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The issue that has wasted us countless hours was finally pinpointed and verified by Epic as a bug of Unreal Engine 4.

It was rather frustrating to fight with the same glitch from 1.09, and it got worse after Unreal updated to 4.15. We filed bug reports twice, and the answer we have got was "you are not following the pipeline correctly" and "your plugin is out of date". After a quick chat with Steven and Vismund we decided to contact Epic staff in person and go silent for a while to avoid dumping a ton of nerd talk regarding technique details on you and cause unnecessary concern among non-developers.

It was a mistake and I must apologize. Not speaking a word would never be reassuring to anyone - and I would have gone mad if being put in your shoes. The programmer mindset of being a "blackbox" to users doesn't apply here on Patreon - we should have always kept you in touch. But with the weight finally lifted from our shoulder, we are happy to be back to the community - meanwhile hoping Epic doesn't break anything vital in their next update.

Oh, and you shall receive 1.12 in 5 minutes.




Cool, as usual. Can't wait for VR support again.


oh m8 I thought ur dead 😫 welcome back


Yup was pretty much on the verge on collapsing without hearing anything for almost 2 months from the constant update lol


how or were do i know if i get 1.12?

Crypto and VR Fan G

1.12 doesn't work for me on the Oculus Rift. I can hear the audio, and see it in 2D on my monitor, but no visuals in the Rift.


Complete VR support will be added after all chair interaction animations are finished - we have to test different trigger methods so the VR experience can be intuitive to players.


I am personally interested in the technical aspect of game-making.


Really? Maybe we should share some insights about the making of game in the future. :D


Only 3 positions...


Will be added back real soon.


Actually we finished 5, but voice acting was a little bit behind schedule.


Am i doing something wrong or the keys to toggle male isn't there for this build? Mind asking what are the hotkeys currently? It seems Q is for ending the day. Thanks


We plan to add UI buttons for each functionality in game instead of hotkeys in next build.


I didn't get 1.12 yet.. I seem to never get the updates. Can I get it please?




Surported,where could i get the 1.12,or i can wait 1.13 only...