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Elena and Damon head to Chicago, following Stefan and Klaus

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Kevin Warner

I forgot that the chief of police guy comes in in this episode… Great touch, noticing that Klaus doesn’t want to be abandoned. Can’t wait for you guys to get a little bit further in the season. Great stuff keep it up.


love it so much!can we get twice in week?))


I would've definitely loved to see a Damon and Klaus roadtrip also👏🏽👏🏽


Great Interesting Episode and introduction to Rebekah. Also Elena and even Damon don’t know about the 10 years they just know Stefan made a deal to leave with Klaus after Katherine told them, they don’t know the exact details only we viewers do.


Hi all, is anyone else struggling with the sound? I turn the volume on full to hear the show then when the girls talk it sounds really loud 🤣 one of them sneezed earlier and I nearly had a heart attack 😱

Yes. That’s why Damon and Elena going makes complete sense. Their only goal right now is to rescue Stefan and get him away from Klaus. They had no idea until Stefan told Damon outside the bar what Klaus was doing and how important Elena still is to his plans. Also I couldn’t imagine them not in this episode, no one should ever be complaining about having more of those 2 on screen together like cmon girls…

Leeann Gouttiere

I agree with Erin that it wasn’t an episode that I especially liked. Which is weird, because it frequently shows up as one of the “best” or “most popular ” or “epic” episodes on many such lists about the show. Maybe that has more to do with the 1920s sets and costuming, which were truly beautiful.

Abraham Alvarez

I loved the reflection to conversion therapy, also when Carol says to Caroline "Your father and I, our families, we were raised with certain beliefs" I, as a gay man, thought it was very well executed I and it helped with what I was going through as a gay teenager who watched this while it aired.


Damon and Elena don’t know that the deal is 10 years, just that Klaus has taken Stefan

Katrinchen Resident

I Hope you guys might react to the Originals after this🤍🥰🤭i know tvd is Long but yea im already hyped for certain Episodes and maybe the Originals after hehe😸❣️


I love how Damon bought Elena a cute dress before she sees Stephen. It’s a small thing but it’s very nice gesture.


Stephen giving his new girl his ex girls necklace is diabolical 😂


Damon never really respected Elena's boundaries. At first to piss off Stefan, then because Katherine rejected him and finally once he developed feelings. He has been after Elena since day 1. I wouldn't say it is to remind her she has feelings for him because he's been doing it from the very start.

Amber Augustine

I think it’s still worth it that they’re even trying to get Stefan back. It wouldn’t make sense if they didn’t at least try to get him out. I think you guys are seeing this situation too negatively. Elena and Damon are both coming from a good place by trying to free him from klaus. Obviously it won’t work, but the efforts are there. Elena also needed to be there so she can be exposed to Stefan’s past as a ripper, because she was in denial.


I think Damon being there was to offer himself as a replacement. He had that as the plan, and allowed Elena to think whatever she was doing is what he was going along with