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So this is a post I have been meaning to write for weeks now. I haven't gotten around to it because of the sheer size and amount of time it would take to write it.

But I have taken the time aside to do exactly that, and so, here it is.

This post will discuss, in a fair degree of detail, the following things:

  • Hiveship - The final story, technical details, and the embryo of a sequel
  • Samus Aran & the DazV3 prototype - How Hiveship continues to sculpt my work ethic as a whole, and how this sexy bounty will hopefully usher in a new era of further-refined models.
  • Blue Star - What's going on with Episode 3, the plan for seasons 2 and 3, and the interim episodes
  • Samus Stripper Game - That I plan to do it, how it will play, and what to expect from it
  • Canine Fantasy - How the film series is evolving, renaming of episodes, and how the original video relates to the new ones ; a brief run-down of the next film in the series
  • A Matter Of L/Trust - An update on the production of the first ever film I am directing but not animating

So strap yourselves in, boys and girls. Because this ride is going to get bumpy, and there are no stops along the way.



Ah, Hiveship. The unicorn of SFM porn, it seems. Or at least, my unicorn when it comes to SFM porn.

I think I have been talking about and planning Hiveship for over a year now. Many of my first-generation Patrons signed up in support of Hiveship. I can only imagine how many of them have still stood by in the months that have passed since.

The core thesis of Hiveship has always been simple, and it was that core thesis that caught peoples' interest: sexy bounty hunter Samus Aran gets fucked silly by tentacles. 

But I am someone who is very particular about narrative details, which I hope you wonderful lads and lassies have figured out through the various videos I have released in the past year or so. It's not enough for me to just have a character fucking for the sake of fucking. I need more: why are they fucking? Who are they fucking? Where are they fucking, and not just in a "what is the scenebuild" sense, but in the sense of "where in their canon universe is this?" And how did they get to fucking that who at that where for that why?

It is these narrative details that have been elusive for so many months now for Hiveship.

Despite the lack of addressing them by name, though, I have been working at Hiveship this entire time. If you follow my blog regularly, then I am sure you're aware of the new Samus model, which I regularly refer to as "the Hiveship-era Samus". That isn't empty rhetoric - as I continue to refine the story of Hiveship, I similarly refine my model of Samus. See the next point, on DazV3, for more details of this model work.

Over the months, I have brainstormed with many people, including Samus' current voice actress, the beautiful Incognita, about Hiveship. And, some weeks ago, these brainstorm sessions have finally come to a solid, conclusive framework that answers those above questions solidly for Hiveship.

The breakdown of Hiveship (Spoilers follow!):

An unidentified alien vessel has appeared in the far reaches of Federation-regulated space. Several expeditions have been sent to investigate. All of them have failed. Many of them never returned, and all of those that returned have had their minds broken in some capacity. None of them are sane enough to recall what they had seen. Equipment brought on later expeditions reports some sort of psychic energy field that permeates the interior of the ship, that slowly chips away at the cognitive functions of humans inside it. Some last longers than others, but eventually everyone succumbs to it.

All across Federation space, candidates are being screened for signs indicating a resistance to this psychic energy. Among the potential candidates is esteemed bounty hunter Samus Aran: her veteran experience dealing with the horrors of Space Pirates, Phazon, and Metroids, combined with her unique blend of Chozo DNA, has the psychological team suspecting she alone may be able to resist the ship's mental defenses.

But the commanding officer of the station that Samus is currently stationed at disagrees. Samus has been resident at his station for some time now, and he and the rest of the crew knew exactly what Samus Aran is truly like, off paper. 

The commander describes her to the psychologist pair conducting the test on his station as "an extreme sexual deviant," but what he really means to say is "she's a completely cock-voracious cum-thirsting hyperslut." This daunts the psychologists, but they proceed with the screening process anyways.

Samus is enjoying her leisure hours when the commander calls her down, where "enjoying her leisure hours" means she is giving the crew a sexy pole-dance. After changing into more comfortable attire, she proceeds to the screening. The results are looking absolutely ideal... until they come to the sexual psychoanalysis. After a brief description of the very long list of sexual kinks Samus possesses, she is disqualified as a candidate.

She doesn't take this well, though. The lead psychologist is a middle-aged male. Samus is a hypersexual female. I'm sure you can fill in the details yourself, but long story short, he greenlights her for investigating the Hiveship, despite the results of the psych screening.

Upon arrival to the Hiveship, Samus quickly learns an unanticipated reality: she cannot activate her power armor! The ship must have more energy fields than just the psychic field, restricting the use of Chozo technology. Oh well. She has a mission to complete.

It doesn't take long for the first tentacles to reveal themselves to her, firing themselves off at her in an aggressive manuever. Backed into a wall, she withdraws her sidearm and snarls at them to back off... and, to her amazement, they do exactly that. The tentacles withdraw, subdued, clearing the way for her.

A series of particular events follows: as she comes across a junction of many pathways, trying to find the control room, the tentacles gently point toward a particular door, that just so happens to control room. Then as she is trying to figure out how to gather diagnostics on the ship, the tentacles descend to operate the panel on her behalf.

By this point, Samus is growing suspicious. Backing off when she's feeling threatened, guiding her when she's confused, helping her achieve her goals. In a daring move, she unholsters her pistol and tosses it across the room, then stares at it intently.

After a moment's delay, a tentacle reaches down to pick up the pistol and gently return it across the room, handing it to her. She tries again, throwing the pistol across the room, this time closing her eyes and concentrating. The tentacle picks up the pistol, and instead of returning it to her, places it against the far wall of the room.

Exactly as she ordered it to, in her thoughts.

She isn't sure how, she isn't sure why, but she is sure of one thing: these tentacles seem to be obeying her thoughts. A devious thought enters her mind...

And she squawks softly in surprise as a tentacle starts rubbing itself between her legs. Another wraps itself around a breast. A third caresses her butt. A fourth presses itself against her lips, gently nudging her mouth open for it to snake its way inside.

Of all of the laundry list of Samus' sexual kinks, very few are more powerful in her mind than this. Her heart starts to pump, her blood begins to boil, as the full extent of what she can achieve reveals itself to her.


And as the first tentacle plunges itself roughly into her pink, her surprised gasp is stifled as the second plunges itself deep down her throat. Her standing spitroast is short-lived, as more tentacles wrap themselves around her arms and legs and lift her into the air, and what before seemed no more than a handful of tentacles seems to become and endless mass of writhin, throbbing tentacles, all too eager to pleasure their new mistress.

And pleasure they will.

Technical details

So that is the complete set-up for Hiveship, authored primarily by myself, Pawsywasy (the previous Samus voice actress), and Incognita. I hope you all like that set-up - I know that Incognita and Pawsy both got entirely too excited as we hammered these ideas out.

As to the film itself, I am shooting for 20-ish minutes total. I suspect the pre-tentacles setup will take less than 5 or so minutes, and so I am hoping that I can put together about 15 minutes of Samus getting fucked by an endless parade of tentacles.

Incognita has made it abundantly clear how she wants the end of Hiveship to go down:

  • Tentacles playing Merry-Go-Round with her holes, taking turns blowing loads of cum into her mouth, pussy, and ass
  • Cum overflowing from each hole as the tentacles continue to push their way in and blow their loads
  • Samus' tummy inflating noticeably with cum
  • After her holes are "too full", the tentacles blow their loads all over her, covering her head to toe in cum
  • Some undisclosed time passes, and a group of Federation soldiers find Samus laying in a pool of cum, licking it up, muttering to herself how much she loves cum.

That's the ending Incognita wants, and that's the ending I will do everything in my power to give her.

Sequel? Because the story never ends!

Additionally, she and I have discussed setting up the sequel to Hiveship (god knows when it'd be made!) in an after-credits scene. We haven't figured out the details of how it would happen exactly, but it would set up the following points:

  • After only a short while, Samus is heavily pregnant
  • While it is apparent the tentacles aboard the Hiveship impregnated her, the child is a genetic clone of Samus
  • The impregnation has forced a physical addiction to cum on Samus: if she doesn't absorb cum through swallowing, her womb, her anus, or her skin, then she undergoes violent withdrawal, with physical danger to her health occurring after 8 hours.
  • As such, she needs to have someone cum in or on her at least 3 times a day.

Samus & the DazV3 Prototype

As I said previously, I have been working on Hiveship fairly regularly these past few months, and a big portion of that work has been in the way of model development.

This can be reflected in the evolution of Samus models I have built. Initially, Samus was built on the Skyrim UNP body, using the Other M face and hair .  That was the original model that Hiveship was written to use.

Then I replaced that awful model with the Public DazV1 build of Samus, using Sarah Bryant's face and hair, with some modifications . This model was significantly better in every capacity, and is the model that was used in Bounty Booty.

But then I developed the DazV2 body, with improved shoulder and ass deformation, and better overall rigging. I then built the currently-unreleased Hiveship-era Samus, taking advantage of the DazV2 advantages and also getting a slimmer, sexier body and a better Zero Suit fitting . This model is, hands down, the best form of her yet.

But she still has problems. With the construction of the Stripper  Outfit , I have commenced on the process of attempting to fix the rigging issues that have plagued the DazV2 models in general, and Samus in particular.

As such, she is becoming the prototype for DazV3. I am 99.5% certain I know what is causing a large chunk of these problems, and I know how to fix them, but I am running into a technical issue with 3dsMax that is preventing me from attempting to do so.

Keep an eye on my blog as I continue to work on continuing to refine the model.

Blue Star

Right, so, first things first, I want to address a concern that I've had a few people bring up, since I made a post about it: I absolutely want to finish Blue Star. I love the idea, and I love making the episodes. I absolutely want to finish it.

But with that being said, there is a lot of work that goes into the episodes, like with any large video. And as I think this post alone describes, I have a lot of ideas.

I don't like being boxed into one thing for a long period of time. I like to stretch and dip my fingers into other stories. Blue Stars Episode 1 and 2 were done basically back-to-back, and that's a lot of time stuck not only within the Mass Effect universe, but stuck with just Jack and Liara.

As such, as I was finishing up the preproduction for Blue Star Episode 3, I went a bit stir-crazy. While I want to make the episode, my motivation to work on it just plummetted, and it became impossible for me to focus on it - my mind continually wandered off to other projects.

After fighting this for about a month, I finally elected to take a break from Episode 3, and instead focus on some other projects, both in the videos department, and also in writing, modeling, and designing.

So that's where Blue Star Episode 3 and myself are at right now. I absolutely intend to return to and finish Blue Star Episode 3, but I am currently taking a break from the series to pursue other ideas and "flush" my brain of them, so to speak.

So what about seasons 2 and 3?

Well, before I go any farther, I want to make it clear that Season 3 was never formally announced. I don't know if there will be a Season 3. I absolutely intend to do a Season 2, but I don't have it formally written out yet. That won't happen until after Hiveship and Canine Fantasy (which I will address in detail later in this post). Depending on how Season 2 is written, Season 3 may not be necessary. Or it may be. I honestly can't say right now.

With that being said, Season 2 is going to the bottom of my project heap. Which is to say I want to get all of my other film projects done first, before I start Season 2.

Which also means that, as long as this hiatus between Episodes 2 and 3 has been, it will be a blink of an eye compared to between Seasons 1 and 2. I would honestly be surprised if Season 2 started up less than a year after Episode 5 airs, and I would personally suggest an expected waiting time of 16 months after Episode 5.

With that being said, I do want to tackle a previously undisclosed idea I have had for Blue Star: Interims.

As I hope you all have been able to gather thus far, Blue Star is told entirely through the perspectives of the season protagonists: Liara and Jack in Season 1, including Tali in Season 2, and possibly adding a fourth character if Season 3 ends up being made.

But these are very narrow windows, peering into the lore I had engineered for the series, on which the individual episodes are built. The Interims are special episodes that break away from the main series and the main characters, to provide a unique perspective on all of the other facets of the story.

I have two interims planned: the first will be between Seasons 1 and 2 (between Episodes 5 and 6), and the second will be after Season 2 finishes (and between Season 3, if Season 3 ends up being made).

The first interim will be following the Director, the Turian seen in the after-credits scene of Episode 2, and the operator of the Blue Star organization.

It will begin approximately 80 years previous, with the Director being the commander of a Turian expedition team that finds a previously-undiscovered Relay deep in a nebula on the edges of Turian space. Rather than report the Relay, the Director goes rogue, and he and his team use the Relay to jump to a pristinely untouched region of space. It is here that the Blue Star organization's station is constructed, orbiting the system's signature deep-blue star, from which the name is derived.

From these origins, the interim will go through the years, explaining how the Blue Star organization has touched the lives of basically every major character in the Mass Effet series, starting with when they attempted to make a deal with the Shadow Broker, and when that deal fell through. In retaliation, the organization set up a "hunting trip" for the Shadow Broker, with a certain Yahg as a trophy - the organization knew the Yahg would resist capture, and assisted him in killing the Shadow Broker and overtaking his throne. Using their assistance as leverage, they convince the new Shadow Broker to work with them in clandestinity.

The alliance with the Shadow Broker put the organization right where they wanted to be: on the galactic stage, with no one even knowing they exist. From there, their slimy tendrils spread, providing their own brand of sexual "diplomacy" in places where the Council failed - which was more often than they would care to admit - and outwardly attributing the subsequent successes to the Council, to keep them docile and uninterested in investigating.

This Interim would reveal the extent of Blue Star's influence, from causing the disarray on Omega that lead to Aria's rise to becoming its queen, to influencing Henry Lawson to pursue a quest of perfect genetic heritage; from influencing Cerberus' ultimately-self-destructive decisions, to controlled sabotages on the Migrant Fleet to dictate its motions; from a short time sporting Matriarch Benezia as a "diplomat", to a short time sporting the then-citizen Jane Shepard as a "diplomat" as well.

This Interim wouldn't progress the story really, ending with Shepard joining the organization as a diplomat, but would rather cement its origins and its place in the political theatre, revealing just how big the organization is, and lending respect to its ability to operate so widely and yet in total silence.

The second interim would be far more focused. It, too, would be focused on the past and not move the story forward, but will instead focus solely on Jane Shepard's time as a diplomat, chronicling her sexual escapades with humans, Asari, Krogan, Vorcha, Hanar, Varren, Turians, Batarians, Drell, Salarians, and even Elcor, (I should note that it is very likely not all of these will be included, or if they are, not all of them will be extensively sex scenes, just due to how many there are), before ending in her departing from the organization and the subsequent memory-scrubbing that removes all of this information from her recollection and aligns the Blue Star series with established Mass Effect canon.

Samus Stripper Game

Yes, you read that right.

The extended development time that the Samus Stripper outfit is undergoing, which is itself a result of the sheer amount of custom texture work that is being done and the fact I am using her to prototype the DazV3 update, means that for long hours of the day, Stripper Samus is on the forefront of my mind.

A natural consequence of this is thinking of projects for her.

Combine this with a previous discussion I have had of returning to the field of Flash games (or, as I have come to refer to them in recent weeks, Flash Interactive Medias, or FIMs for short ), and the result is the design for a game involving Samus Stripper.

The core mechanics of the game would be really simple: you, as the POV character, have a set amount of money to spend however you please. Samus is giving you a private show, starting with dancing and escalating through stages of sex until finally the POV character climaxes (or runs out of money).

By default, Samus assumes an "idle" position, with nothing going on. At any given time, you have 3 options available to you: picking a new animation, sustaining the current animation, or moving to another animation set. All three cost money.

Picking a new animation will begin playing an animation, randomly chosen within the current "set" or "pool" of animations. So, for example, different pole-dance animations, different oral animations, etc, etc. These animations only play for a limited period of time, after which she returns to the idle position.

Sustaining an animation will add time to the current animation timer, so that it continues playing.

Moving to another animation set moves the game along. You cannot move backward through animation sets, and every time you move to another animation set, all three actions cost more money.

The game would be voiced by the beautiful Incognita, with a few tease lines and all the associated moans and slurps you'd expect from a sex animation.

That is the core game loop. It's pretty simple, but I think effective. It is augmented by three major secondary mechanics:

Persistent-Reward Achievements: The game comes with a slew of achievements, from simple things like "Sustain an animation 5 times in a row", to complicated things like "Finish the game while spending less than $xxxx". Every achievement you unlock gives you a money bonus for the current game, but also increases the amount of money you start with on later games, encouraging multiple playthroughs. The achievements are persistent, meaning that even if you close out of the game and come back to it later, your achievements will still be there. You can choose to reset your achievements at any time.

Post-Climax Scenes: there are 7 "endings" to the game, and each ending plays a unique animation that can only be seen via that ending, meaning you would have to finish the game 7 times to get each ending. The endings are as follows:

  • Cum on her face - she begins a public pole-dance, in front of a large audience, with your POV character's cum still on her face.
  • Cum on her tummy - she begins a public pole-dance with cum still on her tummy.
  • Cum on her back - she begins a public pole-dance with cum still on her back.
  • Cum in her mouth - she swallows, kisses the POV character's cock, and then looks up slyly at the camera and comments about how yummy it is.
  • Cum in her ass - she lifts herself up, showing the cum dripping out of her butt, and comments about how you made a mess in her.
  • Cum in her pussy (condom on) - she holds the condom up, filled with a disproportionate amount of cum (hey, it's porn), and comments about how it's a shame you didn't pay to put that bun in her oven.
  • Cum in her pussy (raw) - a title card explains several months pass, before a scene of Samus holding onto the dancing pole with one hand, while rubbing her heavily-pregnant tummy with the other, in front of a large audience, before she signals the camera out of the crowd, winks, and blows a kiss.

As the last two suggest, there is a option of fucking her pussy with a condom on or off. The condom is the default option, and going raw is the ultimate animation set, and is prohibitively expensive compared to the other options - knocking her up is considered the ultimate end-game, and is considered a reward for either extremely strategic playing, or using the cash bonuses from multiple achievement-gaining playthroughs.

Snatching and Spanking: This third mechanic is a mini-game that is only available during the dance stages of the game - as soon as sex begins, it no longer becomes available.

During these stages, you have the option to pay Samus by throwing the money, rather than handing it to her. This results in her bending over to pick up the money, which exposes the Snatch-And-Spank minigame.

The minigame works by picking two random spots: one around the top of her leggings, the other around her ass. At each location, a colored circle with a letter displayed by it appears, with the circles closing and fading away extremely quickly.

If you click the bubble on her ass, or press the associated key, then you trigger a spank event. Similarly, if you click the bubble on her stocking, or press the associated key, then you trigger a snatch event.

In both cases, the color of the bubble represents her chance of success: a bright green bubble is guaranteed to succeed, a bright red bubble is guaranteed to fail, and colors in between signal their relative chances, with orange meaning a high fail chance, and blue a high success chance.

In the case of the spank, either way, your POV character spanks her ass. If it is successful, then she gives a positive comment, and the prices for the current animation set become slightly cheaper, in the guise of her giving a favored-client discount. If it fails, she gives a negative comment, and the prices go up.

In the case of the snatch, if it is successful, then you gain an amount of money equal to a proportion of what you spent, in a range that predominantly favors you gaining money from the transaction. If you fail, then you not only lose the money you spent, but it counts as a strike against you - three strikes, and you're kicked out and fail the game.

Both snatching and spanking, of course, have achievements associated with them, including achievements that result in you botching the game (such as an achievement for getting kicked out, or an achievement for making dances prohibitively expensive for yourself).

I am considering having the Spank system evolve through the sex scenes, such as deepthroat / gagging for oral (Positive being her commenting on how exhilirating it is, negative being her complaining you held her down too long), and slapping / choking for the other sex (Positive being a "hurt me right" comment, negative being a "bit too rough" comment).

Of course, like the spank/snatch system, all of these "rough sex" options would be purely optional, for those who don't share that particular flavor.

I have absolutely no idea how long this would take to do, but I do know that, once I have the DazV3 update sorted out, I intend to start slowly developing it, working on it a few hours each week in between other, more prevalent projects.

And I completely intend to have playable builds released for my $10 Patrons. Right now, I have three builds in mind:

  • The Mechanics Prototype - This build would only contain 2 animation sets, and 5 animations: two dance animations, a single sex animation, the spank animation, and the cum-on-face post-climax animation. This build would do what its name suggestion: It would test all of the mechanics of the game, without any meat to it. It would be a barebones "is this fun" prototype.
  • The Balance Prototype - This build would have all of the animation sets made, but not all of the animations. Every set included would have two or three animations to cycle between, and there would be two post-climax animations (cum-on-face and pregnant). The purpose of this build would be to test to see if all of the monetary values (costs and rewards) are fair, and see how difficult it is to play through to the ultimate ending of knocking Samus up.
  • The Prerelease Prototype - This build would have all of the final content included, and would be content-complete. This build would basically be a closed beta, and would run for two or so weeks, giving people time to find any last-minute bugs I missed, or make last-minute suggestions to the balance, before the public (free) release.

All of that being said, while I did say that this will be a $10 Patron reward, please don't just blindly sign up for the $10 reward right now, solely for the chance to play these early builds - wait for me to make a public announcement about the Mechanics Prototype going live. Once that prototype is live, then you can at least get something playable for your donation.

I highly suggest this waiting because, as I said, I simply have no idea how long it will take for me to get to that first prototype.

Canine Fantasy

Probably the most-asked-after film series of mine, and understandably so, because of how quiet I have been about it.

I want to start by quelling any concerns people may have: I do still intend to make the Canine Fantasy films!

With that being said, I have done a lot of thinking, and a lot of drafting, over the past year or so, about the series. And I have come to a few conclusions that I want to share with you all now.

The first conclusion is this: Canine Fantasy I: The Wilderness will not be considered canon. That may seem like an absurd statement, cutting out the video that started the whole series, but after a lot of thought, I have decided to do exactly that.

My reasons are simple: Wilderness is really short, and it really has no narrative structure at all. It was written to be standalone, but I actually butchered most of that when I made the piece, because it was my very first voiced project, and I wanted to make it punchy and get straight to the point, make a strong first impression as I get into the voiced-video scene.

Since then, I have fleshed out the Canine Fantasy films into a proper series. Some months ago, I posted a draft for Canine Fantasy 0: Enter the Beast, and it was really short and choppy. That, too, has been culled, in favor of the second conclusion.

Canine Fantasy will be a trilogy, and not a quadrilogy; what was formally Canine Fantasy 0: Enter the Beast is now Canine Fantasy I: Enter the Beast. The two sequels retain their original titles, of Canine Fantasy II: Alpha and Omega, and Canine Fantasy III: Wolfmother.

This naturally falls out of tossing Wilderness out of the series: the prequel becomes the first episode, and the quadrilogy becomes a trilogy.

It is worth noting that in original drafts, what became Alpha and Omega was originally drafted to be a part of Wilderness, but was part of what I cut out due to it being my first voiced-video experiment. As such, what ended up being Wilderness will be reabsorbed (in essence) into Alpha and Omega, along with my original full narrative for Wilderness.

I don't have much else to add here, though, so I will immediately launch directly into the third conclusion:

Enter the Beast will be a full-length film, and not a mini-film like Wilderness was and like its original draft suggested.

By full-length, I mean 20+ minutes in length, like Hiveship and A Matter of L/Trust.

I can't say definitively for Alpha & Omega and Wolfmother, because I haven't written them yet, but I suspect they will be the same.

Enter the Beast will follow the general ideas of the original draft, but expanded upon greatly. Loosely, the events will follow this general order:

  • Lulu hires men to fuck her, but is spiritually dissatisfied despite her orgasming.
  • Lulu experiments with exotic magic that makes her nipples and anus extremely sexually sensitive, such that she cums from having her nipples played with and from anal sex, in turn.
  • Lulu experiments with summoning magic, having sex with demons and tentacles she summons
  • Lulu joins a kink club, where she is exposed to bondage, gangbangs, and finally, bestiality. Of everything she has tried before, only the bestiality sparks a passion in her.
  • Some amount of time passes, by which point Lulu has garnered a formal role in the club, with a performing persona of the latex-clad "Breeder Bitch", where she puts on small fight-club-esque shows of having sex with dogs. She has a reputation among the fetish underground, and is both the club's most popular and most financially-lucrative performer, with her fan favorite finale being where her canine partners "breed" her - taking her from behind, knotting her, and cumming inside her.
  • Eventually, Lulu screws up (or, would you rather I say, "Lulu screws the pooch"? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), and is caught having sex with dogs outside of the club - specifically, she is caught having broken into a local kennel and having the dogs gangbang her. She is branded a zoophile, and is outcast from the city, exiled to... you guessed it, The Wilderness ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Enter the Beast's exact production date is variable. It will definitely be done after Blue Star Episode 5, but it may be done before or after Hiveship. That all depends on finding a voice actress for Lulu.

As it is, I am not a big fan of the last voice actress I had for Lulu, who voiced her in the short Enter the Dominatrix. It isn't necessarily anything against her, but I personally don't find her personality meshes well with mine, and combined with her questionable recording quality (I won't go into the details about the stress involved in getting that audio to a presentable state, and even then, I am still not at all a fan of how it came out), not to mention the fact that she isn't a fan of dubbing oral sex, I just don't think I want to cast her as Lulu in these flagship films.

As to MissPoppy, the original voice actress for Lulu in Wilderness, I have no intentions to bring her back, either. I personally liked her, but she was extremely polarizing. I have never seen such negative comments on any of my works, before or after, than I did on Wilderness - and all of the bad comments were attacking Poppy's performance, no one had issues with the animation itself.

As Blue Star Episode 5 comes to a close, I will set up a casting call for Lulu. I will make it abundantly clear the kind of content that the actress will be dubbing and associating her voice with (which, in my experience, doesn't bother most erotic voice actresses), and will make a special point that oral dubbing is a requirement (because I absolutely intend to have doggy deepthroat throughout the film series).

I will make the announcement of whether Canine Fantasy or Hiveship will be done first before starting production on either, but seeing as that is after Blue Star Episode 5, that's still a long ways away.

A Matter of L/Trust

The project is going along well, and as of 3PM today, we have officially exited pre-production.

That isn't technically true, since Divider has already been securing many of the base poses for the sex scene while we were in pre-production, but now all of the pre-production is complete: the outline is written, the script is written, and the non-dub audio has already been recorded, submitted, and paid for.

As of right now, I officially have $240 invested in this project, not counting Divider's monthly salary. I have already told Divider outright that I am not concerned about recouping his salary in early access - as long as I can recoup the voice-acting fees (which will probably approach $500 when everything is said and done), I will consider the project a financial success.

That may seem a lot, especially since the early-access reward is only $15, but consider that Blue Star Episode 2 was only in Early Access for less than 3 days, and in that time nearly 100 people pledged the $15 Early Access and then unpledged (what I call a "hit and run") after downloading the early-access, meaning that Blue Star Episode 2 generated nearly $1500 in early-access pledges. Note: because of the charge-up-front, that means I still got the money, and these people didn't get early-access for free.

I suspect that, so long as we market the film right, we should be able to get at least 34 people to early-subscribe to it.

And toward that marketing end, we do have plans to release 2 trailers:

  • A green-band trailer, or a "YouTube-friendly" trailer, which will not have any explicit sex in it. This trailer will set up the narrative and tease the sex, without any actual sex in it. It will be released first, and will be posted on YouTube for wide-audience viewing.
  • A black-band trailer, which will contain explicit sex. This trailer will be released sometime after the green-band, and will be hosted on PornHub, for more "selective" viewing.

Between these two trailers, and the fact that the film will be in early access for 5 days (which is a policy I am starting with Blue Star Episode 3, for posterity's sake), I am optimistic it will be able to pay for the voice-acting.

We are expecting the film to be about 20 to 25 minutes in length, total. It will be, by the time of its release, the longest single piece I have written and directed to date. We are hoping for a release by late April, and it will probably be released before I finish Blue Star Season 1 (the joy of parallel production - I'm not animating this particular film, just directing and editing it).

We hope to have the green-band trailer out by the second week of March, and the black-band trailer out by the second week of April.

Please keep in mind all of these dates are very tentative, seeing as we just got out of pre-production, but those are the dates we are shooting for!


(No title)



Would you consider going back to the proposed Miranda movie once 'A Matter Of Tr/Lust' is released?


Assuming my financial situation doesn't worsen between now and then, then that is the plan. :)


Brilliant... Simply brilliant. word of warning though... with all that your planning you may just make the internet explode.


There's an even higher probability I'll make my heart explode, from all of the anxiety resulting from this looming tower of plans. I won't lie when I say that there isn't a day that goes by where I don't wish I was more productive than I am.