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Hey all.

Sorry for not posting this earlier. Trying to ease back my sleep schedule, was too late last night.

The Mercy x Sombra sequence is ALMOST done. It's literally only got, like, 2 elements left that need to be revised, and then a final editing pass over everything. I actually thought Wolves and I were done the other day, but during my look-over pass I saw some elements that sorely stuck out from the rest, and need to get hammered into place.

We're planning to tackle that this weekend.

These references aren't 100% locked, since as I said there are a few that need to be revised, but it's all I really have to show, since it's literally just been writing that I've been working on the past week, so this is what all I decided to show.

Beyond Overbreed work, I have also been exploring some ancillary thoughts. As I noted last week, I am expecting Overbreed Ep1 to take a few months to produce, just from the sheer quantity of work involved (with a final runtime to reflect it). That's a long time to go without releases.

To mitigate that factor, I have been playing with the idea of "Micro animations", or just "Micros" for short. I need to write up a formal hierarchy of all these terms--shorts, minis, micros, oy vey--but micros are animations that are around a minute in length, and take less than a week from start to finish to produce. They tend to be predominantly dialogue focused, but with an overtly sexual overtone, and possibly with minor bits of action. The only Micro I've ever actually published is the years-old Andromeda, but I think it gets across the idea of the design ethos pretty cleanly.

I have a handful of potential Micro ideas, including (but not limited to):

  • Marie Rose livestreaming Q&A where she answers a single deepthroat-related question at a time.
  • DVa selfie-instagramming herself playing games and riding guys at a fancy LAN party.
  • Futa Femshep in various quirky hijinks
  • A mockumentary-style quick dive into the DOAFACU and the characters' relationships to Nyotengu and her porn studio (by the way that's a thing)
  • Slice-of-life glimpses of the Sherbeccaverse, with polyamorous agent Sherry and butt-slut scientist Rebecca.
  • Minor Liziverse stories, either of the more administrative side of the Elizabeth Bureau or just more mundane stories that don't really deserve a full episode.

And those are just a handful that I've managed to come up with over the past few days, while focusing on writing Overbreed and working on the Male Customizer tool. Each of those would be anthological on their own, with several entries each.

Right now I am looking at a micro every month. I'm not committing to it, and certainly won't commit to a schedule till I have actually built one and can see first-hand if my "get done in a week" hypothesis holds water. But it is getting some serious attention from myself, and I think that it has potential as being a sort of content drip whilst I focus my attentions on big projects like Overbreed Ep1, and the close-to-finish-asset-preproduction Blue Star Episode 4 (seriously Wolves is doing fantastic work on Jack, and she is looking amazing - and considering the fact Ordagon has been doing literal professional model sculpting for legitimate videogame companies lately, I know he will be able to do a fantastic job with the Krogan too. Blue Star Episode 4 is going to look amazing, all things considered).

There are some logistical issues of where to release these micros (not really sure the Films page is appropriate for such small productions) and how to monetize them ($15 is a tall asking price for 8-to-10-minute videos that take 2-3 months to produce; there's absolutely no way I could justify that for a 1-minute video that takes 2 weeks to produce) that I need to work out yet, but I think actually figuring out the micros themselves is a more important focal point.

To say nothing, of course, of finishing writing Overbreed proper.

That's where I am, that's where I'm going. Next week, I should definitely have more something concrete to show in the writing department. Until then, everyone!




Hello how are you? Your micro ideas sounds great, i look forward to watch them :)


And the rest of course :D


Great news to hear, just one quick question....do you plan to do more with Lulu in the future???


I'm happy Blue Star Epsiode 4's pre-production is wrapping up. Any estimate as to when? Like probably Q4 2021, earlier, later etc?


Definitely think the micros are a good idea, especially if we get to see more Futa Femshep!


I can't promise anything, since the texture and sculpting work (Jack and Krogan, respectively) are out of my hands, but assuming that both Wolves and Ordagon are able to keep up the pace of work they've been having (Wolves on Jack, Ordagon on his contract work), then I imagine that Jack and the Krogan could definitely be done by the end of August. Once the assets have cleared development, then I definitely want to sit down and hammer out the screenplay for Blue Star Episode 4. That will likely be occurring while Overbreed Ep1 is deep in production. I would definitely think I'd at least have the BSE4 screenplay ready before the end of the year. But as to proper production beginning, that's definitely at the mercy of Overbreed (heu, Mercy). I would *HOPE* that production doesn't spill into 2022, but, I mean... Rachaos spent 6 months in production hell. While I would hope Overbreed doesn't get delayed, I can't say it won't. It's not like I planned on Rachaos getting stalled, after all. So the best I can give you are wishes and intentions. I can't promise anything.


She definitely seems to be a favorite right now. Not sure how much of that is just riding off the recent release of Fraternization, and how much of it is a genuine persistent interest. But either way, I love seeing people so interested in specific projects!


Hey lord, where do I find these early access comics?