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Stefan has Klaus' coffins... so what's next?

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My Cup of TV

PO BOX 498


TW13 9GP






Damon has been pursuing Elena since day 1. The werewolf bite is the best thing that ever happened to him.


I will always love the song lyrics in the background of the Delena kiss, "One swinging opening and one door swinging closed". *Chef's kiss* 😘👌🏾


Honestly, I think Elena's attitude against Tyler comes a lot from Tyler's own actions. He is very realxed with the whole "sired to Klaus" - thing and has yet to try and find an option out of it - because he doesn't want to. In his head, this entire situation is purely beneficial for him, so even though he knows that Klaus is bad, he doesn't care about being linked to him - completely ignoring the fact that he is putting every single person around him in danger! For all he and his friends know, he is ONE command from Klaus away from killing all of his friends - and he just expects his friends to be okay with that risk?! He can live with himself while putting all of them at risk? I get that he is thankful for not having to turn anymore, but that is an effect from being a hybrid, not from being sired to Klaus. He could very easily go to his friends and ask for help to try and get away from the power that Klaus holds over him and I'm certain they would try to help immediately, but he doesn't because he (from his friends perspective) doesn't seem to care or be willing to understand the danger - and THAT attitude to me is the reason why Elena and the others are being so cold to him, not because he is sired, not because they don't care, not only because Elena is already so incredibly on edge but because they are faced with a person, who they love, who is giving them the impression that he cares more about his own comfort than their lives.




Damon NEVER throws Stefan under the bus for anything, not even in front of elena. The brothers🥹💛

Abraham Alvarez

my favorite Original is Rebecca bc I empathize with her "humane" struggles of leading with her heart... but Klaus is a close second


Unpopular opinion: I still feel very ick about Delena, I NEVER EVER liked it because I think it’s so unfair of them. I also think it’s sad that no one ever talks about how Stefan’s autonomy was also taken away. He never choose to let go of Elena because he didn’t love her, Klaus forced his hand. I think they showed so much callousness to Stephan and not considering what he has given up for both of them. Right now his humanity is turned and he’s being a jerk so it’s easy to forget who Stephan rlly is. I just always thought it was sad and It ruined any chance of me liking Delena ( also killed any like of Elena I had but I can’t get into that without spoilers)


Stefan always chooses Damon but then he goes and try to steal Elena lol can’t really call Damon a good brother with that fact at all also Stefan didn’t choose to leave Elena or anything it was for Damon but then they go and kiss each other?? Definitely at this point where I started to not like those 2 like it’s his brother wth


Have never been able to get behind Damon and Elena as a couple in any way because it just feels so slimy. I mean Stefan has no choice in these matters, he left with Klaus and effectively broke up with Elena to save Damon. He saved Klaus to save Damon. Not to mention he currently has his humanity off and isn't his usual self. Damon and Elena's whole buildup mainly revolves around betraying Stefan whilst he's making hard decisions to save everyone. It's just slimy from both of them, especially Damon the way he takes advantage of these moments when the whole reason it's happening is because his brother is trying to save him. I think it devalues Damon and Stefan's brotherhood dynamic a little because Damon completely disregards Stefan's feelings for Elena and is ultimately selfish.


Exactly this! Ppl are acting like he is being a jerk just because - when we saw how much he fought Klaus and the compulsion. And Damon is acting like suddenly he feels “guilty” when his behaviour has been this way from the start.


Agreed. He’s been doing this the whole time. He just throws in little speeches here and there about how he cannot be selfish or feels guilty but his actions repeatedly say otherwise.

Amber Augustine

the delena kiss is so iconic. It’s one of my favorite moments in the show. The buildup to the moment, and the payoff was epic. I screamed so loud when I saw this kiss, it was perfect. The tension between the two grew with every episode and it was the right time for them to kiss in this moment.

Kyla Brand

that moment at the end with damon and elena is one of my favourite delena scenes. And it fitted so well. It wasn't just out of nowhere, they were building it up for a while, the tension between both of them. I just love them


scene was def hot damon and elena. Damon def a horrible brother. No wonder stefan tried to seperate himself from him before