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Sorry for being slow the past few days- holidays have kept me busy. The entire day yesterday was spent hanging lights etc... and before that we had our Thanksgiving celebration. Trust me I would much rather be writing than hanging lights 26 feet in the air for my wife. Far too much time on a ladder.


1) Law of Strength goes live on Amazon in a few hours. It went through two rounds of editing by 2 different editors. The total word count went from 104k to 112k so there has been a bit more added to round out the story. I'm pretty happy with it so here is hoping that it does well.

If anyone can help out by leaving a review on Amazon those are always appreciated. Because of Kindle Unlimited I will have to pull down the chapters here.

2) An Unwitting Prince- hoping to be done on Wednesday. Keeps taking longer than expected. 

3) Change or as it has become now- Class Shift. Book 1 will go live on December 14th in both ebook and audio. I will start writing book 2 pretty shortly here- as I'm supposed to have it to the publisher by December 28th.

4) War God for Hire- book 5 (final book) comes out in January. As soon as I finish An Unwitting Prince I will begin posting chapters in it.

5) Shaman's Call- Spirit Song  - I'm worried this may have to be pushed back. It was supposed to release the second week of January- but my editor just notified me they won't be able to work on it at this time. I will start posting chapters from it once I have finished Class Shift 2 and War God 5.

6) Law of Family- book 2 of Four Laws will publish Feb 7th, so after I finish the next Shaman's Call book I will start posting chapters of that.

7) Near projects-  After that I will be pushing to get the next 2 books in the Watchers series along with Class Shift 3 and Shaman's Call 3. Interspersesed in there will be Law of Freedom.

8) Next projects- I will  be posting some polls - probably early next year about what people would like to see more of next. There will still be 3 more books in Watchers after this trilogy is concluded. There will be a book 4 of the Four Laws,  then 3 books of Prism Academy. I think that will be the next Burke series that I do - because I already have covers for it and book 1 is started.

Then I will focus again on your suggestions from the poll for next Burke series. 


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