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Doctor Who 1x1 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Rose - AMAZON/DVD



Bob Hanflig

Just, wondering did anyone else have trouble keeping the episode in sync?

Jacob King

A police box was a combination of a phone box, a place to get out of the weather, a space to store gear and a convenient lock-up for any miscreant while you waited for a car to take them back to the station. They date from a time when police patrolled on foot. The TARDIS is significantly larger than an actual police box. The backstory is it’s designed to blend into its surroundings but this particular TARDIS is not as reliable as intended and its camouflage function is broken.

Steve Combs

Depending on region, there are different framerates (UK vs US for instance) and certain streaming services and DVDs have one or the other framerates. Try out the Max version, or the Blu-ray one posted below. I think other reactors have a guide on how to mess with the speed settings of a video to get them more or less in sync.

Steven Kleckner

I don't know if anyone has mentioned it to you yet... but there are some stories in the modern era that are more than one episode long. I'm not suggesting you would want to post reactions for both episodes of a two part story at the same time. But I suspect you will want to WATCH them at the same time so you aren't left on a cliff hanger. We can easily warn you ahead of time (without spoilers) which stories are multi-episodic. In this first season it's: E4 Aliens of London/E5 World War Three , E9 The Empty Child/E10 The Doctor Dances , and E12 Bad wolf/E13 The Parting of the Ways. :-)

Kevin C

I’m so happy you’re doing this show! I know you’ve got so much on your plate, but I can’t wait for you to dive into this show! I’m a latecomer to Who. I caught up on the NuWho a bit, but the first time I began watching live was Series 8. Maybe that gives me a little bias as to who my favorite Doctor is, and favorite companion, because not many seem to agree with me on it. I won’t go naming actors names in the spirit of doing my best to help you avoid too many spoilers…but my favorite episodes all come in later seasons, but I’ll enjoy rewatching the early ones with you!