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Hello Patrons! I hope you're having a lovely Christmas Eve and getting a well-deserved rest during this festive period.

As you all know, Chapter 8 is officially completed and I've spent the last few days and the weekend busy fixing errors and bugs mentioned by my Patrons. For now, I think all the main issues have been fixed so by this afternoon, if nothing else is reported, I will be removing the game from testing and I'll be updating the Patreon demo.

The dates will be as follows:

  • 25 December 2023 - Cyre Tier and up
  • 28 December 2023 - Nomad Tier

The demo will then be made available to the public at the start of the new year, so exciting stuff 😅

As for the side stories, that's what this week will be spent on. I'll be taking tomorrow 'off' since it's Christmas but I'll be at home spending it with family, so I'll have my laptop at hand to post the update. I should be able to complete the side stories by the end of the week and I'm off until the 8th of January, so I'll also be around with time on my hands to complete December's side stories too (expect some polls out later today).

January will be focussed on writing Chapter 9 - it's the first chapter where it'll be available only to Patrons and I'm excited because it's a return of the Vinia family and will end with a huge branching pathway - you will get to choose to travel with Irus and Anu to meet with the Nomad tribes (freeing Lena will come into play here) OR you get to travel back to Vinia with Oren and Elora because the Blood Guard's presence is threatening the state of affairs (this will also be influenced by whether or not the Blood Guard managed to capture the city by force or through a deal with Kazan). This will be the focus of Part 4 and Chapter 10 and closer to then, I'll be posting a poll to see which path you want to be written first since essentially, it'll be writing two chapters under the guise of one 😩

I've also been thinking about the way I want the chapters to be released to Patrons because as it stands, Nomad Tier Patrons will only get up to Chapter 9 and Cyre, Chapter 10 etc. I'm heavily leaning towards scrapping this system in favour of instead having all chapters available for all tiers but it will be based on the time of the release. So for example, Ishari tiers will get the update first, followed by Vinia, Cyre and then Nomad tiers. This ensures that everyone gets to play the game in its entirety before its final release but rather than have access to it all at once, Patrons will receive the updates on different dates. While the full game will be playable, I'll not post the edited version of the game; and at that point, I'll likely pause billing or start working on Crowning Glory and other DLC games while I edit the final draft. But we're still a long way from the epilogue so I'll let you all know closer to the completion of the game what's the plans.

Anyway, sorry for being so wordy this time but I thought it was best to share my plans with you as a nice round-up for 2023.

Thank you for your support and patience ❤️️



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