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Battlestar Galactica 3x18 FULL LENGTH Reaction | The Son Also Rises

NOTE: On Amazon Prime, this episode is listed as 3x17 FULL LENGTH REACTION



Mark Sheppard does tend to stand out in every role he takes up. His father was much the same.


Mark Sheppard is a fantastic actor. I've followed him from Firefly, BSG, Dollhouse,Supernatural, Leverage, Warehouse 13, and Doom Patrol. He has never disappointed and I'm excited to see you nearing the end of season 3.

Ma9Na (ma-nine-nuh)

This character has flipped this show on it's head in one episode. no more meat and potatoes, lol!

Cei Stockport

Whether Balter can be aquitted at all depends on what they charge him with. If they charge him breaking the Colonial version of the Official Secret's Act leading to the deaths of 20,000,000,000 people he's got no defence. Charging him with Treason or Collaboration will the leave to prosecution with a bit of an uphill struggle. (Also I notice Kelly doesn't get a bollocking for the fact that Athena would have been 'killed' and probably downloaded leaving her in enemy hands with a lot of info and no way to escape.)

Leah Gustavson

Hi, I just wanted to comment on Adama and Dee. Adama is struggling with multiple issues in this series of episodes. First, Lee is starting to follow the grandfather's path which Adam does not like because of defending the scumbags of society. Here's where Lee shines again and steps up to following his belief system and is following his moral compass (finally, again). This puts Lee at odds with Dee because of Dee's devotion to Adama and disgust for Baltar. Remember she was part of the plot to fix the election. Adama is also mourning the fall of Tigh into his cups again and the torture Tigh is enduring for the death of Ellen. And, then there is watching his son, tear apart his dear friend, Roslyn, on the witness stand in front of the whole fleet after trying to pry personal information out of Adam the night before. I think the about face is completely understandable in this light. Adama just has difficulty dealing with his emotions. He has to sit with them for a time and process. We have seen this happen time and again, especially in regard to the rifts he has had with Laura. Dee, as mentioned above, similarly is seeing Lee in a different light. She could stand by him and hang in there when it was just she that he was hurting. But Dee has a hard time watching him stand by a system she sees as broken and is in need of demolition and rebuilding. Lee sets himself against Adama and Roslyn using the cogs of that system, becoming a cog of that system and this IS what finally causes her to slip away from him. I think it all makes sense, personally. Apropos of nothing, I also have always liked Leoben. There is the creepy one and I hate the way he treats Kara, but he is one of the most interesting models. His whole way of looking at the universe is so different from any of the other cylons and, actually, any other human (except maybe that oracle). I think he is mysterious and always adds an interesting tension to the story. His obsession with Kara is not unlike D'Anna's obsession with the space between life and death, at least that's how I see it. They are a juvenile race and get caught up in somewhat juvenile explorations... It's quite interesting.