Update 4/22/2022 - Don't get mad at me (Patreon)
I finished Class Shift 2 on the 20th. It took longer than I wanted but that happens sometimes.
Yesterday I spent the day outlining Law of Blood and getting ready to write it. I'm excited about the story but just wasn't ready to get going. Part of it was that my kids are home for spring break- so I've been doing stuff with them.
But there is more. This entire writing process is a creative one and creativity can't be forced- or if it is- it shows.
Those of you who have been here for a while might remember when I used to do something called Mess Around Mondays. They were days that I would free write on whatever projecte I wanted even if it wasn't the one that needed to get done.
That is how Descend came about. That is how Four Laws came about. Both of those were side projects on a whim because I had an idea that I wanted to write about and well... those have turned out pretty well.
This morning I woke up with an urge to work on a story that has been in my head since 2020. I mean I bought 3 book covers for this story and it has been bouncing around in the back of my head for a while.
Maybe some of it is that I read Saving Super Villains (Bruce Sentar) which is a great book if you haven't read it. Then I started reading Super Sales on Super Heroes. (William Arand). But when I woke up I jumped with a passion to put some words on the page about that story.
So... I am still going to write Law of Blood- but chapters will start on Monday. I'm giving myself permission to write today and tomorrow in Prism Academy (just a working title)
I will be posting the first couple chapters as soon as I finish this update, with more to come later today.
This will be a David Burke series.
On another note- I am also planning on starting chapters for A Temperamental Enchantress. BUT- I am having second thoughts. I am wondering if I should just write Class Shift 3 (finishing that series) while my mind is still in that world. Then I would be able to write the next 2 books in Eloria without having to take a break between them.
More to come on that decision.