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Battlestar Galactica 4x11 Reaction | Sometimes a Great Notion


Esteban M.

You got part of answer but are focusing on the wrong part of answer for what Ellen said, this is where resurrection came from but the new question is why these models. People often miss that the Final Four all seem to be called to where they died and the memories of how they died become unlocked. Dee losing hope was completely what lead to her decision, but it's harder when you play back the episode. She was gone on the trip back and the entire episode was her building her perfect day of happiness to go out on what she considered a high note. The signs are there in hindsight but just like reality those left behind never get over not seeing it sooner. Quick bits: after 2000 yrs radiation is low but still enough to make you sick the longer the exposure, Felix had a crush on Dee, Kara didn't plan on telling anyone about her corpse, don't be too hard on Leoben because his whole belief system is now shattered with the reveal that Kara may not be what he always thought she was( think of it the way everybody thought Earth was the answer), don't think of Earth as the solution just another piece of the puzzle.


I cant wait to see your reactions to the the up coming episodes especially the 2 part finale!