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Hi guys! Happy tuesday! Hope you guys are doing great! It's BCS TIME!!!!!!!! Kim put in her resignation!!!!!!!! We're going to see how howard responds!! :)



Tim Martin

You are required to watch along with your own copy and synchronize the two. Netflix, for this particular show.

Jeffery Rowan

you need to watch your own copy (in this case Netflix) along with her. Use the picture-in-picture icon to pop out her commentary and position near/over the Netflix window and sync up with her when she gives the count down.

Jeffery Rowan

Kim always answers, "If you play your cards right," to Jimmy's, "See you later?" This last time, after turning Jimmy's offer down, she chuckles and says, "Yeah."

Max Hassam

I like this episode as it spells out a lot of the character motivations. BCS is great at "showing not telling" when it comes to character decisions and thought processes. How often do we have scenes with no dialogue of just the characters thinking to themselves? So much trust from the writers! Kim was certainly set to take the job @ S&C but when she called Rich Howard she realised that Jimmy was right. He's just Howard by another name. It's a lateral move. Kim was hesitant about going into business with Jimmy after that talk with Chuck, you're absolutely right. But she must think that this way of doing things will protect her from his shenanigans while still getting to work together like he wanted. We'll see if she's right or if Chuck's warning will come true :P How will Howard respond to Kim leaving & working with Jimmy? How will Chuck react? What's Jimmy planning with the college students? What's Mike up to watching Hector's restaurant? So many questions! :D

Joe Lazarus

Some episodes back, Jimmy was fingered for the blame of his father's financial demise and death by Chuck, who thought the thousands that were 'missing' were because he was a crook. That was explained in E6. In E7, we see Jimmy's father getting ripped off because he's a good man who's also a sucker who loves people -- Jimmy looks up to his father because of his love for the people in his community, something that is reflected in his character throughout his saga, but he learns from his father's mistake and turns that into a weapon against others. Undoubtedly, his father lost money because of how much he gave to the community that, in turn, stole from him. What is up for dispute is how much of the store's financial troubles were the result of Jimmy skimming (which is something lots of kids at that age do; see Mike Wheeler in Stranger Things as proof) and how much was lost as a result of Willard McGill being gullible to conmen, and how reliable Chuck's version of events is.

Dale Diaz

i saw the scene with jimmy taking the money as him starting to resent his father for not being able to sniff out obvious scammers - driving his business into the ground by taking advantage of his good faith. By extension, he starts to resent all naive people because they see people like his father causing their own problems - the way jimmy starts to see the world is, if he spots a sucker, there's nothing you can do to save them, so you might as well be the one capitalizing on them