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Over the weekend, I ran a poll on Tumblr with options for what scenes should be included in the prologue. I've already decided on more scenes with Ahlf, especially scenes for the MC and Ahlf to share tender moments together.

I'm still a bit hesitant to include anything featuring the MC's sex life in the prologue because it's something that I feel is irrelevant to the plot and also if I did include it, I would need to add it when the MC is older - the last scene of the prologue ends with the MC at 17 years old and anything featuring sex would need to occur when the MC is at least 18 or older. That said, having something like this in the prologue doesn't add much to the overall game plot and story since the prologue is focussed on the relationship between the MC and their parents (or missing Salyra), I'm leaning towards excluding this entirely.

I also will probably extend a few scenes with the MC's daily life and comings and goings and possibly add more scenes of Solus - even though most people didn't want to see it, it is relevant to know a bit more about Solus before making a decision on the MC's religion and what they choose to follow.

I'll start the prologue later today and will hopefully be able to share more progress with you throughout the week.




For the sex life bit - and to be clear I'm not floating this out with the intent to pressure you or anything just to provide a possible option - you likely wouldn't have to go in depth with it (keeping vague let's people headcanon stuff too). Like for example just providing a flavor choice (if it works within the narrative ofc) of the MC experimenting with dating or not without going into the specifics of the relationship(s). Alternatively, MCs experience or lack of can come up if you do decide to add NSFW scenes to the game (and as an option within the NSFW scene).


Thank you for the suggestion! It definitely is better than going into detail so I think I'll use this as a happy medium for players. I have a vague idea of what I would include for this so it's very useful. Thank you for sharing 💖