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Due to some family scheduling, I will be back with my folks for the entirety of December. I am leaving November 23rd, and will be staying with my folks until early- to mid-January. The reason for this is Thanksgiving into Christmas and New Years - my folks and I decided that the circa 2 weeks in between when I'd leave for Thanksgiving and return again for Christmas isn't efficient, and so we decided I will just stay that time with them, especially since I probably won't see them again until next summer.

As such, I am putting a 2-month delay on my Phase 1 projects (Blue Star, the Nualia project, etc).

I will instead be focusing the next 2 weeks on finishing my loose model projects (Marie, Honoka, Femshep, Rebecca, etc) and producing a series of shorts. The first short I will release is a short Femshep piece, circa a minute, in response to the Andromeda reveal on N7 day. I am hoping to have that short released by Tuesday.

I also have a sex-comedy short planned, using the Cop Marie / Honoka / Bass / Rig. I have Marie and Honoka cast already, with an offer for Rig extended, and am currently searching for a Bass voice.

Additionally, as a result of this delay, I am positing a question to all of my followers and Patrons: when I return in January, would you rather I work on the Nualia project (community-contributed animations, with minimal animations from myself), or delay it in favor of Blue Star Episode 3 (Liara x Shadowbroker).

You can click here to vote on it.


Click here to download the devlog. It's just over 30 minutes long, and is about 500MB when extracted from the .7z file (use 7zip to extract it). The quality is low, due to compression, and my audio quality is pretty poor too due to my fan running. I apologize for both.




Hopefully you come back full of sexual energy. :)


enjoy stay with your parents...make the most of the time you have with them!


A full length Miranda movie? Yes. YES. OH YES