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We just received an offer from a famous publisher who decided to invest 15 million usd in developing the campaign mode into a fully fledged cross platform game. I have verified this offer with their CFO...but not sure what's the catch atm. Will keep you posted.

EDIT: Chill out. Not saying we are eager to fall for it. If it is money we go after we wouldn't be making smut with 3A staff in the first place.



Funny that this was posted a year ago and we are still waiting. Soon(tm)


Hope it goes well!🙌🏻❤








Great for you




If the offer is too good, there is always a catch.


Sounds great! But don’t let them destroy your vision for the game



Justin Doan

All the best for you guys, keeping my fingers crossed it's not Epic though




Well that is, interesting to say the least


Holy shit well I hope all goes well!


Crossplatform? Pretty sure Steam is the only platform this would be allowed in?


What would cross platform mean in this sense? Surely this isn’t going to get green lit for consoles so are they talking about different hosting channels?

Frank Sono

Wow that's big. Best of luck to you all😁👍


Whatever gives you an excuse to increase your runway. I kinda already gave up ever playing an updated version of this game.


Hm, as long as you are the owner of the work. I‘d kinda say yes, but I‘m rather doubtful. You know what happens if companies like EA, Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft (...) can do wrong. They also impair the creativity.


Please be careful on your discussion on this. With an investment like this they will be expecting to have a good majority of control over its future content. Dont let it become a situation like whats going on with Activision.


so what, we still have to wait many months with your A-test Videos, we still have not any new version of game, we stillhave to pay for you at least 8 dollars every month.


Hope you still release some kind of beta for your loyal patreons, who brought you all the way here.


Remain prudent and negotiate framework conditions that do not restrict your creativity. Good luck and good success.


Cross on what platform? I don't think any console would greenlight this game. And I doubt this game can be optimized for most smartphones to run.

Sean Davenport

If it seems too good to be true it might be .... just be careful




Seems.too good to be true. But fingers crossed. And fuck cross platform. Pc or nothing. Porting to xbox and ps will be a nightmare.


Yikes, it looks like this game is becoming How to Piss Off Your Patrons 101. They need way more communication to save this boat.


As long as it does not impairs the freedom and adding limitations in the stretch of the work, It'd be nice. there are too many of the games has turned into crap due to the manipulations from these investors.


Holy shit that’s amazing. I just hope they let you have all the creative freedom if you decide to go with it. No matter what happens, never lose sight of what YOU and whoever you started with want for your project.


not sure if this is even a good thing. Small dev team make there games with passion but for the huge publisher there is no place for it cus the only thing that counts is money.


+1 to this, if there is a cross-platform release (imagine this to mean Windows / Mac? Would this game be allowable on consoles?) It would be great if current patrons get an early access copy, or the PC version comes out on schedule and more work can be put post-release into cross-platform. Really really hoping that this expansion of scope, as exciting as it is, doesn't affect current release targets.


Is that nutaku? Can’t imagine any of the big ones sponsoring a porn game.


As long as they don't try and reshape your vision of the game.


Catch is that you must cut down tons of things and must censor a lot of things. If you dont have 100% creative rights and freedom pass on no large amount cash is worth it just saying.


That’s cool and all… but where’s the new build all of us want? Lol.


I'm fine with this as long as they dont get any creative control and it doesn't effect the release of the pc version. Dont forget that its your patrons that made this game possible to this point.


This is a very exciting opportunity but I advise caution regarding making the game cross-platform. You had a specific vision for your project and by adjusting to cross platform, that vision may dramatically change. Also, developing for console can be a dramatically different experience compared to pc development


This investment does prove your efforts in developing this game, but at the mean time I do think it will kinda offend our (your patrons) thought. We choose to pay because we want a game which belongs to us... Tbh, I’m doubtful for this so called “cross platform” idea, it sounds terrible... the game under this framework is not what we want, for me at least. Please think twice before you make decision


Lookes like someone doesn't understand how patreon works. Just leave already if you are unhappy.


Make the game that NEEDS to be made, not more mediocre copycat titles that we love to hate. This games themes pushes the boundaries of whats possible and it will set the tone for 20years if you do it right. Sell to the Censor and you'll be forgotten in a year! Patreon changed your game, Steam has changed your game. When will it not be yours anymore?


Is it possible that you will be only allowed to create some ugly female character due to the propaganda of some kind of movement? This will be really really bad…


Gotta love that people gloss over the waiting part and jump straight to conclusions


desde aquí este proyecto murió


from here this project died


If you change the game at the direction of the sponsor, please contact us early


This proves without a doubt that you are doing an excellent job, KEEP THE HARD WORK, unfortunately an investment this big will mean that you will lose any control over your product and you will become a "creative consultant" for this company and not to mention this company will focus on sales rather than content or quality meaning they will cut or remove anything that can offend/ trigger somebody or damage any profit. I bet if you would have pitch this game from the beginning they would have said NO but since you already did all the initial (aka the hardest part) of production they only want to take over and make money, in the end it is your decision but if we are supporting you means that you showed promise and even if the game fails I'll support you in any future projects you have in mind Thank you

thomas d bontempo

I would not have a warm fuzzy feeling they want to invest 10 million I don't think you would end up with rights Just my thoughts


LGBTQQIAAPPO2S+ and Lookism and Animal protection and Vegan friendly Fallen Doll.


Cross platform with what? No other platform would allow a game like this... There's got to be so massive catch to this.


Well yeah they will rob your creative freedom from this project, because what they invest they want a massive return on, and trust me there is no world in which your game can have its original true freedom and also be cross platform, it would end up as a very family friendly campaign mode type thing akin to i dunu name any free to play thing that makes massive money, good for money yes but bad for diverse industry, like rocket league fortnite etc, i say make something of your own you can release to steam first and see if the fan base bites might make your 15 mil right there and make the game you wanted or at least something potentially needed in this industry cos no one else is trying for this level of quality. I know its just something to sit on for now but check how sony treats their indie devs and so forth. I also wana thank you all for sharing with the community you didn’t have to tell us but we do appreciate this level of honesty and communication, hope no one is attacking you for it not the dms nothing, just stay safe and keep on keeping on.


And by the way... Cross platform? None of the big 3 will release the game as it is I hope they know this is not RATED E


If it is only the campaign mode I think it is doable? I'm still skeptical tho.


I really want to trust you guys, yes I do! Yet, I know it’s hard to see such a rare opportunity drifting away... Plz, rethink what you want and what you want to bring us originally when you have your decision. You keep us in mind, then you will have our full support!


The question is terms of the publisher. Who will retain the rights to the game? Maybe you need to change the concept of the game for the sake of big sales? Can they restrict freedom of creativity and vision? Postpone the release of the game for years? And everyone remembers the history of cyperpunk 😅😅 And cross-platforms also sounds very bad, this may require shrinking in the quality of graphics and most likely content… In general, a very dangerous proposal… But the publisher's interest in the game is cool, congratulations on this ))


so go ahead and release what you have now


the second they release a finalized build the supporter dropoff starts, because most everyone has what they wanted. that's not good for business. Just wait until they get the data analytics that 99% of the player base plays harem mode offline and uses none of the social features whatsoever. that 99% of the player base just tries to use scenes like before and the "main story" isn't touched by anyone. maybe this development company realizes they can cut all that stuff out and charge more money for 'creature expansions' and 'sex position' and 'outfit' expansions because that's the only thing anyone cares about. because they would be right on that assumption. but yeah we need an updated build to prove any of this and i don't expect that to happen any time soon.


If I just want to play an RPG, I'll play Skyrim.


stay safe... by that much money they could take over your full project and make it worse


I‘m also very skeptical about this. Considering the amount of money the investor plans to put into the development this sounds like the introduction of a subscription or micropayment model to generate revenue. I‘m strongly against such a model.


It makes sense to voice concerns BEFORE irreversible changes are made. Complaining afterwards is of no good use.


Fuck off with your imaginary "LGBTQ+ demon"


Just freaking release an updated version to the backers. This is getting more ridiculous by the minute.


Sounds like Koch media/deep silver imho they haven't shied away from games featuring this sort of thing in their history, however this will be beyond German law, but maybe they are looking at the wider picture. I hope this won't affect the sort of game we are going to get and would simply like to politely ask the spirit of what we have contributed to be kept to. However congrats on the Alpha and all the work, that has obviously got people looking. Keep up the good work


Watch it be illusion or something like that

Some random dude on the internet

The fact that you guys are chosing to be this transparent about this is comforting. Im sure you'll make a decision that's equally benefitial to both you and the people who've pledged to your project.


This is what concerns me most. They’ll sell then this company will gut most of the good stuff, and release and force backers to purchase it at full retail. Writing on the wall...


Don't see how this could be cross platformed at all unless you completely gut the game of all NSFW elements, which would undoubtedly mean it's a bit of a pointless endeavour. Think I'd rather have some clarity on the state of the game and the timeline of its development and release rather than chatter about cross platform release for a game that's far from finished.


Man I like you guys. This is honestly one of the best developing products being crowd-funded (compare to that dumpster fire Crowfall). Do what’s right for yourself and YOUR project. A large influx of cash can elevate or doom a good project team.


I want to see parents go apaplectic when their kids get a hold of the Nintendo switch edition.....


Wow, I hope everything goes well. But just be safe.


More money=E....A....


啊。。。我觉得还是一步一步来比较好啊。。游戏都已经这么接近完成了,这个时候没稳住,期待了这么久的赞助们真的会难以接受的。。1500W 刀,没有点企图的肯定不会投这么多的。。。


Congratulations but please do remember us.

Akira Kurusu

Make sure you guys still have creative freedom. Why are they so interest all of a sudden though? must be a catch. Please make extra sure its not bs and do not let any company alter your true vision and intended purpose of the game we all spent years funding, and you guys spending all that time creating it with blood, sweat and tears. i hope we can still reciveve the game that was promised, please do not let them gut anything out or change anything from what was promised to everyone here who backed this amazing project should you accept it. Thank you.


如果这个发行商没有发行过 NSFW 元素的游戏,那么我认为这不会是个好消息...


Well it was nice while it lasted. This was probably the most promising crowd funded game ive seen. If they want to take this cross platform then we might as well kiss the NSFW content bye bye.


ugh, dont fucked it pleaseeeee, dont sell it to those fuckers




Be careful PH. Do some research on the Elite(dangerous) franchise and what happened to its potential when Frontier went "wall-street" They have the money but FAIL to deliver what the community needs and painfully puts out out BS updates literally nobody asks for. They also developed a cancerous "fix it later" mentality rather than giving us the performance AND quality the game sings with. ..well. used to anyway.

Nathan Phoenix

That's the only thing I could think of. Who else would put that much money into a adult simulator


There is always a Catch. Honestly the game is great, content and graphics wise. I don't think you can or should port the game Cross platform. Like idk how that would even work with this type of game, for sure the whole sexual content is probably going to be cropped out or DLC, if it's mainly focused on the campaign. The most important part is that you're going to have a 15 million dollar leash, limiting "creative" freedom, and on some level the voices of this community. Lastly, who the hell plays a porn game on Consoles, and if it's main the focus is the campaign then they're missing the real "Meat" of the game.


maybe there can be two games, a nsfw base on patreon and a campaign base on money support.


The interests of capital are complex. The quality and fame of your product may be sacrificed if necessary. Be careful and wish you the best.


Depend on what you expect on game developing : money or creativity.




i wonder whether you have a lack of money or not


to begin with, who is the famous studio, is it of chinese origin, united states, japan? in any case, good investment and people are necessary for a game of this quality to progress, I wish you all the best.


That’s huge news! Congrats!




Hopefully this not an attempt or corporate takeover to ruin games again. But if its with good intent to expand such an amazing project then hope they its worthwhile


If the offer is too good, there is always a catch I guess.


Dear Project Helius. This is exciting news and I really appreciate the transparency. Congratulations!


15M in game development for this console generation is startup / vertical slice money. I'd depend on the scope they want if I'd take that.





John Doe

I hope this is as good as it seems but make sure you can keep creative control over the game if you have to sign off on a contract have a lawyer make it crystal clear what the investment company wants and there will definitely be an angle no company will just hand over 15 million for nothing but if it doesn’t hurt your vision for the game or have you guys stuff a live service micro transaction economy into it then congratulations

John Doe

Another thing to consider is that this investor will probably want you to meet dead lines and with your track record (no offence) which has not been great i would think long and hard whether you guys want to be under contractually obligated time lines


Hihi, EA incoming ... micro transactions, bugs and censorship. No, really ... I hope, its a good deal, and i hope, we will get a game to play soon and don't have to wait for a year.




我害怕游戏被改成全年龄- - 到时候不会有删减吧








Yeah i tought the same thing, i think they're the more likely to invest in a game like this. Maybe something like DLsite could be interested as well






Then they take over and control this project ??


We will always be here to fund you and we are a lot better to deal with than them corporate suits






feels like EGS


Hmm... Well, kind of unexpected indeed. I bet there is a catch... There always is...






为什么我已经付36$ 却仍然提示我未付款 不能得到steam key


If there was a big publisher I wouldn’t pledge in the first place. Don’t disappoint. Big publisher got the tendency to fuck up everything they touch. It’s like Hand of Midas but instead of turning game into gold they turn it into shit, including the developer. If you wanna make deal complete this game first then. Don’t betray our faith.


BINGO found it! Look and watch what happened to the Red Alert / Command and Conquer franchise and games it's sooo sad. Red Alert 2 was amazing then it sold out to EA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcC7l8xEm0c


Got the money, lost the freedom, hope I'm wrong


This is very bad news. We will not get what we expected. I see no reason to invest my money in this void.


thats not what happend at all tho. and btw. RA2 was already under EA shit happens huh?



Master Yoda

Need to throw in my point of view too :) This dound a great news for you mate, so congrats first, next, I fear that if you accept their offer the game will go under directtion they want no more the way WE want, personaly I support your work for the VR version, and I doubt they will go for a VR version too, I do imagine they want a cash grab and would only want the pc version out as fast as possible to get the money back... but well that's my humble opinion :) Anyway, until then, keep up the good work and enjoy what you have done so far mate, if you are at this point of decsion, is because your work was noticed and you deserve this whatever happend next and your decision will be! Enjoy!


不完全是哦 我给你钱 你就得听我说的 玩家和创造者的想像发挥就被极限了 而且还要搞跨平台 像epic或Sony的平台会造成成品被砍成渣 资本的加入就是为了赚钱 游戏好不好玩他们或许不知道 毕竟他们就只是要赚玩家的钱 例子:赛博庞克

W Kisma

I have a bad feeling about that......



Michael Simkins

Yeah, that sounded too-good-to-be-true, I'm unemployed until I pass my A+ Certification Exam and pass with my official A+ Certification Card, so I refuse to work anywhere that can't use either my technical skills or my traditional illustration(anti-CGI & paper-only-illustrations) talent(s)!

Noneof Yourbusiness

People like that can only talk big. But little by little they will whittle it down more and more until the offer is at 1/10th of the original (if that).

Noneof Yourbusiness

OR, there are massive strings and conditions attached to the offer that you will only realize a year into the contract.


Interesting could be good to have more cash flow to hire more people and accelerate the pace. But I'm sure there will be strings attached especially with making it multi-console port and the uniqueness genre of the game. Whatever you decide I'm sure you will think hard on it. Best of luck and looking forward to more news and the release preview looks amazing as usual!


Why do I feel this has Epic game store written all over it?


The place I work at will automatically not hire you if they suspect you think A+ means something. Want to break into the industry at a help desk or something? Go straight for Sec+ and save you the trouble. That will also qualify you for other jobs later on. I wouldn’t even tell anybody that I have A+ at this point (long expired already).


~Cross platform~ Unless something major changes, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo policy is basically blanket ban on sexual content. A publisher using cross platform buzzword to mean only computers and phones is full of almost as much hot air as one that thinks explicit stuff will fly on consoles any decade soon. Do your own in depth questioning of the representatives and some people that have worked on previous games for them. Don't declare their name here till you know wtf is really going on. Dont give free publicity for lies. spitball calc - 17k patreons*low $4*12months ~ 0.8 milion per year. Average of 8 would mean 1.6 million. wowzers. At least you won't be as tempted to take a bad deal when you're in the same ballpark, or at least a tailgater, moneywise.


我只是希望 你们不会被骗




I've donated over $100 so far, so I believe I'll be able to get the Steem key as promised.




If it's not a porn or adult company it's surely limited some of creator freedom for sure btw i know you're busying with full version but you guys completely forget the point that no one here want Full Game we just need consistent game update Full Release can be delayed but i don't like part where Early Acess also been delayed




The amount is too much, will it be a liar?


Take the money!


Take the money and sell out. They want to flesh out the campaign mode, which seems to be your main interest. I don't think most fans really care much about the game and backstory you find interesting. Most just want a polished adult simulator. From what I've seen, the game mode is not going to fun or reason people load up the game to play. Harem mode and co-op mode, no idea who the hell wants that. Just take the money and refund everyone please. 2,000 people have gotten wise and bailed on your Patreon in the past month alone. We know you keep leading us all on with "it's almost ready" bullshit, just so we keep donating money every month, and for what? The promise of any extra costume or two? When the game is released, how much can you charge for extra costumes as DLC? A few dollars at most, but certainly less than a patron gives every month. Either take the money, sell our, and release a game with censored content, 6 months from now.... or.... stop wasting all our time and release another playable demo so everyone who has supported you for 6+ months actually gets something for their money. Oh, and stop wasting your time with Steam please. (I love Steam personally, but I'm being realistic). https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/erotic-vr-experience-holodexxx-has-been-rejected-by-steam The game, as it is now, will never get released on Steam, no matter what some low level reviewer might be saying. It would be up a week before the outrage from the woke and politically correct game review magazines cause Steam to remove it.


This month will be the last I pledge. I renewed my membership in hopes you would keep releasing monthly updates. At least with those I could see some semblance of progress. Then those stopped back in what? January? What did I get for around 50 bucks not counting the 25 I spent last year to secure my Pre Order? Some outfits. I wish your team the best of luck in completing this game. I however have lost faith it ever will be. I seriously doubt a publisher is going to hand out 15million without having a say in what they want. Good luck though.


I suggest release the uncensored game with harem mode to all the backers at the end of 2021. And take the money to make the campaign mode start from next year. I played the beta version its amazing. after add the harem mode it will be perfect. The campaign mode, to be honest i don't think u make any progress. Campaign is a part that causes tons of time and money to make it great. Otherwise the campaign mode will no better than a galgame. To make a good campaign u certainly need the money and help from others and of cause plenty of time. we backers are impatient and campaign mode is just candy to us. And we are very worried about the censorship from steam will force u cut too much interesting stuff. And rich company only cares about profits will pull the game in danger but the money also offers a huge chance. So this is a win-win solution. Please pause steam beta test plan to speed up and give us the game this year, and next year use the money to continue. So we backers get what we want and u get the money to make the game even greater. Just be caution to protect your work, make sure if the campaign mode failed, u still can come back to make fallen doll 2. Then I will support u again, thank u guy, u have already done a great job. 我建议制作组接受这笔资金。并在今年底,发布带后宫模式的未审核的游戏给所有捐助35+刀的patreon支持者,从明年开始同这个富有的公司合作全力开发战役模式。我玩了试玩版,非常惊艳,已经秒杀了市面上的所有竞品,拥有非常大的潜力。只是缺少多人互动场景,这个问题看演示应该已经在后宫模式中得到了解决。对于我来说,我觉得发售带后宫模式版本其实已经是一个完整的游戏。战役模式是一个吃力不讨好的模式,各个3A大厂都在想办法的压缩战役资金。战役需要耗费大量的人力,财力和时间。你需要优秀的剧本还要很高的可玩性,而Hgame又跟普通游戏不一样,玩家很难坐在电脑前十几个小时的玩战役,而不用抽纸(笑),那你们就还需要创新战役玩法,增加各种互动,增加趣味性,保证玩家能够耐心通关战役,不过这就已经偏离了Hgame初衷(笑)。subverse 就是一个很好的例子,沉迷游戏性,最终忘了自己是Hgame。而如果减小投入,那你们战役模式也就只能到动态galgame水平。而作为patreon支持者我们关注的只有三点:第一,这游戏不能有阉割,审核会毁了这游戏。第二,我们没有太多耐心,希望游戏尽快发布。第三,我们担心这笔资金流入会使游戏未来不明确,大公司插手游戏开发,使游戏面目全非,甚至流产的案例数不胜数。所以现在是一个很好的节点,建议暂停steam内测,这个减缓了你们的开发速度,而且带来大量审核问题。全力完善现有的后宫模式,到年底发布我们patreon支持者的未审核版本,除了没有战役,其他内容全部丰富可玩的版本,这对我来说就已经足够,而且就已经是市面上独一无二的。然后明年你们可以继续和这个土豪公司合作开发战役,完成你们的梦想,但是注意保护自己已开发的这些内容,确保如果项目流产,确保你们可以回patreon重新开发fallen doll 2,到时我还是会继续支持你们!制作组你们非常棒!


Oh we’re going all the way to the end of 2021 now? Lmao. Why would you even say that.


Wasn't there alpha test footage of harem mode, like, last week? Sure it's probably not the update you wanted but it's certainly an update with some progress.


I think the best-case scenario here is that this mystery publisher puts their support behind a sexy but not sex-filled campaign mode on whatever platforms they want, but allows the pc version to keep all its intended NSFW elements with the gallery and harem modes. Nekopara comes to mind. It's on the Switch, even though Nintendo markets itself as the most family friendly of the big three, but obviously the R18 content is not, and is PC exclusive. Best of luck on whatever path you choose to follow.


I've seen a similar offer made to an other game developed with patreon support... Sound strange to say the least. Same amount, not much infos said by the devs... Look like a scam, maybe.


别想key了,我从2月份等到8月份,steam key毛都没看到,之前说是6月份上架steam,后来又因为什么情况一直延期。


what about the steam release? We've paid now 7 Months without any update.

John Doe

Wow you guys have lost over 2,000 patreons in about a week i’d hope you’ve got something big planned for the end of this month or you’re going to start losing a lot more patreons sadly most are under the impression that this project is too good to be true and think this is becoming a scam


I'm just wondering why you haven't offered any update for the demo in the last 7 months. Preparing the steam edition is not a good excuse for me since it won't be bothered to put some new content in the steam edition into the demo. Even a few new sex positions in the update would be enough to please me every month, but you just gave us nothing but some costumes that could only be used in the "ready-for-sale" edition whose launch date had been delayed and remained unknown. I have no idea why you do this and I can't come up with any reason to justify it. So please, either launch the game in August if possible or give us something new, which we deserve, in the demo, because I have enough of throwing my money into the pond.


這是我這位小小玩家第二次發言 說真的有人要投資你們 這個跟你們對我們的承諾沒有直接關聯 我們只有看到承諾的延遲和七月的投票也未開始 這個月我也把贊助費用減半 因為感覺贊助也只是繼續聽你們的拖延的延遲 大家只想玩該玩的 如果你們的製作項目很大 那你們可以拿到那1500萬再去製作下一份遊戲 請不要“言而無信”如果你們懂得中文 在華人圈言而無信是很嚴重的

Altina Orion

I dont fully disagree with you, as i would love to take a look at new stuff, but im pretty sure they said they were focusing on other aspects of the game. They may not have anything new to give us that also works to the quality of all their other demo drops. I also dont think they would care too much if people dropped their support for awhile while waiting for new content drops.




...just release the game stop trying to get on Steam it will never happen. Nobody cares about story mode


Sadly it is getting reported by people saying it is a scam and publisher no delivering promise or anything. Steam is going to be this projects downfall.


I hope you give us something soon and stop worrying about steam. We are getting nothing for our money and at this rate you will lose most of your patrons. Multiplayer is disliked and will get shut down on steam if it gets reported that ANYONE is underage playing (easy to lie on steam) which will lead to them notifying patreon causing you to lose this page too. If nothing is said or shown I too will leave and list this project as a sham. You promised too much and it is backfiring bad. All you have to do is look at your numbers. 2000 plus patrons in a week? Multiple reports of nothing being done? Caring more about steam which is a shot in the dark? You are going to lose a lot more people if this keeps up.

Attila Balogh

I personally carry about the story mode...


Да успокойтесь вы все всë норм , создание игры требует больших усилий


Great news


так а какую игру ждем? какой геймплей? пошаговая аркада скрол шутер? что будет?




Just downgrade your pledges to 4$ a month until new updates are released.


geez then dont dont cry when you dont get all features in the game and stuff why so eager what you going anywhere


they havent lost that many just so you know u all talk dudeand if they cared about money they would have taken the offer from Xvideos so yeah cry all you want but i rather get a good polish game with 0 bugs over a crappy game with only a sex mode


dude i see so many people crying over here what u need to masturbate this bad god damm have self controll pathetic just wait and get a good game and not another cyberpunk or get a shitty game cyberpunk 2.0


I think it's more of an issue of people are paying for nothing in return. You reasonably expect some content in return for what you're paying to subscribe regardless of it being a 3A RPG or a hentai game.


What a knight lmao. We’re not asking for the final product you weirdo. We want playable updates. Something we haven’t seen in months.

John Doe

I’m pretty sure you haven’t been supporting these guys for well over half a year with nothing in return so stfu how’s your patreon account going lmfao


I can see you are a man of integrity, sir. Therefore, I strongly suggest you donate 15 million dollars to them for making the masterpiece without any requirement. Only then can a piece of art be made!








Man...y'all need to chill the fuck out.. You can pause backing if you don't want to keep giving money while there aren't any playable updates. Game development takes time, even more so when you make some thing to the degree they're making it. If you're so desperate to fap go to porn hub. I'm so excited for a game to finally take the time to combine decent fun gameplay that includes adult themes, and with excellent quality no less.


You should link up with nightbreaker, yall gonna be best friends lol.


You must understand that ,Your game is based on the r18 and some strange things,we do not support anything like the phinoex point or Xcoms。




yes , game development takes time we all get that. but why we have to wait until everything is done if we could just get an update of the things that have be done right now and get the other stuff later. another problem is that an update was promised for June, later it was "its coming soon" then again later is was "in a few days" but nothing happend. just a dev only alpha rather than the promised playable beta. ofc poeple cant wait like that.


I do agree the first part, but just in my stand, a game based on a good story and gameplay with r18 is way much better


Take your time and make whatever decision you think is right. I'm hoping you're ignoring/ not being pressured by a lot of these comments (and not just the ones on this post) because most of them just seem fucking stupid, and the other portion I can't read because idk the language it's in. :p


yeah take ur time, we only wait 2 months since the promised release date and 8 months without any playable update when we normaly had an update every month. but hey in the meanwhile we have the awesome outfit bundles we cant make any use of. its so nice supporting this project all the months for nothing, am i right doobiebrother? eh wait ur not even a patron...

Steven Mathew Wonder

Make sure you read everything they give you, hire a lawyer too, don't fall into the trap of no man's sky and be at the mercy of the publisher


I hate loot box



