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Avatar the Last Airbender 1x8 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Legends




Even though I watch quite a few reactors, I usually don't go for the full-length watch along. But because I think your AtLA/tLoK reactions were some of the best and I wanted to do a rewatch anyway after binging it all on release day, I decided to watch with you. And I really enjoyed it a lot! Thanks for making these videos for us! It was very interesting and fun to see that many of our opinions on this adaptation actually perfectly align. We both thoroughly enjoyed it all the way through because we didn't expect it to be perfect. In terms of negatives, we both mostly only have minor nitpicks, with the biggest exception being the portrayal of Bumi. I really didn't like this version of him on first watch, but I've become a bit more accepting with time. One medium gripe I had was the lack of a relationship between Roku and Aang. Including more of Kyoshi and Kuruk was great, but I did miss the bond Aang had with Roku as his direct predecessor. I think it's possible to build on that in a season 2, so I'm really hoping for that. Highlights of changes that I did really like include Suki's portrayal. I've always loved Suki and now I love Maria Zhang too. Her performance was 10/10 for me personally. I loved that she was both a badass as well as a bit of an awkward girl. It all just screamed "I am a warrior, but I'm a girl too" to me. Her and Sokka's chemistry was also on point. And speaking of chemistry, I felt this version of Sokka and Yue also really worked well. "The boy of my dreams" was a really nice touch. Zhao's adaptation for me is kind of a mirror to Bumi's. Both are quite a departure from their original incarnations, but in the case of Zhao I absolutely loved it. Zhao is not that noteworthy to me in the animation, he's just there as a villain for both Aang and Zuko. In this, I really liked his character and how he was more charismatic but also weaselly. The last thing we had in common was the constant tearbending :p. I don't think either of us kept it completely dry during any single episode. My biggest waterfall was the end of episode 6, when Zuko returns after Iroh just told Lt. Jee about the banishment. I think we both agree that all the added Zuko/Iroh scenes, especially the flashbacks, were the best part of this adaptation.


I dont think theres a series coming out about the older gaang. Its going to be a movie. But im hopeful for a new series of the avatar after korra. They will be an earth bender this time!


Ohh have you heard the news? We're getting season 2 and 3!!! So happy!

Kee Leichtle

It makes me happy how much you enjoyed this! I love how open minded you were about the changes and even the ones you didn't like as much, it didn't hinder the enjoyment cause that's the same that I felt. Yes there were things I didn't care for like I do kinda wish they kept in Sokka's sexism cause I feel like him learning and growing out of that was a really important factor but at the same time, I wasn't totally bothered by it. I actually feel like it was still there but not as evident. Example being how thrown back he was when Suki overpowered him. I also wish they kept in the Imprisoned episode cause that was always one of my favorite episodes. Overall, despite minor flaws I had, I still had a blast with this adaption and I'm really looking forward to the upcoming seasons! I feel like overall, this can give them a chance to grow.


I really love that they have incorporated Lu Ten. In this season. Its gonna hit much harder later.


Thanks for watching this series it was a great time watching it with you.