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Another day, another wip. Seeing as I am trying to get at least one shot done a day, I will similarly try to get at least one WIP posted a day, too.

For those who are really invested in WIPs, then I will be recording and posting a dev log tomorrow, where I will go over in detail what all I have been doing, and will be showing off what all I have done in the animating and post-processing department. It's not a whole lot yet, only about 25 seconds worth of establishing shots, but you will get to see all of these beautiful scenes in full motion, get a sneak peek of the final color correction, and hear the early stages of the audio mixing.

Though I will warn you all now, I am staying up 36 hours, to reset my sleep schedule. So when I make that video, I might be a bit incoherent. I swear, I won't be drunk when I record it - just horrifically sleep deprived.


As to this wip itself, this is the third of five total planned scenebuilds for Episode 3. In the first 20 seconds of the episode, the same amount of scenes are shown on-screen as through the entirety of Episode 2 (including the after-credits scene), and more scenes are shown than are in the entirety of Episode 1.

As the story picks up, and things start to happen, the amount of scenes naturally increase as well.

Though, with that being said, I won't divulge too many details about Episode 4, but I will say this: it will contain the largest scenebuild in the entire season, if not series, and will contain one of the longest scenebuilds in Source Filmmaker history - if not the longest, at 0.8km, or just over half a mile in length. It will be a pretty fucking crazy way to open a porn series episode. And yes, that scene will be used just for an opening, that will probably be on the order of 40 seconds total.

Big plans, my friends.

Big plans.



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