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(Edited 12:32AM, January 15)

So, if the "Placeholder Title - Placeholder Subtitle" didn't give it away, then when I say this is a nascent plot, I mean it is a nascent plot. Like, it's so raw that I would normally not even consider sharing it with anyone who isn't a close friend, that's how nascent it is.

HOWEVER, the particulars of how this plot is currently written leaves it in a unique position where I can share it in its nascent stage. Further developments of the story will have minimal impact with what I will share with you all now.

I do want to disclaim that this film is extremely far away. Hiveship and Canine Fantasy Zero will both be done before it, and it is possible that Blue Star Season 2 will be done before it as well. So this film is at least a year away from production, maybe even two years away.

With that being said, let's get started! I will leave spoilers at the bottom, for those interested, in a separate link, so you have to click it to read them. Again, the film is a long ways away, so you might want to check the spoilers if you don't think you can wait that long.


PLOT SUMMARY: Someone is using Tear technology for their own purposes in Rapture, and Elizabeth is hunting them down.

SYNOPSIS / PITCH: Elizabeth is an outsider to Rapture, brought to the city through the fragmented multiverse on the hunt for Comstock (see Burial at Sea for details, with details of course augmented to fit my narrative).

Whispers and rumors of a man using a device to travel unfathomable distances to trade with the merchants of Rapture eventually reach Elizabeth, whom she immediately believes to be Comstock using the Tears to usurp Rapture's technology for Columbia.

The man she finds is not Comstock, however. Indeed, the man has never heard the name Comstock, instead being given the technology by an unknown third party, and seems genuine in his claim.

This presents a unique problem: if there is someone else using Tears to manipulate the multiverse, the damage that could be done is incalculable. Elizabeth takes it upon herself to track down whoever is responsible, and shut them down. Permanently, if need be.

At the same time, Elizabeth is not the only person to hear these rumors. One Frank Fontaine, of the esteemed Fontaine Futuristics, has an immediate interest in the technology, seeing it as a way to elevate his market empire to new levels and finally crush his competition once and for all.

It doesn't take long for Frank and Elizabeth to cross paths in their mutual hunt for this mysterious dimension-jumper, and an alliance is only a natural consequence.

Between Frank's resources and vast intelligence networks, and Elizabeth's... unique perspective on persuasion, it is only a matter of time before this menace to the multiverse is found and dealt with.



So this is where the nascent plot really comes into its own, and why I am sharing it now, so early in its stage of writing. Rather than go into exhaustive detail explaining it, I will instead say this:

I like to think of writing stories a bit like building a map for a dungeon crawler. Your end-points, your beginning and your end, are like the starting area and the boss chamber. The beginning is critical for setting everything up, and the end is critical for finally resolving the plot and closing the story. But neither have any actual direction to them: they are literally end points, not arrows.

I have both of those for this story. But, more importantly, I also have plot points on both sides of them, which both give direction. Which means that, I can simply connect them with any amount of plot points in between: draw a path, add details, and I have my narrative.

See this diagram for a visual representation of what I mean.


Before I go on to list, in summary, each of the scenes, there is a little caveat that I need to elaborate on: There is a recurring character, called simply Courier, who delivers information and orders to Elizabeth on Fontaine's behalf. He's a bit of a creep, though, and "augments" the orders to include Elizabeth pleasuring him. Elizabeth obliges, out of a mix of pity for him and not wanting to deal with him being a whiny bitch when she shuts him down. These scenes are marked as Courier in the outline below, and are all short "mini" scenes, only lasting maybe a minute or two and only doing a single position and a quick climax. They are not themselves full scenes, like the others, where a "full scene" can last 5 to 10 minutes (think the sex scene of Blue Star 1 or Blue Star 2, or Bounty Booty, as a "full scene").

With that being said, here is the quick sketch of the scenes. If you want details on the scenes, you can read the spoilers linked at the bottom. Just be aware that the spoilers also spoil the ending of the film.

SCENE 1 - POV dimension-hopping between party and sex

SCENE 2* - Learning Comstock is not the one using the Tears in Rapture

COURIER - blowjob

SCENE 3 - Thug gangbang

COURIER - doggystyle

SCENE 4 - Cohen's fetish "art show"

COURIER - anal spooning

SCENE 5 - Fat capitalist

SCENE 6* - Learning who is using the Tear technology

SCENE 7 - Confronting and stopping the user of the Tear technology

* I haven't worked out how exactly this will translate to in the film. 

And that's the rough outline of the film, as I have it now. A rough projection would put it at a runtime of approximately 45 minutes. And that's a really rough projection, I could be way off in either direction.

If you want a full draft of the scenes, including the ending (spoiler alert), then you can click here to read the draft here . Note that the draft is not complete, nor is it edited. There are some details missing, and even a plot-point or two. But the draft is *more or less* complete, and it gives a very strong idea of what the film will be like, from a narrative and progression standpoint.

I should forewarn I wrote this between the hours of midnight and 4am, and so it's possible I have major grammar errors, such as using the word "minute" when I meant "moment". So if you find any errors like that, please feel free to point them out.
