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  • Overbreed_Wip09_discord.mp4



Hello, everyone!

I had aspirations for this past week to be productive, and - against all odds - my aspirations were actually met!


Here is the current state of the next three mini-vids:

Harley - Fully voiced, currently being sound designed

Leliana - Voice cast, recording will hopefully begin this week; with any luck, it will be ready for sound design by the end up of next week.

Frozen - Animated, but no dialogue written or voice casting yet.

I'd like to get the Frozen minivid further along, but Harley and Leliana buy me two months, so I've decided to push it down to a lower priority for now.


The biggest development this past week, as you might have guessed from this week's post image, is that Overbreed's swung back into production!  And, what's more, I managed to hit a milestone on it!

As I've mentioned before, Overbreed Episode 1 is split into three Sequences, and I am starting with the last (and main) Sequence first, which is Sequence C. Sequence C is further split into 7* "subsequences", which are as such:

1.) Wall-fuck

2.) Facefuck

3.) Futa-on-top (Sombra orgasm #1)

4.) From behind (Sombra orgasm #2)

5.) Anal (Sombra orgasm #3)

6.) Facefuck (again)

7.) Piledriver (Sombra orgasm #4, Mercy orgasm)

*I have earlier reported there were 8 subsequences. These subsequences are hazy and not clearly defined - this is actually the first time I've actually sat down and tried to label them. I apologize for the confusion.

And as of earlier this week, subsequence 2 is officially complete! Mercy is finally giving Sombra's throat a rest (for now; as you can see, she'll be returning attention to it later) and turning to slaying her pussy instead (twice).

The latest 72-second WIP has been attached to this post! Note that the tool I used to auto-generate the subtitles on the video apparently doesn't support the umlaut-U in "musli." I will fix it later. It's 230AM and I spent the past 4 hours debugging my Virtual Novel editor. I'm tired. Let me sleep.

For those who read the screenplay when it was posted all those months ago, this won't be much a surprise. But, as is suggested by the composition of the subsequences, Mercy is an endurance fuck - Sequence B establishes that she can last upwards of 40 straight minutes of vigorous stimulation. She is also an endurance shooter, with an orgasm that spans literal minutes. If you've seen my other works, then it shouldn't surprise you at all to see me canonize the uncannily long ejaculation sequences I have an affinity to build.

I won't lie when I say that I've flirted with the idea of making Mercy's orgasm sequences in real-time. I don't really know if I can make 4+ minutes of jizzing entertaining enough to justify. But I have been flirting with the idea regardless.

Two final notes on the topic:

Regarding Mercy fucking Sombra's face twice, I have long decided that there is a sort of unspoken sub-story through Overbreed, where Mercy's personal preference is face-fucking over anal or vaginal sex. Throughout the series, she will constantly be gravitating toward face-fucking, and desperately wanting to blow her load down her partners' throats, but her partners want her to impregnate them, and Mercy - being the selfless angel she is - puts her partners' wishes above her own and obliges.

And then finally, while Mercy is an endurance fuck and endurance shooter, that is not a universal trait to the futa serum driving the plot of the miniseries. Indeed, each futa in the series will have a unique configuration, and addressing this variance actually drives the plot near the end of the mini-series.


I've also been chipping away at the Futashep Visual Novel. This past week has been mostly focused on writing a dedicated editor for the tool. Predominantly as a way for me to just visualize the current structure, and at a glance tell what I need to expand on. After a few days, I've got the tool to a functional state.

It's not feature-complete by any means, but it works well enough for me to continue work. Which I have done! The latest update of the Futashep VN, pushed out earlier tonight, was made entirely with the Editor - the first to do so. All of the previous sequences I put together by hand in Notepad, and let me tell you - by the end of it, it was becoming a real headache to keep everything straight in my head.

My goal now is to flesh out all of the existing loose ends, tying them up to the current story and having them all converge with the current end-point of choosing the first off-ship location. Once I have everything converging on that decision, I intend to push forward and basically repeat the same process - push the story forward a few paces, to the next point of common convergence, and then backfill all of the existing options to that singular point.

It's going to be a bit awkward, iteratively releasing these dead ends. But I want to keep pushing them out as I make them - having the public pressure helps motivate me to keep working on them, rather than toil away in silence.

Future Notes

The next Patreon post is likely to be both delayed and anemic. I am serving as groomsman for a friend's wedding on the 22nd, and the couple and our immediate group of friends will be doing things for a few days ahead of that. I know for a fact they want us to be doing things together as early as the 20th, and it may be as early as the 19th when I will be heading out and spending the days with them.

Immediately before then, I am getting my third covid shot on the 15th (tomorrow), and so depending on how that goes, it will likely be slowing my progress.

It may be as late as Thursday the 24th before the next Progress Report is made. And, again, don't expect much to be included in that report.

That's all for now! Until next time, everyone!






Thanks for the update. Sounds like things are moving along nicely.

Dr. Javi

God, I love the smooching. So few animators bother to do it which makes it even more special when you see it.