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Battlestar Galactica 4x4 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Escape Velocity



Wade Wallenstein

This episode was a great way of showing how Tigh, Tori and Tyrol are trying to find their "True Selves" in vastly different ways. Tigh wants to remain who he has been the last 40 years by keeping his emotions, Tori going all out and thinking this is how Cylons act and Tyrol being really conflicted on how to act after finding out he's a Cylon then losing somebody close. That scene in the bar was truly heart breaking but so well acted. There is a lot of things changing in their universe now and it's definitely scary for them. Truly in uncharted space now :)


James Callis does an amazing job making me despise Baltar. What kind of man allows women to be beaten in his stead and then continues to prey upon them emotionally? Everything he does is self serving. He's basically a televangelist. The quorum scene is amazing. It's always scary when politicians talk about/attempt to limit/take away rights under the guise of public safety/the greater good.


Got a few of these to catch up on now after binging ATLA a couple 'o times xD lol