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Some serious talk with Anu on the deck. This question will come up again throughout the game because I'd like to think that people might change their minds as to why they're helping Irus.

And with this sneak peek, Anu's scenes are done. Yes, I know. I only finished Oren's the other day and I took yesterday off from writing so essentially, I completed Anu's scenes in a few hours which was surprising. Anyway, next up, the return to Ishari and the family reunion scenes 🎉



I'm always thrilled to see Anu sneakpeaks 😄 can't wait to experience the conversation in full! And it always amazes me that regardless of how much work/other things you have, you always manage to make such good progress with your writing; it's amazing!


Thanks Leah 😊 Anu is so fun to write so her conversations always come easily. I think it helps that I've managed to set down a scheduled time to write otherwise I would probably procrastinate and things would never get done 😅