lawyer logic. Chuck rationalizes his desire with legalese. Only now, he has Jimmy committing a felony that, currently, can't be proven, and his reasoning is because he was embarrassed, professionally. How awful that someone with a massive case of psychosomatic delusion, that he is refusing to treat, slip up in a legal proceeding, one time, in front of a client that he personally couldn't stop himself from poaching from Kim. All because Kim joined up with Jimmy. He wants Jimmy to fail so horribly and to face the consequences, that he is going out of his way, ignoring his health, to entrap a clerk, just for one shred of hearsay against Jimmy. Now, I'd like to say that this incident should get Chuck into treatment, but his firm would probably step in and enable him even more, ...if it wasn't for the embarrassing moment, recently. These 2 things should be used to force Chuck into treatment. Probably not going to work that way, though.

Christophe Schannes

I've heard that opinion of Stacey quite a lot but I never really got it. I feel like it's a pretty harsh and cynical way to view her character. She only really starts asking Mike for help and money after he repeatedly offered it to her and she was hesitant about it for a long time. If she really was that manipulative, she wouldn't have shunned Mike for that long who clearly wanted a relationship with her and Kaylee. But she thought he wasn't being honest with her about Matty and the circumstances of his death (which he wasn't) so she didn't want to indulge him. Which seems pretty emotionally honest to me. I don't know, is it really "playing" him if she only accepts what he offers again and again? The one thing I'll say is that she's possibly being somewhat naive, maybe not wanting to see the truth because she never seems curious where Mike, a supposedly retired cop who works as a parking booth attendant, gets all that money from. And he already confessed to her that he was a dirty cop so she might go into this with her eyes open a bit more and start questioning how he gets all this money. But I think she's just extremely stressed. She's a recently widowed single mom, having to process her grief while caring for Kaylee and working (seemingly, based on her scrubs) as a nurse, which is itself a pretty stressful and quite low-paying job. So I tend to cut her a lot of slack. The scene with the supposed bullet-shots that never happened, honestly I just chock it up to some form of grief/PTSD and insomnia. I don't think she was lying that she heard the gunshots, she was just severely anxious and overstressed.


All the heavy stuff is discussed quite well and in enough detail that I needn't add my two cents about that. The car Mike was driving when he took down the truck doesn't matter. He got a beater car for the job - no paperwork or anything to tie Mike to it. Mike was back in his Chrysler that very day.

Joe Blankenship

What Jimmy did was dirty, yes. But Chuck went out of his way to take something away from Kim. Something he didn't even need. And Jimmy got it back. Meanwhile, Chuck has problems of his own that he refuses to address. He makes everyone in his life jump through hoops for him, because he's too proud to admit that he's mentally unwell.