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Finally we have come down to the actual gameplay part. Knowing how curious many of you are, I'll cut to the chase right away.

The Campaign is consisted of two intersecting phases: The turn based Investigation phase and the real-time with pause Combat phase.

The Investigation phase is comprised of events, strategic decisions and resource management. The Doom Clock is the central piece of this phase: you are essentially competing with time in the endeavor to fend off the looming darkness, if the Doom Clock reaches zero and the Ancient One awakens, there's little chance it can be stopped in its track of devastation.

Every player action reduces the Doom Clock by a certain amount, and some enemy agendas will accelerate the countdown. Moving on the strategic map (like driving from Neo Arkham to Neo Innsmouth), using certain skills, carrying out investigation efforts all consume time. As soon as the Doom Clock comes down to zero, a dreadful Doomsday Event will be triggered and depending on the Ancient One you are facing in this run, different fatal penalties will be applied to the investigation and combat for the rest of the run, snuffing out hope with a deadly grasp thereafter.

There are a plethora of Ancient Ones you shall face in the campaign, but the investigators have no clue which Ancient One is behind the chaos for this run at the beginning of the game. To unveil the lurking nemesis, you have to collect Clues throughout the investigation across the Neo England Colony and beyond.

As your knowledge of the Ancient One grows, it will also notice your presence in turn and start to display its true form. Powerful modifiers will gradually come into play as you collect more Clues: Shub-Niggurath boosts monster spawn rate, Yog-Sothoth creates gates which must be closed to thwart the onslaughter, Nyarlathotep makes investigation more difficult by producing misleading clues and fake information. Azathoth is the most quirky one: it does not bring much maluses until it's too late: when the omnipotent Outer God awakens, its Doomsday Event will spell total annihilation and immediately end the game.

Some Ancient Ones share the same early warning events: for example, Abnormal Tides and Deep One Invasion may be a consequence of Cthulhu stirring in its slumber, or Ghroth drawing near Yuggoth and forces the planet into a tidal lock with its astronomical gravitational pull. So you will only get to know who the villain is exactly after several investigation stages. Upon successfully extrapolating its true form, Dr.Anya will start brewing battle plans to strike at its heart (if it has one) and stop the Doom Clock countdown once and for all.


Fallen Doll: Operation Lovecraft Event Art - Primordial Patterns

One of the campaign's Investigation Phase event art. Used in the dev diaries of Fallen Doll: Operation Lovecraft. https://www.patreon.com/posts/43625581



What the fuck i cant even start the game what kind of scam is this!!


getting strong ARKHAM HORROR boardgame vibes


Wow, that looks cool! Awesome concept :) I generally very much love Sci fi.


How does the church of starry wisdom faction fit into this?


Epic gamer moment


This is a most excellent concept, i feel if playable and recruitable characters like alet were part of a squad and doomsday clock was kinda like xcom, perhaps if the combat was like xcom it could yield some super sweet gameplay since thats the vibe im getting


Very interesting, I like it


Is Alet pronounced aye-lert or ah-let?


Alet is a name of Dutch, German, and Scandinavian origin. Pronounced as aa-LEHT. Her name itself is an initialism of "Autonome Leibwächter Einheit Testmodell", "Autonomous Bodyguard Unit Test Model" in German.


Sounds like an interesting game and I like the early warning events aspect of it.


Interesting concept and the clip looks amazing.


Let's go! More gameplay info~~~ Can't wait for this.


This sounds like a real game that you can actually have fun playing and not just a porn game where the gameplay and story are just there to support the sex scenes... This is turning out to be a masterpiece. I see that one the bosses is Nyarlathotep and I remember that she was a votable character in some previous polls... Will there be sex scenes with bosses? Sounds like a great revenge


Who will the player actually Play as?


How will the sex scenes fit into this? Are they integrated into the story or completely separat?


What we have now is the unlockable gallery. I'm guessing some of the scenes will be based on defeat sex and in game events.


Story mode Doesn't work :(


Its not implemented atm. The button ingame is a placeholder.




I can't play the Story Mode... is there anyway that any of you are enjoying the Game?


I think the votable char was a pristress blessed by Nyarlathothep and not the outer god himself.


这是啥?What the hell is this?


The strategy mode sounds like XCOM2's world map and that excites the fuck outta me!


All sounds great, but when...




So is this like... X-COM: Apocalypse but spooky?






Play this game players in China steam estimation can't


story mode does not work


为什么我赞助了 还是无法进行战役模式


story mode plz


It's been more than half a year and we still can't play a single campaign :( 见鬼了你们steam不转区的吗

Krieger San

So I gather story mode is not implemented yet, and it's on the website just to mislead?


Yeah. The New Game -button opens up a weblink, and got here from pressing "Part 3" link text. Have you mentioned somewhere that this Story Mode is still an ongoing process that isn't yet actually available...?

