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Sorry this feels like I'm airing all my problems- but I just wanted to keep people in the loop.

I was a bit burnt at the beginning of Feb after essentially writing 2 books in 30 days. (Law of Family and Shaman's Call- Spirit Song)

Then I became distracted when my daughter had to have heart surgery. I hadn't realized just how much it was going to affect me. Some of you may not know but we previously lost a daughter due to heart related issues. This time everything turned out great but there was still so much emotional turmoil over it.

Then just as I thought I was getting back on track. I started feeling sick. I tried to ignore it but kept getting weaker. Found out 2 days ago that I had double pneumonia. It has hit me harder than I ever thought possible. I still think of myself as being in my 20's but the truth is that I turned 49 a short time ago and apparently that means I don't recover as quickly anymore.

As my apology- I am going to have Patreon not bill anyone for March. I'm sorry that I've been writing slowly.

I wish I could say I'm all better but even sitting here typing this I am having difficulty breathing. I can say that I'm on the mend and will produce as much as I can as quickly as I can.

The stories are in my head and trying to claw their way out but the body is weak.

Anyway- you have my apology. 


Jaymes Wiles

Appreciated but unnecessary. Just focus on getting better. The story can wait.


Take care of yourself first. Hope you have a quick recovery, being sick is awful.