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Hello Patrons!

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend 😊This week was spent doing my real-life job. I also had a job interview on Friday and if I get that job, it will mean more time to write so let's all cross our fingers that it works out 😅

Yesterday, I spent my day working on Crowning Glory. The game is coming along well. I've added music to the game and working on the prologue where you will set up your main relationship stats and get some background info for the main part of the game.

Here are some screenshots of how it looks so far.

While it might seem like the setup of a very long and branching game, it won't be as long or detailed as the main game 😅I estimate that I'll only have one big chapter and then an epilogue to tie up what happens in the main plot. As it is a bonus game, expect there to be fewer options and shorter scenes.

This coming weekend will be a long weekend for me, I'm off until Tuesday next week so I'll have the weekend, Monday and Tuesday to work on Crowning Glory which I think is more than enough time to hopefully finish off the one main chapter then I can write up the epilogue. Once the game is done, it'll go through some quick testing and then I'll post it for you, wonderful Patrons, first and then later to the public.

I'll also be posting polls regarding RO bonus stories for Cyre and Vinia tiers this week. Please make sure to vote on whose story you'd like to read and I'll work on them on the weekend and post them as I normally do.

I cannot wait to return to the main game again, so thank you everyone for your continued support and love! I appreciate it a lot ❤️️



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