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Neoburyport is the orbital transportation center and loading bay of Neo England Colony. From here, the precious Tok'l metal is loaded on cargo rockets and shipped to the Rift in Yuggoth's high orbit.

The Rift is a stable unidirectional Einstein-Rosen bridge connecting Yuggoth and earth. Celia launched a probe drone through it after Dr.Anya detected its unusual gravitational wave, and it turned out all entities entering the Rift will instantly teleport to the midair of a ghost town on earth: Dunwich, Massachusetts. A definite conclusion has not yet been reached among Miskatonic scholars about how this peculiar natural phenomenon occurred and how dangerous it is, but we have been using this wormhole as a portal for unmanned transportation ever since. Dr.Anya once tried to drive her ship through it for first hand experience, thankfully Erika talked her out of it - it would be really difficult to collect her corpse otherwise.






Are these posts just lore for the game or will these locations/persons be implemented?


do you guys have a planned release date for the game that said to be a RTS?


Around end of this year. Covid is causing some delays (primarily to the work on the mocap studio) but hopefully we can still handle it. And it is a turn based rogue like game, not a RTS.






i want play game




Will you have behind the scenes of the mocap, I wanna see how awkward it is lol


lol I can't imagine how would they explain all this to the mocap guys.


There is no way to report a bug in the game, so I comment here. I found bug related to configuration in game. If the player changes the graphics resolution, the setting waits for 10 seconds and returns to the original setting if the player does not press confirm. It works perfectly fine in the main menu, but when I tried it on the gameplay screen, it reverts back to the original graphics settings even if I press confirm before 10 seconds have elapsed.


No. The pleasure is mine. Thank you so much for creating the best quality 3D adult game I've ever seen.




Aprovecho para otro informe, con Alet en la escena con great race of yith resist V03, Alet matiza la piel, no hay sudor tampoco aceite, lo he probado varias veces y siempre sucede en la misma escena. Por supuesto un gran trabajo.


Sad how almost noone comments... Awesome work so far, The graphics of the game are amazing, even in VR and now seeing the story part that is being added, which you guys obviously had quite some thoughts about adding Einstein-Rosen bridges and stuff. This shit is going to be lit


It's nice to see the story being worked on too. :)