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I can't say I really enjoyed writing the last few passages for Irus - but I blame it more on being tired from work and overall writer's fatigue 😓 That said, I pushed through and Irus' dialogue scenes are complete. I'm going to eventually come back to flesh out the scenes more and add more stuff but for now, it's done. This is the mess that it looks like at the moment:

Elora and Dena's scenes are the ones on the left. Irus' scenes spread down on the right and Anu and Oren's will be the same as Irus'. There's an option that will allow players to choose to spend their afternoon with another companion after making their original choice which in hindsight, I don't know why I added it other than for flavour text and because I like making more work for myself 🙈 Anyway, that's enough of my rambling for today. I will be starting on Oren's scenes tomorrow so stay tuned for sneak peeks!


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