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Hello Patrons! I hope you're having a wonderful start to December. Maybe it's because summer is finally setting in where I am, but December is normally the start of longer days and a lot more sunshine which always puts me in a good mood 😊

This week, I worked on dialogue scenes for the ROs. I've already completed Irus and Oren's scenes and now all I have is Anu's left to tackle. I should be able to finish hers by Tuesday or Wednesday and then I need to finish of the alliance talks scene and then I can move onto the dance/feast scene.

Originally, I was going to let players dance with all the companions, but I'm going to limit that to one dance per player - just so I can save time and skip any flavour text scenes that will take slightly longer to write. I will be coming back to flesh the dance scenes out so rest assured in the final version, you will be able to dance with everyone if you want.

I've also got some exciting news. The official cover for the game (which will be used for the Steam release) is coming along really nicely. The artist I've commissioned has completed the art and logo and now it's just a matter of some finishing touches before it'll be ready for you to view. After much deliberation of the type of cover I wanted along with which characters should feature on the front, I eventually went with a silhouette of a genderless and faceless MC so get ready for the reveal in the next few days 🥳️

I will be writing like crazy for the next two weeks so expect more sneak peeks. The end of Chapter 8 is nearly upon us and I'm probably going to need a week to destress once it's done 😂 Anyways, aside from that long ramble, thank you to everyone who is supporting me and the new faces who joined over the past week!



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