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Sorry it took longer than expected. I had to rewrite this a couple of times as I wanted to provide a tie in to the previous book and set up the decisions he has looming. 

Chapter 1- Broken Dishes

Tim groaned internally. He was not off to a promising start. Cal-Dakota had tasked him with keeping Cecelia close to himself. He’d agreed, because well, one didn’t argue with god-like beings anymore than one had to. Now she’d seen him kissing another woman and he felt like he’d be caught red handed.

The thing was, Tim knew he hadn’t done anything wrong. He considered Cecilia a dear friend but she was like ten years younger than him. She might have a crush on him, heck it might just be that she expected him to be some mystical messenger of the patrons, who she worshipped like gods. But either way, Tim expected her to grow out of it.

The broken bowl of chicken noodle soup and now soggy bread on the floor outside of Kayla’s room said otherwise. He had only gone up here to heal Kayla. Emotions ran high and one thing led to another and soon their lips had been locked. Not that Tim really had time for Kayla either. There were so much more to do.

His current home since arriving in Iocusinte, New Rome, the capital of the Terran nation had just nearly been overrun by a massive army of myemar. The myemar were a crooked, literally humanoid type monster who seemed intent on killing or capturing and torturing all the humans they encountered. They were on Tim’s shit list from the moment he found a half chewed bone with one of them. The bone had belonged to a human infant. It was a stark reminded that this was not the type of enemy you could parlay with.

If it was a simple as that, Tim, would have simply been out in the streets fighting the remaining myemar who had not yet withdrawn with the army. Most of them presented no challenge for him. It was one of the perks of being level nineteen. Not that he had a handle on all of that, it was still something he was growing into.

Instead, the myemar army had mysteriously withdrawn when he had blunted their first attack. Combine that with the way the myemar shadow had spoke about Tim like it was some type of chosen one and Charles’ insistence that all of the higher level sojourners hide for their safety until a council meeting in the morning put Tim’s nerves on ease.

He told himself it didn’t have anything to do with the mark of blood on his hand. He’d tried to wash it off to no avail. Even magical healing didn’t remove it, although that had been a long shot since it was more of a tattoo and less of a wound. Still having a blood colored mark in the shape of a howling wolf’s head on the palm of his hand was unnerving.

Each of the four patrons of Iocusinte had their own symbol. His own patron, Cal-Dakota was the patron of gambling amongst other things but his symbol was a white rabbit. The myemar didn’t worship any of the four patrons but instead followed someone or something they called Quint. It wasn’t lost on Tim that in a world governed by the Rule of Fours that quint sounded an awful lot like the fifth.

So far the puzzle pieces were too vague for him to put them together for sure, but there was more at play and Tim felt like a chew toy and the local animal shelter, with each of the dogs taking a turn pulling on him. It didn’t help that the symbol on his hand came when a myemar shadow had allowed itself to be killed offering its blood to empower him.

Tim pulled up that notification. A part of him had hoped it would fade because then he wouldn’t be forced to make a decision.

Quest: The Crucible of Consumption

 A myemar shadow has offered its life in sacrifice to you. It wished for you to take the power of its blood. Do you wish to accept?

 Yes or No

 Reward: Gain the power of Consumption (1) This will enable you to absorb a small portion of the power of your foes. As you develop the power further, you will take on their aspects and traits even.

Crucible would seem to imply that it was a test. But a test of what and maybe more importantly a test given by whom?

On one hand, accepting this offer was obvious. Anything that made him stronger was alright with Tim. And the description did say foes, so it didn’t imply that he was going to go around sucking the blood of friends. Further it was only a level one ability so it had room for growth. That was the best type of ability.

It felt equally obvious that he should turn down a power offered by a creature who killed itself to offer the power to him. That was pretty dark. Actually, who was he kidding. That was pitch black dark. Did anything good ever come from that?

None of that answered the question about if he should accept the power. If he was back home he could have messaged some buddies about it. Of course they would have all been more interested in hearing about Kayla and then told him to take the power. So maybe his situation here wasn’t any different. He trusted a number of people here. Charles and Simon he trusted but their were limits. The same could be said for Kayla. She had already shown herself to be less than 100% although she had apologized for that.

That left Atticus and Cecelia. I trusted both of them with my life. For people I had only known for a short time there was an implicit level of trust. What I wasn’t so sure about was their motivations. They saw me as something more than a person. And now it was clearly complicated by whatever crush that Cecelia had on me. Or maybe not a crush. Everyone kept telling me she was an adult here; it was just that she was so much younger than me.

In the end, I decided that needed to trust someone, so I leaned into Kayla. Of course, she had been giving me the stink eye ever since Cecelia had dropped the plates. Why was it that I dreaded this conversation more than I feared going out and fighting monsters in the streets?

She was down on the ground clearing up the broken pottery. Her wounds were entirely healed by my magic and sojourners were tough enough to bounce right back. I finally tried to break the ice. “I suppose you want to talk about that?”

“Look, Cecelia is a sweet girl and gorgeous to boot. I can’t blame you for being interested in her. What I don’t appreciate is being lied to.” She never made eye contact with me but instead studiously scrubbed the floor.

“I never
 lied that is. I told you that I thought she had a girlish crush on me. I also told you that I thought she was too young for me.”

“I remember. I guess I never thought to ask if you were interested despite her being too young. I should have known; you are a guy after all. Always the newer, younger model. And as a 1st gen, you will eventually be able to have your pick of the litter.” There was a bitter tone in Kayla’s voice that cut me to the chase even if I didn’t think she was being fair in her characterization.

“Look, I’m just a person, not a gen, not a level, not a class. I’m just a person. And for the record I like you. I’m not saying I’m in love with you. I’m saying I like and respect you. We had fun together both in this room and out of it. Why does there have to be more to it than that.”

She sighed. “It’s never that simple.” Then she shook her head. “Okay, you’ve been through a lot lately. I’ll take your word for it. But, I think you and I need to chill the
 extra-curricular activities till this gets sorted out. I’d sooner cut my hand off than hurt Cecelia. She’s already been through enough with the death of her mother.”

I wanted to ask for details but figured it wasn’t any of my business. Besides, I had enough on my plate. More than enough really. “What I need more than anything is friends. The rest can sort itself out.”

“I’m your friend. I’m pretty sure that Simon is your friend, but keep in mind that he is wound up pretty tightly with the guild. And barring any incidents of misleading young girls, I’m certain that Atticus and Cecelia are your friends.”

“Then can we sit down? I need a friend to talk to.”

She looked around the disheveled room she slept in. Half of it was taken up by her large bed. Then she replied, “Yeah, but let’s go talk in my study. We can have Atticus and Cecelia join us if they are willing. And I could use a bite to eat. I’m sure you could. Fighting and healing taking it out of you.”

“I’d rather it just be us for this conversation,” I said as I shuffled my feet.

She arched an eyebrow. “In my experience with stuff like this it is better to pull the bandage off before it gets stuck too hard.”

“It isn’t that. It is that I want the opinion of a sojourner on this not a

She frowned. “Not what? Not a flat? You know how I feel about that word.”

I blushed remembering the time I had slipped up and said it in front of her. “That wasn’t what I was going to say. I was going to say not a Patronite. But mostly what I want is opinion of someone who understands the price of power.”

Kayla stared at me for a moment. Her expression was unreadable but I just kept my mouth shut waiting for what she would have to say. “Oh, so ask the assassin because you figure I know about the price to be paid for having power.”

“It was more just that you are level 16 and at your max level, but now that you mention it, that might give you some extra insight.”

She shook her head and said, “You really know how to show a girl a good time, Stein. Well, go to my study. You remember the way, I’m sure. I’ll arrange to have some food brought to us and I need to check on the guys guarding the doors and windows. We can’t take it for granted that this is over with. There were too many myemar loose in the city to be sure.”

I nodded and headed to the study. When I sat down I ran through my other pending notifications.

Success: Enemies of Humanity IV:  Standing in the Gap
 You have turned back the army of myemar who were attacking New Rome.
 1) 500 XP + 346 XP (2 per myemar killed)
 2) Newly rewarded Elite Quest

New Quest: Enemies of Humanity V: Pulling at the Roots

The myemar attacked New Rome in unprecedented numbers. Worse they did so without their approach being detected.

 1) Rid New Rome of any myemar who remain within its walls

2) Determine the means used by the myemar to reach the city

3) Close or otherwise prevent the use of such routes

4) Kill as many of the myemar elite as possible in order to limit their future ability to make war.

5) Rescue or avenge any humans captured by the myemar.


1) 1625 XP + 1-5 XP for each chopper, shaman, lasher, champion, or goliath slain.

2) One piece of epic gear or a permanent stat bonus of +4 to the stat of your choice for both you and your familiar.

New Elite Quest: Can there be only one?

The relationship between patrons and sojourners is troubled at best. Neither side really likes the other very much. It might be worth discovering the reasons behind that.

 1) Learn what you can about the history of which patrons have selected first gens from the various races.

2) Find out the history of traits and learn about others who may have possessed more than one trait.

3) Determine if it is possible to change patrons.


1) A new beneficial trait

2) Possible patron transfer

3) Possible trait exchange for existing trait

I stared at those quests. The XP for pushing back the myemar was nice it put me up to 156,961/192,000. That was a valuable jump. Fighting the higher level myemar had also helped Mischief. He has managed to reach level seven. I’d need to check in with him later, but he had been napping since the battle ended and I didn’t really want to wake him.

Just when I was about to close the notifications another line popped up.

She isn’t half as smart as she thinks she is.

Just that. No insults aimed at me. No demands for entertainment, but there was little doubt the source of that statement. I almost wondered that he didn’t give me a quest that conflicted with the ones Semona was handing out. Oh, well, what does a mouse do when cats fought over it? Hmm
 maybe I could ask Mischief when he woke up. He might actually have a useful perspective.

For now, I was leaning towards accepting the Power of Consumption. Mostly, because I didn’t trust Cal-Dakota or Semona. They simply weren’t giving me any reason to do so. One liked to play at not caring but it was obvious he cared very much about something. Then there was Semona who acted like sugar wouldn’t melt in her mouth. As if. I was more inclined to trust the one who was frank about using me.

Then there was this new player, Quint, for lack of a better name. He clearly wanted something from me. I was not favorably disposed towards him, not with the way he treated humans or rather his servants treated humans. Then again, I was using the power provided to me by patrons, I didn’t trust, so why should this be any different.

For some reason, Kayla still wasn’t back so I went ahead and looked at my character sheet.

Name: Timothy Stein

Age: 28        Ht: 6’0” Wt: 184 lbs.

Class: Naturalist- Circle of the Oak

Level: 19th

XP: 156,961/192,000

Hardiness: 20

Flexibility: 20

Acuity: 20

Sagacity: 27

Hit Points: 347 (10/min)

Mana: 257 (35/min)

Offense: 22

Defense: 19

Faction: Terran: +60 (+15), Roshya/Asmar/Ogria: -10, Humanity: 31 (+4)
 Terran Border Guards: 60, Caesar Febrius: 25 (+15), Sojourner’s Guild: 35




Dungeon Shaper I

 Humanity’s Avenger I

Champion: Grinder

Equipped Class Skills/Spells:

1) Barkskin

2) Extreme Plant Growth and Control

3) Life Tap

4) Soul’s Beast Familiar

5) Grand Master Swordsmanship

6) Bow Mastery

7) Greater Stat Hex

Equipped Magical Gear:
 Mask of the Blind Patron

Choker of Mana +10, +8/min

Runed Belt of Speed

Ring of Enhanced Health +50 HP, +10 Regen

Ring of Adept Health +50 HP

Bracers of Handy Power

Armor Plate Harness

Anklets of Speed

The more he looked at his build, the more he realized that he needed to find ways to increase his mana regen and even further and then he could really use the Dungeon Shaper skill. It was a big consideration for him even in selecting new spells that he needed.

Tim was lost in his thoughts about class building and what plans he should make for the future that he almost felt he was dreaming. Dueling patrons, two love interests, multiple classes, and a host of options he didn’t even understand would have been enough to make any guy’s head spin. But then a blood curdling scream woke him from his slumber and Tim leapt to his feet.

Mischief must have heard it too because his little head was poking out from the pouch he slept in. There was no need for words. Tim was leaping down the stairs three at a time. If something wanted to threaten his friends they would find just was a level 19 sojourner could do.


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