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Hello Patrons 😊 I hope March has started off well for you.

The entire of last week was spent beta testing the mini update, and because of my real life schedule and starting a new job, I didn't have time to post the polls for March's side stories. I will post those polls in the next few days and then I'll move to continuing the rest of Chapter 9. I'll likely do another mini update this month (possibly early April). I'm hopeful that I'll be able to write more with my mornings now free, so let's cross our fingers and toes that this goes well 🤞

As the game will eventually be published on Steam, I'll be looking to commission art for the character portraits. These will be featured in the game and I'll also share the full portraits here in Patreon for you to enjoy 😉 I'll be looking for an artist this month and once I've finalised the details, I'll let you know.

The mini update will continue to be posted throughout the month for you based on your tier - tomorrow, Vinia Patrons will receive the update. This is a new system of updating because previously, Cyre tiers and up would get the update first followed by the Nomad Tier. This feels like a fairer way of doing things considering that everyone, regardless of their tiers, will be able to play the full game before it's edited for its final version/release.

And that's it for now. Thank you for your endless support and patience, and thank you to the new Patrons who've joined 💖



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