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In this side story, read about the experience of the MC's birth and how Ahlf responded to it. The MC is never referred to by gender or name. I have also kept the appearance of the infant MC very neutral with only descriptions of having wrinkled skin or a ruddy face from being born so feel free to imagine your own MC in place of the infant MC.

For those curious about the title, the MC is canonically born in the month of Cerura - the heart of summer and in this case, there are mentions of the otherworldly abilities that Salyra may possess which refers to the light in this case. Or interpret the light as being the MC - whichever you prefer.

© 2022. Ramona G. All rights reserved.

Word Count: 1957 words.

Document type: PDF.

Trigger warnings: Descriptions of childbirth (implicit - there aren't gory details), mentions of deities, religious worship, mentions of war.



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