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We have finished packaging and debugging the latest update, start uploading soon. The game will be uploaded to four file storage sites (Mega, Mediafire, Google Drive and Baidu) this time so it could take some extra time.

Due to popular demand I summarized and posted the statistics yielded by this year's monthly polls for better understanding of the logic behind our decisions regarding the development direction.




its hard being in the minority


its really disappointing to see more monster scenes. i absolutely love this game/app but im not in to the whole monster thing. :(


Is there a way to request quality of life changes like controls or visibility settings? I've been trying to comment and message but received no acknowledgement whatsoever.


Thanks for the statistics. I


Can you elaborate? I'm now flooded with messages and Patreon only displays the latest a couple dozens of them, so it is very likely i did not see it. If you have suggestions or questions please make a post in the community section, otherwise there is a high chance that your message does not reach me.


Hell yeah! More Anya! Ohh and Erikas high heels




Well fallen doll has been abandoned for operation lovecraft who's more turned into scifi/monsters and it looks like the majority of people want it so they wont stop all the monsters things. But to be honest it's not like if the game quality has lowered, it's more the opposite textures are improved every times (look at the feets now) and the physic become better and better (we wont talk about the new character who have fucked up boobs) and god the graphics, they are so far ahead from Illusion's game, who are the pillar of these games industry, the only thing that made them better are all the moddings support. The most disappointing part is that we don't have enough customisation settings.


I wonder how long it will take to upload. I can not wait any longer.


I want story and gameplay for this game so badly, I am sadly not a fan of just having "a Gallery of the scenes". They do look very good and all tho. I just dont get that much fun out of the game because of the missing Gameplay.


Ikr... but this is reality. Btw my favorite things are not even in the list😣


Better make a shortcut for invisible mode on/off, and transparency, eyes/head tracking too...

Christophe Perrin

It is time for some gameplay. As it is now, there is no game, just an animation gallery. (A good looking one though.)

Hunter, George

What about some SM content?


More vagina stuff? There's more vagina stuff then anything else lol, and feet? Bump the feet kids lol. Much disappoint bros and brodettes.


Galactea next? Yes or yes?


Always interesting to see the results of polls. I do hope for some gag so the girls can make muffle sounds.


new clothes are always welcoming!




Wait so is it dropping later on today?




Let's go 4 the feet !

Teh Pron

So excited!


I don't think you should mix January with April; we have more monsters now


Ahegao has the lowest vote in that section.... but can you plzzzzzz add more ahegao? 17% of voting is really not that low


Hmh ever since i saw the Idle Animation of the Deep One with Erika (Slapping and stroking her Ass) i really hope for a Button that lets us Slap dat Ass whenever we like during an Animation... i kinda just like the Sound she makes ^^


... i think it would just add even more flavour to the allready superb animations.. and also a bit more interaction... i don't really know if it's hard to implement something like this and what the technical problems could be but it would be really cool :) if it's too hard to integrate it in existing animations it could be implemented as some sort of "break" for the male performer where he slows down a bit and does the slapping and then resumes the original animation... sorry i know i clearly don't know anything about animating stuff.. i'm just brainstorming here a little.


How far is the uploading 😁


Is there a way to make breasts more real looking? They don’t seem real. On of the Best of what I have previously seen, but not ideal. Just a thing for future


How so? Do you want to be able to feel them too? They look real to me.

William Wilson

Please have at least some Tentacle action comming!!


Hope this drops soon!!! Can't wait to see what you guys have added. One of the greatest game dev teams ever =)


will there be more vanilla scenes for us boring people? while im cool with monsters and stuff, i want to see more lesbian and straight human scenes aswell.


Lesbian scenes there are 8 and they haven't received any additional in a long time. So this could use more variety, especially now another girl is added to to mix, so 3-way would be awesome or even 2 girls + dreamer and 3 girls + dreamer. I just think that since there is so much demand for dreamer scenes, they should just have someone work on that, while have another that can give time and attention to other scenes. As of 0.24, there's a ton of dreamer scenes for both girls and not enough of the others.


Everyone loves feet


I haven't gotten a response to my PMs for a long time. I raised my tier for this month but had to lower it again for next month. I know you probably get a ton of PMs, but I would really appreciate it if you get the chance to please take a look and respond. Thank you!


Come on people, we need some big donged gugs. Get some bulging animations eh.


feet is the most disliked sex pose... WTF?


Would really like First Person FOV without any camera shake.


It is so wasted not to make more animations for this flexible feet model


Nice job for finally making this happen. It helps avoid some worthless vote trys. And it feels good when I'm in the majority of most picks.


... I guess that means even more monsters stuff, huh. shame.


At least can we have one non-moster scene every release? there are three female characters now, maybe we can get one lesbian scene every once in a while.


They posted a new lesbian scene with foot licking, should be included


Yeah, they make the best physical collision I know in this business, a large dong would have the best visual impact.


Unless I'm missing something, I don't recall any recent lesbian scene being posted. and the new update doesn't have a single lesbian scene according to the list. =/


Oh btw, are the poll results after factoring in the Aristocrat's and Capitalists weighted voting power btw? Or are all votes counted as 1 point for the sake of these presentations? For example, a few Aristocrats or Capitalists hate foot fetish, their votes outweigh several hundreds of regular voters who do like that particular fetish, which can skew the poll results for us. although I totally understand how important weighted poll results for you guys, it'll be interesting to know what people are voting if all votes counted for one. ( if all votes are counted for 1 then forget about this stupid long message xd ).


I think there's is model clipping for both Erika and Anya's hair.


yep non so far you aint the only one waitin


It may be a bug that remains even if you change your position after feeling the liquid adhered to the screen after ejaculation with Alet Deepone Blowjob 01


I don't like monsters, monsters are disgusting, why so many people like this thing. I want more human sex scenes.


I don't like whiners, whiners are disgusting, why so many people whining. I want less whining.