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So I've been following up with some more seasoned Patreon authors about better ways to grow patreon and just in general provide a better experience to all of you.

A couple of issues kept coming up. The first one I can't do anything about really.

Namely, I write different stories and many patrons are here for one story not for multiple ones and don't like it when I'm posting chapters from a different story, especially if they are more of  Burke fan and it's an Oswald story or vice versa.

That brought up a suggestion which kept coming through again and again.

The recommendation was that I post a chapter each day at the same time on a schedule. That would mean that you would get a chapter each day and could expect it to happen.

In contrast my current model has me upload stuff as I finish it- which means that somedays you get four chapters and sometimes you go a couple days without any.

This could take a few different forms.

1) It could be that I try (and right now it would only be trying) to post a schedule each day in any book that I'm actively working on.

Ie... 1 chapter in Dragon Sorcerer at the same time each day,  1 chapter in Four Laws each day at the same time.

2) I could post a chapter each day at the same time- but it would vary from book to book.

As it stands now, 1 would be problematic as I have only a couple of chapters left to post in Dragon Sorcerer 2 but then I also have to finish the next book of Four Laws and then begin writing Dragon Sorcerer 3 and Welcome to the Multiverse.

So as of now I'm just going to put two options on the poll but you can share your thoughts in comments. 


Tanner Lovelace

So, I personally think that chapters on a regular schedule are great when the alternative is chapters sporadically with large gaps in between postings. However, in your case, I don’t really think your postings are sporadic. Instead, I feel like they’re voluminous. In a case like that, the fact that you might miss a couple of days isn’t really all that bad because you make up for it on other days. If, however, you were only posting once or twice a week and then randomly didn’t post for a few weeks without saying anything at all, that would be a different story (and I have, in fact, unsubscribed from Patreon accounts where authors have done that). So, I’d say you don’t really need to change anything. Keep up the good work!!!


I want "good chapters". Celibius puts out a couple of chapters every 2 weeks. I wish he wrote faster, but "I want good chapters". Ivan Kal puts out chapters every few days. Another PageMagnus, irregalarly puts out chapters, but I love his books. Another way of looking at it is what do people expect for what they are paying you. You can sell a 2-3 books a year at $10.00 a book, for $20-30, but as a patreon member paying $60 ($5 x 12) a year I expect more. I also balance that by knowing that, as a patreon member, 90% of my money goes the author and not after Amazon's censoring and taking their share of the profit (which is a lot? 66%??) So, I think it's going to be an on-going relationship with your users and the people who are reading your story. I believe paying $5.00 a month to read a on-going great book, is worth it and feeds back to the author well. I can also respond and talk to the author here (patreon). If someone is going to write a 1000 chapter slice-of-life novel that is a slow burn and goooes oooovverr everryyyy detaiilll. I'd rather read that on Royal Road. I also have to balance that with that some author's do publish on Royal road, and while I might love their work, $5.00/mo for every author I want to read is going to be $50/mo or $600/year! Where I could have read the books on KU for the $120/year I already pay. ---- This isn't to comment on the broken model(s) between authors, amazon, readers, and cri-ticks. I'm willing to pay more and support an author that creates great chapters. I know that takes time. For example: Arand (Cultivaintg Chaos), I love the series...but just that series. So, often he's half way though his book before I find out about it on patreon and well... that's 1 or 2 months of $5/mo. --- In summary, I want good chapters! and Good books! If you published WHAT YOU HAVE at the end of the week on (Some random day), I'd love that. If you can only write 1 great chapter, ok. If you write 3 great chapters, great as well. The emphasis is on "great chapters". What I want is Dargon Sourcerer books 1-50, tomorrow! Great books take time... Wait can I ask chat-gpt for future books?... hum...


I like that your patreon is only 3 dollars and quite a few chapters ahead.


Setting expectations and meeting them is one of the best ways to keep people happy

Nick Holden

Soon there will be a litrpg-gpt where it will process 1000s of litrpgs, light novels, progressive fantasies etc; as training data and then you can just prompt it to generate a 10 book series XD. gpt-8 will have video/animation+audio generation, it will process any book and output 10 seasons of anime.

Daniel Bessette

As a general rule, yes, I greatly prefer set times, so I know what I'm getting, and it can give the author a backlog for patreon as well, so they can still post stuff if something interrupts irl. You're a bit of an exception, though, since you're already surprisingly prolific, and with a surprisingly low cost compared to other authors, so I'm not really worried about that.


Keep in mind that if you have a set schedule, there's a good chance you'll get more comments in a less amount of time. One of the authors I read releases a chapter daily at midnight and by 12:05 he has 8 comments. Having a set schedule leads to a more active community from the readers from what I've seen since they respond to each others comments as well and know when others will be on reading the current chapter. Thx for all your hard work.