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Hello, everyone!

Today's been a busy, busy, busy day for me, as I've blocked out nearly two minutes of conversation between Liara and the Shadowbroker.

I know that sounds like a lot, but I do want to state a few things:

1.) Episode 3 has long been planned to be the longest episode of the season*, and potentially the series. It is when everything starts to come together, and Liara reveals just how viable of a candidate she is for being a Blue Star diplomat (RE: Liara reveals how strong-willed yet slutty she is).

2.) As an extension of the above, this episode importantly sets up how Liara handles impossible odds - rather than meekly submitting, she uses her sexuality to her advantage. Put another way, rather than letting herself be abused, she becomes the galaxy's perfect little blue-tittied sex kitten, performing all kinds of deprived sexual acts, and all the while being in total tactical control of her situation.

3.) The Shadowbroker reveals to, and in a way teaches, Liara that there are more forms of power than sheer violence - he uses his intellect to disarm Liara, and she in turn uses her sexuality to disarm him. They both get what they want through extorting one another, and all without an ounce of violence.

4.) The Shadowbroker talks slow, and Ivan's voice was just too sexy for me to cut him short. ;).

I've had a few people ask me about how long Episode 3 is going to be, and I am going to say it will most likely fall around 15 minutes total of raw SFM footage, so discounting things like the "previously on" or credits. That does include the after-credits scene, though. It's possible it'll peak 20 minutes, but I don't find that likely.

As I continue to develop the episode, I will keep you all posted on how the length's looking.

* Episode 5 may end up being longer, but that is because it has two (technically three) sex scenes in it, as opposed to every episode prior only having one. Episode 5's intro is planned to actually be the shortest of the series, unless you want to consider the first sex scene to be a part of the intro (which it technically is, but hey, a sex scene is a sex scene, right?)






This looks amazing, those expressions are excellent!


Thanks, Kristofer! I won't lie when I say I'm always a bit paranoid about my face-posing. I have a long history of being made fun of about it.