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Hey all!

So a few days ago, I showed off a few different WIP shorts I am working on. One of them was a Marie Rose short, with a summed premise of her being an apprentice Demon Hunter, under Rachel's tutelage.

The short itself begins with a supposition of Rachel teaching Marie, and Marie exercising her lessons. The exercise, as that WIP suggested, takes place in a forest. But the teaching happens here, in this cave scenebuild.

I'm not quite finished with it, but I'd say it's at least 90% complete. Note that Marie is in her default outfit for now, but that will be replaced with an apprentice outfit, once I fit it onto her. Seeing as Candy, the singular voice of Marie in all things lewd, is on vacation for the next 2 or so weeks, I'm in no real rush to get everything ready.

I'm not normally one for rendering and color-correcting WIPs, but I personally find this particular angle (the opening shot of the short) too breathtaking not to render out in 2160p.

I've attached both the raw and color-corrected versions to this post, for those interested. 



Mika Strause

I love the skeleton carving/mural thing on the pillar (obelisk?) behind Rachel. It looks like something out of a horror story by H.P. Lovecraft. Is there a story behind it?


I have absolutely no idea where it's from originally, but it is included in one of the versions of TheMasks's Scenebuild Mega-Pack (available on Facepunch). I love it because it has a very occult feeling to it, which I think fits the idea of a "Demon Hunter from the Holy Vigoor Empire" perfectly, seeing as the Holy Vigoor Empire in Ninja Gaiden worship Vigoor, whose basically the equivalent of Satan in NG's lore. But beyond that, I don't have any deeper lore behind it. Just that the Demon Hunters, of which Rachel is a part of, are an occult group operating fringe to the Holy Vigoor Empire.