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The Expanse 5x6 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Tribes



Matthew Shaver

I love the director's commentary for that bicep scene where they say "Look at that acting!"

Matthew Shaver

Haha! Before Disney+ I would buy the MCU movies on iTunes which includes "iTunes Extras" like commentary.

Matthew Shaver

On the subject of being drank... I don't remember if it is in the books but in the TV show of The Hitchhiker's Guide Slartibartfast says something like "Come along now or you'll be drunk." Arthur replies something like "That doesn't sound too bad." To which Slartibartfast says "Have you ever asked a glass of water?"

Matthew Shaver

It looks like Disney+ has a lot of the same 'making of' extras but not the commentary.


You didn't mention it, and perhaps you will when you've had more time to consider, but part of Amos' realization that he needs to get back to his crew is because in hindsight his plan had killed him. He had no out when that guy decided to kill him. Also, that last slug of RoseB, is my reaction every time any rosé gets in my mouth. People seem to like it, so I keep giving it chances, but so far, ICK!