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New enemy: Deep One Hybrid

10 new sex scenes:
Erika-Spawn of Basatan
Erika-Great Race of Yith
Erika-Hound of Tindalos
Erika-Mi-go Nymph
Alet-Deep One Hybrid

Motion blur effects

Skin pressing effects


Enable POV switch among multiple actors

Added confirmation check for resolution change


Textures become blurry with low graphic quality setting

Model clipping with Erika's stealthsuit

Animation and sound effect fixes

Fixed a rare crash issue

Fixed lighting flickers




Thank you very much Kami-sama. I will cherish this and continue to give the monthly tribute.




I can't wait anymore .can you send it to my email?834200838@qq.com




Is Dr. Anya in this update? If not, then in what update?


Previously announced that 0.23 version has Lloigor and Deep One. Why is there only deep one?


The laboratory is too small for the Lloigor - it is quite large. We are trying to figure out a solution atm.


i want story mode in fallen doll pls


这种突然的惊喜挺好 好过提前放出消息苦等


啥时候正式发售啊 想知道最后有没有中文 另外总共25刀就可以最后获取key吗


Thank you. Please upload to cloud storage other than Baidu, I cannot register Baidu account as I am not in China. Thanks.


Take it easy, Baidu is always the last one to release. Mega, google drive will be the primary choice.




0.23更新说明 下载链接会在一天之内更新。 新增: 新角色:Deep One Hybrid(那个蜥蜴人 10个新体位: Erika-Dreamer Erika-Spawn of Basatan Erika-Great Race of Yith Erika-Hound of Tindalos Erika-Mi-go Nymph Alet-Deep One Hybrid Alet-Dreamer 动态模糊效果 皮肤挤压效果 优化: 第一人称视角现在可以在不同角色之间切换了 现在在更改分辨率时,系统会询问是否确认更改 修正: 修正了低画质下画面会变模糊的问题 修正了Erika潜行服模型显示错误的问题 修正了部分动作和音效 修正了一个罕见的错误,此类错误会导致游戏崩溃 修正了光照忽明忽暗的问题




aaaa can't wait for dr.anya! she's lovely, heck all the girls are lovely!


我发现Lloigor 和 Deep One这两个特征描述在投票界面和之前的post里描述不一样 post里Lloigor 是” lay their eggs in warm, moist and dark caves“ 但是在投票界面是“Deep One (Fish people capable of laying eggs inside their victim)” 所以我想问是弄错了还是两个都有这个特征


The pose of Alet with the Deep One is nuts. The great Dagon himself whould be proud of you. Further I want to say that your designer (or you himself) do a great job in giving the beings in Lovecrafts universe their appearence. PS: Thx for fixing the low res. bug :-)


Hi, do you plan to add some hairstyles/nipples options for Alet, Erika... (like you did in Fallen Doll) ?




The Best of the Best! It is a pity there are no kisses, especially at the moment of climax, when face to face. Also, there is a lack of full-fledged knitting, in one of the positions.


I'd be happier if we could adjust breast sizes first. Like in fallen doll.




Thank you as always for the update but I'm surprised there are this many fans for monster stuff. Surely there are more fans of Girl/Girl scenes. Most of the scenes have monster stuff in it, and not enough Erika+Alet lesbian love! I would love it if there were more scenes involving the titular characters of the game together.


I'm not into monsters either and I'm kind of disappointed to see that almost every update is focused on those. I would be pleased to see updates on regular Fallen Doll, not only operation lovecraft.


I hope after the commentators above (about the disillusionment from monsters) you won’t give too much importance to lesbian scenes or scenes with a dreamer (of which there are so many) because for me I think many other things the game’s trick is monsters. Well, in general, thanks for the work and do as you personally consider it necessary, I think this is the best option.


Don't worry, they won't change because of a few comments, there's vote for it. Votes above all. And accordiong to the increasing numbers of monsters. I believe the vote is winning.


Waiting for download link orz.oro..


Waiting for download link too


waiting too

Solvite Sekai

When are we going to see the actual game?


Last post he said that a gameplay demo would be ready in 6 to 8 months pending how quickly they are able to set up their mocap studio


Thank you !


Sweet dreams, rest well!


thanks,have a nice dream




Nice. Every time between updates I forget just how good the game looks, then I open it and get wowed again. I remember a post from long ago about work on dynamic fluids, any further thoughts/progress/plans on that? Seems very difficult given that it often does not look that great even in a lot of pre-rendered stuff, but I think having more fluids interactions would really put you so far out in the lead from what's out there.


Where there is a Error Starting Program says: A required .DLL file, EKC6420.DLL, was not found.


Please make sure you unzipped the file completely and your anti virus application did not delete the file involved.


It is doable but dramatically reduces the framerate, so we decided to put it on hold.


Alet-dreamer scene with Alet bound to the small barrel is bugged. the cum stain is placed on camera, not on Alet's body. It also can't be cleaned. Confirmed on Desktop version.

Soonkee Kweon

Thank you! I'm so happy!


You named the 0.22 download "Paralouge" and did it again with .23. You know how it should be spelled. :P


Thank you very much


Wow I didn't realize how slow mediafire is, I hate how obfuscated Mega is but ig I'll use it.

Avery H. Mavery

I love all the different creatures being added so far.


Yith Resist 1: POV facing wrong direction Loving the choking scenes, need more! Is it just me or is there heavy LOD settings on hair and stuff now? The lower quality is bugging me. A lot of the poses in this release seam a little rushed with animations and sounds. But IK its a WIP


Thanks for the updates! POV mode in Erika/Alet Lesbian Mode not enabled though. Possible to add that into the next update? [SUGGESTION #1] For us who feel that the screen UI is a bit "crowded''. possible to make the options in the different menus collapsible (eg. like the top menus at https://www.livechart.me/spring-2020/tv). I feel this will allow the players to enjoy the full screen of the game w/o all the menu distractions. [SUGGESTION #2] Make the selected options in the Scene menu "Highlighted". For the Scene menu, can you allow the player to see which scene option is currently enabled so we can navigate easier? At the moment there are a LOT of scenes (good problem!) but w/o highlighting which scene we are currently on, we sometimes click on the same scene again during selection, which can be mildly frustrating. [SUGGESTION #3] For new Scenes, add a NEW symbol by the graphic so we know which scene is new and which are from the previous builds. Cheers and good job so far!


When zoomed out hair, Erika's especially, seems a lot more jagged now. Anyone else noticing that?

Juha Linna

One old annoyance of VR controls. Please add toggle for rotation direction. It's now opposite how other games are working.




how does switching pov work?


How do I save my settings? Even when I go back to menu all my settings are lost.




i can't download anything from the website because it fails to authenticate my account. Made a pledge and both Patreon and my bank say it has gone through. This has been like this for a week and Helius has failed to help. Anyone have something that could fix this?


Logout, clear browser cache, and refresh the page with "Ctrl+F5" then login again. If the issue is on your end then that might do the trick.


我还是更喜欢Erika的短发造型 什么时候能在新游戏里加入发型定制功能啊。。期待




I was downloaded and the new version is the same with previous version, there are no new scenes, what happen? @.@


A required.DLL file,EKC6420.DLL,was not found.这个问题如何解决啊




It's nice but why was the pubic hair added? can you remove it completely?




Great job keeping this update under wraps till you were ready to release it. - The leg seams that connect the upper leg to the lower hip continue to be a issue with seam tearing. It's present in both Alet and Erika and are most obvious during doggy style positions. - Semen effects both ejaculation and stains are not present with some animations. - Erika Eye and Head tracking is not responding with some blowjob animations. Headtracking I understand as it may intefere with the blow job animation. However Eye tracking should be working. Kinda hot to have Erika look at camera for BJ while giving BJ to Dreamer. A few questions.. 1. Shouldn't the facial expressions of the girls change dependent on the mood? Angry with Deny. Sad with Resist. Ahego for Indulge. The emojis you selected as the graphics for each R.A.I.D.S. theme hint towards this already. 2. Will you be expanding upon on the basic physics of Sex using Unreal Engine physics engine and AI? Cream Pie effects such as dripping vaginas for Cumming Inside. Cum Inflation for Cream Pie multiple times? Urination for multiple vaginal orgasms (basically a long sustained stream if girl cums 4 or 5 times). Dripping cum off body for multiple bukkake on outside of body. Another example, Cum on face / gets in eyes / results in Girl closing her eyes. 3. Other then Doomsayer, will you be increasing the number of Human Men ?


"Cream Pie effects such as dripping vaginas for Cumming Inside. Cum Inflation for Cream Pie multiple times? Urination for multiple vaginal orgasms (basically a long sustained stream if girl cums 4 or 5 times). Dripping cum off body for multiple bukkake on outside of body. Another example, Cum on face / gets in eyes / results in Girl closing her eyes. " - This would be awesome


Can u create another payment?We can not use paypal in China,but we really want to play this game.Thanks!


Great job! Can`t agree any more. Expecially about the question 1: --The facial expressions of the girls change dependent on the mood. --I noticed it had a few expressions change. --But we need more!!!!!!!B(゚Д゚)B


The problem with the dissapearing textures on low resolution sadly persists. It happens everytime after a few minutes into the game


Is there a way to set graphic and customization settings back to default? I messed around a little and now I can't get things looking like they should.


Great update once again. There are some things that I've noticed though: 1. Erika+H. of Tindalos Vaginal 4 is missing. 2. Erika+Dreamer Vaginal 7 still has clipping after the creampie. 3. Alet+Spawn of Basatan Vaginal 5 has a really annoying thumping sound that doesn't sound like it's really intended. 4. The Deep One Hybrid scene doesn't seem to have any vagina collision - a feature/effect that is a selling point for this game in my eyes. Other things that I would still like to see, are better facial animations for Erika's older scenes and sound even when the game is not focused. Keep up the good work.


delete C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Paralogue\Saved\SaveGames\Setting.sav We'll add a restore button in future builds.


no problem, we will work a bit more on erika's facial expressions.




I am $24 in total for your patronage of the Patrion this month. Can you get a steam key when the game is complete without me sponsoring your Patrion later?


more footjob


For some reason at the start of the game the camera is outside the room (in the black void) and I cannot get it inside. Switching to 1st-person brings it in, but switching back will send it outside again. Resetting camera view does not help either. Suggestions?


Can I play all versions of the game for $24, or do I have to pay every month?




This version runs alot better on my laptop,

Hunter, George

Graphics of version 0.22 seems to be a lot better on my PC. Version 0.23 is not looking such as crisp like before. What about a HQ-Version and a LQ-Version?


what's activation key?


您好 我25美金的一个月已经过了 您能不能帮我看看等正式发行的时候我会有steam key吗?


It seems to be alive and moving on my 4k display


I really like this game!And could you add more monsters like 26regionSFM's video? You are really cool!!!




Hi Project Helius Team, here are some minor gameplay suggestions i hope will make it into the next update. 1. is there a way to hide male model without disabling male genitalia like the previous fallen doll game? it's really hard to get good angles. 2. Additionally, can the automatic head movement in POV mode be disabled? it's really disorienting and keeps getting in the way of getting the right view. 3. please also let us freely move the position of characters. Sometimes, the objects in the scene like the chairs and bottles get in the way of seeing the actual characters. either have an option to make them invisible or let the characters move out of the way for a better view. 4. lastly, i notice that the camera is forbidden from going through the ground. is there a way to make it pass through regardless and make the ground invisible?


Site seems to be down at the moment


why i cant download the game? the site is broken?

Tom Tomm

website is still broken


Can’t open the website


Can’t open the website


Can’t open the website


I cannot access the website, is there something I need to do beforehand?


Website that lincs to the download is still down by the looks of things




A regular maintenance is being conducted by our hosting service provider on 10th of March. The maintenance shall last around 24 hours. I'll give you an update when the link is back online.


A regular maintenance is being conducted by our hosting service provider on 10th of March. The maintenance shall last around 24 hours. I'll give you an update when the link is back online.


A regular maintenance is being conducted by our hosting service provider on 10th of March. The maintenance shall last around 24 hours. I'll give you an update when the link is back online.


A regular maintenance is being conducted by our hosting service provider on 10th of March. The maintenance shall last around 24 hours. I'll give you an update when the link is back online.


A regular maintenance is being conducted by our hosting service provider on 10th of March. The maintenance shall last around 24 hours. I'll give you an update when the link is back online.


A regular maintenance is being conducted by our hosting service provider on 10th of March. The maintenance shall last around 24 hours. I'll give you an update when the link is back online.


A regular maintenance is being conducted by our hosting service provider on 10th of March. The maintenance shall last around 24 hours. I'll give you an update when the link is back online.


back up :)


A regular maintenance is being conducted by our hosting service provider on 10th of March. The maintenance shall last around 24 hours. I'll give you an update when the link is back online.




顺便问一句,如果一口气买一个95刀,之后停止续费,除了可以获得每个版本的更新以外,像这种codex或者monthly poll还能每月看看不?


Update: Maintenance completed, the download links are active now.

Tom Tomm

A bit of feedback : - I see you're using outline for cheap shadows, that's alright, but whatever shader you're using is not VR compatible as it's only rendering in the right eye - Erikas eyes look very weird, they're either too smooth (as in smoothness shader) or they're not deep enough in the eyeball sockets -There's a few poses where lights are flickering on some of the models, the most obvious one is with the Dreamer, the position where he's above the female model with her back on the table, during the sex anims, the light will continuously flicker on the female mode as if the light was passing through the male model during part of the anim ? It matches the speed of the anim - Index controller support is a bit wonky, the thumbstick and thumbpad do the same things, but it's very hard to use consistently. I wish the round menu only appeared if i clicked on the thumbstick and clicked again to make it go away -Your outline shader seems to render above menus, as text is stretched if characters move behind it -Even though my playspace is correctly configured, the main menu station/dock appeared below the ground -Please let us pick a scene and then let us move to it, the very fast camera movement to the scene makes sense in Desktop, but is awful in VR, especially with all the environment specularity/reflections -There is no sound menu ? Other than that it worked great, looking forward to more animations with the new creature !


A bit late but. When switching from the academia outfit to another it doesnt change. The academia outfit is always there.


I cant access the links at all lmfao


Edit: Please clear your cache before visiting if you are having issues connecting to the site.




Hi, if the $35 pledge is stopped, can I receive the new dev builds? Thanks a lot for this great job!


on mobile phone i can enter the website but on my pc not...


- Speed of download by Mediaflare is about 90 KS/s for me. It says that 12 hours remaining - I don't see any link to download from Google Drive. It's the one best variant by speed of download, but I can't get it. - I have not enough traffic quota to download by Mega.nz, because file size is big enough. So it wants and extra payment to extend this quota, but I don't want to pay any more. I think that quota is too low. And buying subscription in order to download 2 files a month is just a nonsence - Baidu - I can't understand what it's written, because it's in Chinese or some language with hieroglyphs. But I am Russian. And I can understand onle Russian, English and German languages. By clicking for random buttons it seems that it wants me to install some extra downloader. But I don't want to install some useless programme with malicious potential in order to download a one single file. I believe that your game deserves some normal distribution platform like Steam or itch.io or something else that at least can provide a simple way to download by people who pays money without extra bullshit.


我刚才尝试的赞助了4美元一个月 怎么下载?现在玩的都是破解的!既然你们这么辛苦制作出来我觉得我不应玩破解游戏~!


全是英文 看不懂啊 文化水平低


At least speed of download by Mediaflare raised to 0.5 MB, so it is possible that I could get it today. Usually I have no problems with download speeds. Games from Steam are downloaded at 7-8 MB/s stable.


This is ridiculous. I have been trying for 2 days to download this game and still havent been able to because of this site its hosted on. Ive tried different devices and clearing all browsing data including cache and it just will not f***ing open. Connection refused. What a joke. Why are we paying for patronage when we cant even access the product


Just give us a direct link to the google drive folders




In that case, use chrome's incognito mode. If the problem persists, it might be related to your internet service provider.


Edit 2: We recommend visiting via chrome if you are having issues with the download, although it is very unlikely to happen.


Try again. All other patrons who submitted the same issue yesterday have no problem with the links now.






不是国人 只是制作组有国人 steam国区没有这类黄油 只有劣质小黄油




所以说 打开游戏时说 Ekc6420.dll 找不到是怎么回事


Too much monster stuff. I don’t know about This anymore


Ever since the first Fallen Doll: Operation Lovecraft, you really out did yourself. I just wish there was more. 2 fat spaceman threesome, a change of background and more customization. I'm just asking alot, I know this came out in the summer. Keep up the good work!






如果我赞助3个月的8美元,然后取消,等游戏发布的时候 我能获得这个游戏吗?

KOR HyperTiger

I am getting over 50 ms response time with VR. I tried to reduce quality of graphics or Hz 144 to 80 but no luck.

KOR HyperTiger

I have an I7 processor with 32gb ram and RTX 2080 I am sure it's more than enough. other than that, your game's optimization is poor.


waitting for new update!!!!!! i cant wait anymore!!!!!

KOR HyperTiger

no way. my VR is Valve Index bought in Jan. 2020. if my VR is rig of specs. none VR gear can handle your game.