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So concerns-

1) Her face is not pretty enough. So author is revising that.
2) Flames are still being worked on.
3) Torn about using Prism Academy as the series title because Academy is
a sub-set of the genre and may turn some people off so considering
Shadow Fall as the series title.
4) Considering Infernal as the title for book 1- because that is
Jennifer's super hero name.




Personally I think her face is fine. Two things bug me about the cover. First is the pose of that back leg, it looks locked on the verge of hyperextension, that is not a good look for what I assume is meant to be an action shot. Second one word, HEELS, heels are about the worst footware possible for uneven surfaces, it is also impossible to run in them the way our bodies like to move, if you need her to be in that toes down position I would recommend having her flying maybe start the flames from mid calf on the back of her legs. Finally, have you seen Solar prominences? Maybe that would work for her fire, perhaps with light rays emitting from her fire and it lighting up her environment, including her suit near her hands. Also is that pot supposed to be anything? Maybe replace it with the plinth they need to touch, or at least make it a bit more obvious if it is so.


Obviously we only read about the Jennifer character as much as you have given us but I get the impression that she is the spoiled little rich girl type that is a lot of pressure and hopefully she hopefully she decides to overcome a lot of that attitude and step up. That said I don't know that that body posture really conveys a lot about her as a character yet, like I said we haven't seen much of it. But maybe she should be a little more snarky or something with more attitude than just the generic superhero pose. Something more dynamic. For instance some kind of snarky smiling while leaning forward and snapping her finger as if to shoot fireballs off in the distance or something to make it look like oh I totally got this I'm in control and I'm better than you.