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Chapter 11- Family Dinner

Dinner was delightful and I didn't even mind answering questions from my wives about what was going on. Each of them had their own perspectives and I found if I listened, I could learn a lot. There was nothing new about that though.

The food was top-notch, but I made sure to let Lina know that her food was still my favorite. The new head kitchen clerk made sure that the other clerks kept a steady stream of food and drink coming. I don't think my cup ever managed to get more than half empty throughout the entire meal. I doubt a fine dining restaurant on Earth could have beat this type of service.

It was another reminder that all of our roles were evolving. Lina might not have realized it, but I saw how closely she monitored the clerks who were serving us. And a couple of times she made eye contact and gave subtle nods or tilts of her head to the head kitchen clerk. She might not be the head clerk any longer, but she was definitely my wife and the lady of the house. She was taking to heart that role.

We ate as a family. Even Sema was here which was pleasant, of course I figured that must be because of negotiations. She was likely helped Rava a great deal with that. I let her tell me a bit about the fairy kingdom or queendom I supposed would be the more appropriate term.

From what she told us, I got the feeling that there was still a great deal of fear but that she had it under control for the time being. She had managed to stop all the kidnapping of males. While death by snu snu was practically a dream, misguided as it might be for many an earth man, it was probably far less exciting in reality than in a meme.

If I understood her correctly, the real tension within the fairy kingdom centered around two things. First and a far less concerning problem was a general level of sexual frustration amongst the fairies. Sema had previously explained that in many ways they had drives that were every bit as voracious as bunnygirls. They would just have to occupy themselves for the time being on that front.

The other issue was a bit more concerning. The older fairies felt like Sema had taken control because of being my wife and largely on the promise that I would solve their pro-creation problem. While I had alluded that I might be able to, I certainly never promised. So, they would just have to wait for the right time. I could see though how a fairy male being born would change everything for them.

Despite all of that, Sema seemed to be growing into her power and role, although she was more than a little nervous throughout the meal. A couple of times one of her sister wives patted her hand or shoulder as though to encourage her.

In the end they laid out some of the proposed contracts between the representatives of Felina, Lupon, and Bovisa and Yonderton for me. They talked about their plans for expanding. Josie had spoke with Denny and Betsy about what the militia needed and how hard it would be to accept this influx of people.

They were understandably concerned, but the basic plan was to start integrating their military units with ours. It was felt that would be better than leaving them on their own. It would help them learn our tactics and also create a better sense of camaraderie.

Apparently, Betsy wasn't too keen on giving positions of authority to their officers but after Josie and Daria talked to her, she seemed content or at least willing to give it a chance. I almost asked why she wasn't here at dinner with us because I knew several of my wives were trying to serve her up on a platter as my next wife, but in the end, I decided they'd tell me if they wanted to.

I didn't even mind going over the various details because I had my children playing on my lap. Most of them like Rava's twins, Kitt, Andrea, and Caleb were too young to do much of anything beyond being held alternately by one of their mothers or me.

Robbie and Sarah however made up for that by being quite rambunctious as they played on my lap, my back, and even tried to stand on my head at one point. I sighed. This was the good life. So much so, that while I agreed to talk about plans for expanding Yonderton and creating a tent city outside of the city proper until we could grow enough to bring all the refugees in, I still refused to talk battle plans. That would come tomorrow.

Interestingly, as dinner was winding down, a few clerks came in and started taking each of the children. They started with the babies who had already been fed by their mothers. Then a few minutes later the older kids were taken after giving hugs and kisses to everyone at the table.

There was never any doubt about who their specific birth mother was, but they clearly loved all of their aunties. I was just surprised because usually, my wives would take their own children to sleep with unless it was their turn in my bed.

I'd given up trying to keep track of who's night it was. That was for Lina, my Mistress of the Sheets to worry about. I figured she must have something special in mind and she had yet to disappoint me.

She smiled at me as she asked, "I bet you're wondering why Sema is here?"

"Actually, I assumed that she was here to help with the negotiations as the queen of the fairies. What I'm really wondering about is why the kids all left but you all stayed."

My wives giggled as I asked. I heard something about getting ready for their favorite dessert but I didn't even bother worrying who had said it.

Nimeera said, "You know what they say about curiosity and the cat. I'm sure the same applies to humans too."

Mursha said, "You have more patience than that. Slow. The best masterworks are made with a slow steady hand."

Daria laughed, "Yeah, and plenty of heat. Oh and I suppose a good amount of liquid to quench things too."

Rava shook her head as if a bit exasperated. "No as far as Sema arriving today, that was just a happy coincidence."

She patted my hand and added, "She was very helpful."

My elven wife turned to her fairy sister-wife and said, "If I didn't say it before, thank you. Someone couldn't be bothered to be in most of the negotiations, but you were a gift of the gods with your insights into the truthfulness or lack of in their statements."

Sema squeezed Rava's hand and said, "Glad to help." Then she looked over at me very deliberately as she added, "Since I was coming anyway."

"Oh... You were? I didn't know that," I started to say, but then realized that I was about to put my foot in my mouth. I quickly tried to shift gears. "Well, this is your home too... You're always welcome here."

Josie laughed. "Nice recovery there, Rob. Way to let a girl know you're surprised to see her."

The others all burst out giggling, even Rava, which was distinctly out of character.

"Is someone going to tell me what's so funny?" I asked.

Daria said, "Oh, I don't know. You strung me along for months. It might be fun to keep you guessing for at least a few minutes."

"Or hours," Mursha added, but then winked at me.

I threw my arms up. "What did I ever do to all of you?"

Rava said, "You've done plenty to us."

Josie chimed in. "Repeatedly."

Nimeera added, "In all kinds of places and all kinds of positions."

Lina let out a low, sensual sigh. "And we've loved it every time."

I shook my head. Apparently, they were intent on playing with me. I could try to read them through the bond, but they were doing a good job of blocking that. It would probably be possible for me to use my heightened senses and Soul Projection to get more information, but that seemed like an invasion of privacy.

Heck, this being Olimero, I could outright order them to tell me what was going on. I'd never do that. It wasn't in my nature. Order them to stay safe. Order them to avoid fighting while pregnant.

Sure... those were things that I'd order, but busting up their little game just because it was starting to frustrate me? No, that wasn't my style.

"Well then, is someone going to explain?" I asked.

Mursha groaned. "Men can be so dense. I wonder if it's like that on Earth."

Nimeera said, "It must be. From what I've observed around town, most of the Olimeran men are far more insistent on their marital rights."

Daria said, "To be fair to him, most of them only have three wives at the most."

Josie added, "And Lina spoils him by lining everything up for him."

"Hey, that's my job," the bunnygirl protested.

I shook my head. "Okay, that's enough. What's up? If it's Sema's night tonight, then I'm more than happy to have a little fairy magic." Then I stood and reached out my hand to Sema.

"Not so quick, this is our game and our rules," Lina said, and even reached out to slap my outstretched hand.

That was pretty sharp for her. She must really want this, whatever this was. I pulled back my hand as though the blow had hurt. Even Lina wasn't buying that one though. "Fine, fine. We'll do it your way."

My bunnykin wife winked at me.

Rava said, "Was there ever any doubt? But seriously, I would have expected you to have figured this out by now. I may have to reconsider keeping you on as an apprentice, if you're this dense."

I paused for a second. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. How I hadn't realized it before was beyond me. They had even been hinting when they talked about the difficulties the fairies were facing.

I got a big grin on my face.

Daria laughed. "See, he can figure things out."

Josie snorted, "With enough clues."

Nimeera added, "That's what wives are for."

Mursha laughed. "Oh, I bet Rob is thinking about other things that wives are for."

"So, how are we doing this? Shouldn't Sema get some one-on-one time if we're trying to make a baby?" I asked.

In unison, they all shook their heads to say 'no'.

Rava said, "Sema said it would be more the fairy way for you to try and impregnate not just her but all the eligible women around you at the same time."

I gulped. My face must have given something away. I loved all of my kids. But I already had seven of them, and there was no way I'd have enough time for them with a war coming up and, well, damn, that was just a lot of kids.

Daria said, "Don't worry, we all took contraceptive potions, well, other than Sema of course. Rava brewed her a fertility potion to enhance the odds."

I laughed as I recalled that the last one of those potions had resulted in Rava having twins. Oh well, it wasn't like I was about to suffer.

Lina said, "I didn't want to, but I knew you wouldn't be ready for more kids until you deal with these threats. Just don't take too long. My parents are already asking about when there will be more grandchildren. My sisters have given them four each."

I shook my head. I realized, I had never met Lina's parents and made a mental note to fix that soon. Now though, it looked like I was going to have my hands full. I suspected this would be a long night without any sleep. The sacrifices I had to make...


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