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Just for some visuals, it looks like this:

The red tags are because I have some important variables that I'll need to refer back to for future scenes. The most important is the tag in Dena's last passage where you can decide to expose Dena's 'deception' to Queen Elora. When I come back during edits, this variable will become a lot more important for the failure-version of the scene. For now, I'm only writing the successful outcome of helping Dena so you won't see much of it until the full version of the game.

Next up is finishing Sovereign Baen's scenes which I'll likely complete by tomorrow or Wednesday since it's more political dialogue and as much as I'd love for the MC's political stat to play a role in the dialogue, it's probably going to be shelved until edits. Anyway, have fun trying to read the tiny writing in the passages 😅


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