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Farscape 1x5 FULL LENGTH Reaction | PK Tech Girl | Peacock Version




Farscape is one of those shows where I don't have a favorite character because all the main characters are my favorite character, and so many of the relationships between them are my favorite relationship. Make sure you always have tissues on standby - not every episode is going to hit you in the feels, but any of them could, and a lot of them will.


I always thought "Zan" was pronounced more like "hand". (I know somebody in the show pronounced it the other way at least once, but I think maybe it was a fluke.) Anyone Agree / Disagree ?

Leah Gustavson

Zhaan sounds like the "a" in pan. But don't forget that it all depends on where you are from how you will say that word.

Leah Gustavson

Farscape is an amazing show. I agree that Moya is one of my favorite Characters but you don't have Moya without Pilot. So to me they are, as a pair, my A 1st fave. Then... OMG, how to choose? This is a true ensemble show. When I played World of Warcraft, My Hunter was Dhargo and all of his pets were named after Farscape people. Rygel was an owl, Chiana, a wolf... you'll meet her season 2. Zhaan, Aeryn, Moya all were there. I have a friend that thought a John could not exist. A jock who was a nerd and a scientist and astronaut. I am happy to say, I KNOW a real life John Crighton. Her name is Brianna and she is 22 years old. I met her in Longsword class (Jock/geek). Just got her masters and has been an intern at NASA (Geek/ aspiring Astronaut/scientist). And she is making her own armor for Destiny 2 with 3D printing (GEEK!!!) She Is AWESOME. Like John, she is compassionate. I am 65 and she is 22. And yet we are Giggle Sisters in sword class. When we get into a grapple we just end up hugging because it's funny. We drive some of our instructors crazy because it's hard for us to be serious when in the same room. Giggle Sister Powers, ACTIVATE!! Total nerds we are... John is out there. He just may be wearing the face of a 22 yr. old woman.