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The Expanse 2x12 FULL LENGTH Reaction | The Monster and the Rocket



G. T. Blackwell

This episode triggers one of my biggest pet peeves: the trope that "Native Americans couldn't see the European ships." It's complete nonsense, up there with the "we only use 10% of our brains" silliness. That's just not how our brains work. Luckily for the show, the rest of it is well done (and surprisingly scientifically sound). I would have stopped watching a lesser show after that remark from Holden.


I know ive said it before, but the show did book Holden so wrong. #NotMyHolden ;)

Scott Hanson

With all the discussion regarding James Holden, I think there is something some people are missing. It goes right back to the name of the ship. Rosinante. Rosinante does not mean workhorse. and it is not named after some lady that Amos knew. though Amos did know a lady by the same name. Rosinante is the name of Don Quixote's horse. James Holden, with his impetuous Actions. Reacting only on his emotions, without thinking things through. and damned with the laws of unintended consequences. It is very much Don Quixote tilting at windmills.


Lot of talk about Holden before and after this episode … I really do hope you read the book soon … I want to hear what you think of Holden after. Not related to this episode, (and not sure I can link the YouTube video here - https://youtu.be/bJ_seXo-Enc) … this is a pretty cool real world demonstration of the Coriolis effect … which is shown in the first episode of season one when Miller pours a drink into a glass and it spirals out of the bottle. The room in the video is a small version of what living inside Ceres would be like.

T. Arnold Ferguson

Big Guy is another great example of how even actors with brief roles in this show have great performances, as was Mico a few episodes ago.


I made almost the exact same comment on one of your Sandman videos, but I love how this show can really explore the best and the worst of humanity.


Minor aside, Caliban is from Shakespeare. He is a half human/half monster who is forced into slavery. The reference is pretty on the nose


Yes, him and Nico are definitely two people that stand out. If you’re able to do that in a single episode of an amazing show, you’ve done an amazing job.

T. Arnold Ferguson

You also commented on Shaun Doyle's performance. The producers have said that Errinwright's role was initially smaller, but when they saw how good an actor Doyle was, they expanded it.


He’s a fantastic actor! I’m glad that they expanded the role and gave him more to work with. Especially with 2x13 on the horizon, he’s so impressive


The real gut-punch of the situation on Ganymede was that "Big Guy" & the rest of the belters who remained behind *knew* that they were choosing their own death - that portion of the station was dead...and it was taking those who stayed behind with it. It's an emotional wallop.

Dennis Tomsen

Agree and we are still some way from that explosive episode where an entire ensemble of supporting actors almost take over the show with great acting across the board and we viewers miss nothing.

Nathaniel Castle

A lot of Expanse episodes make me emotional but this one always kills me, The acting is perfect

Martin Nicholls

Small point about the books: whilst the TV show is _based_ on the books a lot of things are changed including many characters and when certain things happen; I'd be at least semi-wary of reading them before finishing the show. If this episode doesn't make you cry like a hungry angry baby, yeah.. Definitely a memorable one.


"I'd be at least semi-wary of reading them before finishing the show." - Agreed. Best to save them until after the sho has run its course, IMO.


and how about the couple in scene 52 where the woman gets on the Somnambulist but her partner is blocked at the last moment. Without a word their acting has me in tears every time!!

Varun Laks

I actually think Holden does do as you mentioned, and tries to surround himself with competent people that he doesn't question the expertise of. We never see him step on the toes of Alex's piloting skills, or Naomi's engineering abilities, or Amos' unique skillset. Instead he tries to fill in the blanks with what they're missing, which is a way to put it all together to survive and possibly do some good. I know you mentioned thinking Naomi would be a better leader, but I think this episode (and certain moments in earlier ones), demonstrates that, while as good of a person as clearly she is, leadership is something she'd struggle at. Particularly for a diverse group like the Roci. Now Holden himself would likely admit that he's not built for leadership either. It's why he turned down the XO position back during the first episode. But its the role the crew really does need him to fill. Clearly though, it's a work in progress lol. The other big issue is that there isn't a resident Protomolecule expert on the ship for him to listen to. Outside of him (and Amos I guess), everyone just seems to see the Protomolecule through their own political lense. Even Prax this episode is a "biased" party, since he only wants to spare the creature to see if it's his daughter. So as far as Holden can see, there's no one he can really trust to listen to about it. All that being said, I think your analysis of the character was pretty on point!


Personally I think Holden got lucky with the crew he has. They know their roles. I think he'd make a great leader if he could keep his anger in check. I get the anger. I'm not saying it's not deserved. Prax definitely brought a different human element into the crew. Alex may be the heart but Prax is the soul.

Varun Laks

Yeah I think you're 100% right that Holden lucked out with the crew he has. No doubts there. But I also do think it they were pretty lucky they to get someone like Holden as well. I think a good example is, for as much shit as everyone gave him for it, I don't know if the crew even survives the Donnager encounter if Holden didn't buy them insurance through his controversial message (he ends up being wrong with his educated guess that Mars was at fault, but the play bought them time). They also certainly wouldn't have survived if he didn't have the personality to go back for them during the attack. As rash as he can be, he's also the quickest thinker of the group from a tactical standpoint (I say that because Amos reacts moreso than thinks). Holden's generally able to gauge situations fairly well. Even in this episode where's he's definitely not in the best state of mind, he had the presence of mind to get the MCRN and UN to stand down. But yeah I absolutely agree that Prax brings a human elements which the crew has genuinely lacked since Eros. While I do think Holden is honestly justified in his feelings towards the Protomolecule, that human element is something Holden definitely needs to hear. He's certainly lost sight of it quite a bit since Eros, and that used to be something that was very important to him.


There a cool hidden Easter egg in this episode. Melissa is wearing a Gemini 3 patch which is reference to Nasa's Gemini 3 wihich had the callsign "Molly Brown", named after the famous Titanic survivor. There were definitely heavy Titanic vibes in the 52 scenes. Molly Brown was famous for forcibly persuading her lifeboat captain to go back and search for more survivors. The actual reason why Gus Grissom named the capsule "Molly Brown" was because his previous Mercury mission ended up with his capsule sinking to the bottom of the ocean, so he named Gemini 3 after the Broadway musical "The Unsinkable Molly Brown", I guess for luck. Incidentally, this was the last time a crew member was allowed to name their capsule until the recent SpaceX missions.


Thanks for sharing. I saw the patch but paid no attention to it as to why. I like hearing the details. I wish the SpaceX capsules had new, fun exciting names instead of the ones they picked though... The recycled old school government themed names feel so out of place on new age ships like those. Multiple wasted opportunities. Just my opinion.


It would be great if they named a capsule "Screaming Firehawk", lol or better yet, name the Dragon Capsules after GOT dragons, Drogon or Balerion,


My favorite Sci-Fi shows in order are The Expanse, Battlestar Galactica (04) and Fringe. Seeing your full reactions are priceless. The Expanse excels in it's world building and character development. I love this show the most for it's strong female leads, philosophical questions as well as the rest of the amazing cast. Glad to finally be a patron and thank you for your excellent guesses and insight. I won't spoil anything but there's so much more to come and can't wait to see your reactions.


I absolutely adore Fringe! It’s easily one of my favorite television shows I’ve ever watched. I really do need to watch Battlestar Galactica. I think my father has been trying to get me to watch that for at least a decade. Thank you for joining my Patreon. I appreciate you being here and being part of the family!

Phil Rademacher

Not really important, but just to clarify, Errinwright used the pamphlet to poison the Martian Defense Minister. And yes Shawn Doyle (Errinwright actor) is amazing. One thing that I picked up right on the first viewing and has bothered me since... that message Errinwright send to Mao, the progress bar close to the end jumps back to about 2/3 despite the message of course continuing normal. Someone didn't pay attention to continuity 😅. Every time Champa does the goodbye gesture with the two fingers on the chest, I have to return that gesture, because WHAT A G!!!