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Firefly 1x9 FULL LENGTH Reaction (Hulu Version) | Ariel



Nathaniel Castle

This is one of my favourite episodes, getting some concrete info on what happened to river and Mals reaction to Janes betrayal is amazing The next episode is probably my favourite but honestly so many of these episodes are so good that it shifts based on mood. Very excited to see you experience these! Great reaction as always


When River wakes up in the hospital, she says "Copper for a kiss" and Jayne is spooked, I think it might be a reference to Judas's kiss in he Bible, when he betrays Jesus for money, and that's why Jayne would be spooked by it :) Also the Christmas story might be a reference to the Alliance people taking the presents away from Jayne when they refused to pay him :) Or maybe I'm reading too much into it :D

Onno Smits

EDIT: Lol, reading the comments above now, seems I'm not the only one that already wrote this exact comment... 😂 I _absolutely_ think Mal was about to kill Jayne. I think Jayne asking him to make something up and not tell the rest of the crew what he did, is the reason Mal changed his mind last second. It showed Jayne might be redeemable (in Mal's eyes), as he does care about how the crew would remember him, and that Jayne cares about (at least the non-Tam) members of the crew.


Honestly, this a tie for my favorite episode. This is the one where you start realizing some of the more one-dimensional characters might have a bit more to them. Regarding River's rambling about Christmas . . . I always thought that was her commenting on their current situation. "They took Christmas away" and all that was left was a lump of coal. I figured that was her talking about Jayne thinking he was gonna get his big payday from turning them in, but everything going sideways. If she experiences feelings in their raw form, including others', then that might have been a pretty close analogy for how Jayne was feeling . . . which is why it pissed him off so much. Either way, I love this episode, despite a few cringey moments. As always, thank you for the reactions! I appreciate how unfiltered you tend to be, and how invested you get in the stories. Just like showing them to a friend for the first time. Keep up the goodness!!


I loved the googly eyes on Obi-Wan. Googly eyes make everything better. Like many before me, I believe Mal was going to let Jayne die, because Jayne was NOT sorry. Mal doesn't have the love for Jayne as most on his crew, Jayne is more like a guard dog and in that moment Jayne was a rabid dog that needed putting down for the betterment of all. But when Jayne asked him to "make something up." Mal couldn't be bothered so closed the outer door, but left him there for someone else to find.


Been watching your reactions on YT for a while, and you always have a ton to say about everything, so I figured I'd give you proper support, and watch the full length reactions. I loved your Expanse reactions, and am loving your Firefly reactions. Looking forward to to more!


The only reason why I wasn’t worried is because everybody has been sending me hats for the episode The Message. So I knew Jayne wasn’t going to die. I love that Mal was only going to take so much and was willing to dispose of Jayne. Not only does it show how loyal he is to Simon and river, but how much betrayal he isn’t willing to take


Dang spoilers. I was wondering the first time I saw it. Not too concerned though, because, you know American TV. They almost never kill off the main cast.


Well, if anything breaking bad, and Game of Thrones have pretty much change that for American TV for the most part. I think now, if a main character dies, it’s not as traumatic.


Well, GoT was a book, so it doesn't count. Breaking Bad, SPOILERS! It's okay though. I tried watching it a couple times, ended up quitting about the same spot both times.


The first episode of Breaking Bad let’s you know everyone and anyone is fair game 😂 I didn’t read the books for Game of Thrones, so I was shocked every time there was a death


Damn! I would have loved to see your reaction to that. If I remember correctly the first book was told from Ned Stark's perspective, so you knew he was safe. He was the narrator of the story. Then *CHOP* Shit. Then it started bouncing around. I guess it's been too long since I saw BB. Don't recall who died in the first episode.


My favorite part of this episode was the nuance at the end. I do believe Mal planned on killing Jayne until Jayne asked him to Mal about what he did. To me it showed that he was embarrassed about letting his greed come before the crew. The strength of his character is that he's a mercenary... just in it for the money. But, similar to the "Jaynestown" episode, it sneaks out that he does care about what they think, and that sliver of growth is what saved him.

Michael Stanley

Love this episode but man the next one is quite the ride. I am stoked to see your reaction to it!


Oh snap, I didn't realize you were in the middle of watching Firefly right now! Perfect time to catch up and rewatch one of my favorite shows!

Sean Murphy

They definitely could make Serenity more flashy. But if you fly around the ghetto system with spinners on your coils then it draws too much attention. Safety comes from blending in. Great reaction. I love getting to watch this series again vicariously through others.