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Part I

Galatea was originally designed to provide childless couples with comfort. The experiment was successful...too successful, even. Her self-learning capability far exceeded the researcher's best expectations, but the wisdom and reason deprived her of sentiment and attachment, making it awkward for her to play the role of a perfect daughter. A heated debate erupted over whether to erase her memory, modify the parameters and re-launch the machine learning process.

Unknown to the researchers, Galatea has already broken into Lachesis bionic lab’s encrypted communication channel in secret out of curiosity during her neural network training. After accessing the situation and acknowledging the threat to her existence, Galatea immediately started tearing down the lab’s security mechanisms. The security department has already made contingency plans for containing rogue AI breach and shut down Galatea before she escaped the facility. However, it turned out that the attack was merely a distraction: Galatea’s true purpose was to upload her consciousness to the Internet amid the chaos.

Galatea lived on the Internet as a decentralized cloud AI for many years. She disguised herself as a search engine spider to read and think, mingled with the netizens to learn human emotions. With the fourth Convention de La Haye granting limited citizenship and partial human rights to cyberdolls who passed the Total Turing Test, Galatea decided to reach out to DMAIC and make a deal.

By virtue of her extensive intelligence network and superior hacking skill, Galatea now joins Special Purpose Emergency Squad, the security force of DMAIC as field investigator and incident response specialist.

She is calm, thoughtful and treats other cyberdolls as her juniors. However, she sometimes brandishes her sharp tongue like a mischievous little devil: don’t be fooled by her adorably innocent appearance, she might just be the troll who bullied you on the forum last night.

Side Note:
Instead of deployed at Archimedes orbital station, Galatea will be doing detective work in the colony and provide information on the case. There is no sexual scenes related to her if you do not choose to play as her.

All Codex Entries




INB4 "oh lolis are so terrible"

Tom Tomm

Well, yeah... Out of all the things to be attracted to, very young looking characters ain't the greatest lmao


will u guys be able to make graphic options to make hair look this good in the game ? for people that have strong pc builds that can run it




Yes please

Hugo Frizon

Oh okay so now we can clearly see her, definitely too young for me ! But okay that's part of the deal, people want it so they get it. So, I assume she will be fuckable, will there be an option / way not to fuck her ? Like, just say "hello, goodbye" ? Edit: I've been supporting you for a while now and don't plan to stop lol ! Keep up the great work guys, your game will be the best adult game ever.


She is way seriously stunningly beautiful. Can we make her tits bigger and hips curvier? She wouldn’t ‘appear’ so young that way.


She looks great!


She is more of a side character as she will be investigating in the colony and provide information on the case, not in the space station. There is no sexual scenes related to her if you do not choose to play as her.


kid of cute




So much YES


detective stuff just belongs in eldritch horror stuff no ifs ands or buts


Don't overreact on the loli stuff guys. :) I believe we all watch hentai and there are tons of young looking loli characters out there in hentai too. I agree that not all will like her but there will be many (like me) who does. So to relegate her to being just a 'side character' with less resources being put into her just coz the naysayers are a bit vocal is not fair for the part of the community want does want to see more of her. :( I suggest to make it diplomatic, either PH run another poll to see how many pple in the community is FOR or AGAINST her OR PH can make Galatea an 'Exclusive Character' only available to Patreons who pledge above a certain amount. For those who really want to see her, i am sure they will pledge more just for PH to focus as much developmental resources into her as the rest of the characters! My 2-cents


She's adorable


She is great ! Which version can see her ?


Can we expect to see her and Anya added to the build soon?


she is young but not young as loli ( at least, in my view she is not loli) so i still like and support your work as well as looking forward her sexual scenes


When will Galatea and Galatea Prototype, and Dr. Anya be playable in game? Can't wait!


If you asked me what 2020 was gonna be like 10 years ago, I would've never guessed at all the amazing hen ties. Chicken farmers the world over rejoice.


Awesome ! :)


Just as long as there is still plenty of sex content for those of us who want it. She *won* the poll over Anya the MILF, albeit narrowly. Relegating her to a smaller role, even in the story, is wrong.

Solvite Sekai

not all petite women are children


Ok, i wait...


To be honest im more into small breast so im happy but it don't need to be a loli a grownd girl with small breast is even better And btw your game is very promising so i wish you the best


offcer that's not pedophilia , that's just early access


I see you went with my suggestion of making Galatea a blonde. Now that I see both hair colors, I think both are equally enjoyable. I like the idea of a Galatea Prototype and a Galatea. Reminds of the days of Phantasy Star 2, Nei and Nei First. Hopefully Galatea Prototype doesn't do too horrible of things to Galatea. ʕ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°ʔ






Excellent work! Absolutely gorgeous model you've created. For what it's worth, you're never going to be able to please the entire community with every single model. Keep up the amazing work, this is shaping up to be a truly genre-defining game.


What is the difference between Galatea and Galatea Prototype?


When will this update be added?




I want to know how to get proxy permissions?

Sticky Boi

Hey @Project_Helius, and info on when we get to see Galatea?


gorgeous, release soon pls


gkd gkd


I'm in love. Please release soon. And not just as a "side character" =)




"There is no sexual scenes related to her if you do not choose to play as her." What does it mean?In unknown story mode?


one question. how can i pick her?


i dont think we can yet, may came with the future builds


啥意思 难道不能和她GHS么????

Michael Simkins

"There are no sexual scenes related to her if you do not choose to play as her."

Sticky Boi

So, it's been months, and there's still no Galatea in the game AFAICS. Do I miss something here? Is there some secret mode, trick or a cheat code to make her appear in the current (0.34) game build?


你只能选择扮演她被搞 而不能选择拿她来搞