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Wednesday 1x5 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Reap What You Woe



Martin Bech

Sorry but I just had to share this YouTube Short https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rHk8WkBfqDk

Philip Doherty

Bianca's Mother is obviously the worst. You can get into cult influence as an excuse for her behaviour, maybe the insecurity that might make someone vulnerable to that. But, yeah no. Threatening the life your child's built for themselves for your own personal gain, or to maintain your own lifestyle (based on mind controlling and stealing from others) is disgusting. As a possibly controversial second worst is Xavier's Dad. Where the hell is he? I don't think we've been given enough info to be definitive about him. He's famous and likely has a bunch of professional demands but this is his kid. And he may be the only parent in Xavier's life as another isn't mentioned. Enid deserves better. The only things I'd say is that when Enid stood up to Mum she backed off, and Dad was literally standing behind her when she did. I think Enid's parents kind of represent the more typical situation of parents wanting the best for their child but not knowing how best to get that, and being blinded by their own view of the world as to the hurt they were doing. Tyler's Dad is a good example of someone who cares, I genuinely think he does, but not up to the task. I know the type. He was managing his own grief after losing the love of his life, trying to support a moody teen going through all the usual teen stuff impacted simultaneously by the trauma of his Mother's death, without the personality traits or family support to do that, Not a great formula for successful parenting. Some parents succeed brilliantly in similar situations, don't get me wrong. I'm saying while the Sheriff doesn't get my parent of the year award, I've got some time and understanding for him.